The Cop's Abduct

By introvert_2001

77.6K 2.6K 344

loveseries#2 Cover credits: @AMBER_0501 " Commander Deepak Kashyap here, there are no traces about Dr. Mehra... More

Clash of Cars
The 3 Star Thieves
The Start Of New Tale
The Casanova
Falling For Her
The Holi
The New York Trip
Dr. Mehra & Mr. Vohra
The Marriage Threat
Confession & Rejection
The Missing Report
Alone In The Island
Suggestion Please.....
His Sweetheart
The Engagement
The Stained Shirt
Tied Together
Blazing Ires
The Cozy Night
The Murder Mishap
Formula Of Pain
Enigma Of Pain
Calm & Indulged
Back To Square
The Desired Punishment
The Blood Shred
The Sleeping Beauty
Ethical And Unethical Porn
Please.... Just One Kiss
His Self Destruction
The Sexual Desires
Do I Love You?
The Actional Proposal
The Drunken Confessions
The Consoled Nights
The Naughty Mammals
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The Glimpses Of The Past
The Ku-Chi-Koo
Dancing Desires
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New Book Alert!

My Adorable One

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By introvert_2001

Adi's POV:

" Sweetheart?" I called her and she is not even opening the door. I pressed my finger against the sensor and it was unlocked.

" What happened?" I asked her who looked depressed sitting on the vast bed.

" Adi, the toilet is cold. I'm unable to sit on it." She said with the tears in her beautiful doe eyes.

Aww.... How much more cute can she be?

" You must have turned on the warmer baby sweet." I suggested and took her hand.

I switched on the warmer and the tiles along with the sanitary equipments turned warmer.

" Come on. Go and try now. Take a bath. I'll be waiting for you." I spoke gently against her cheeks.

A small grateful smile crossed her lips and she nodded at me.

I just hope she doesn't behave as crazy as Advi with the pregnancy harmones at it's peak.

She came out wearing a black off shoulder one piece and trust me , I gave away my heart to her that moment.

Her little baby bump is quite visible that I had an urge to caress that.

Can't this woman stop seducing me with her innocence?

A part of me just want to hold her and gently make love to her.

" Are you comfortable in this Sweetheart?" I asked when I saw her adjusting her sleeves.

" Yeah I am. These sleeves are long and clinging to my palms. It's kinda irritating." She said pulling her sleeves back. I chuckled and walked to my baby to adjust them. I fold them back and she grinned at me.

I can do anything for that damn smile.

" You look so pretty." I gently pecked her forehead making her blush.

" Thank you. You don't look bad yourself Adi." She whispered trying to hide her blush. A hearty laugh left my throat seeing how adorable she is.

" Shall we go?" I asked and she nodded. She grabbed a pair of heels and slipped into them.

The chauffeur opened the door for me but I politely rejected his advance saying that I wanna take my wife myself.

" But sir...." He tried to speak but I cut him off.

" Let me." I said and opened the passenger door of my personal  Rolls Royce.

" Show off." My wife muttered and I smiled to myself.

When will she get used to these luxuries?

I drove the car in silence with the radio being played in the back ground.

Nithya kept humming everytime that's being played. It's like she knew every song out there.

I stopped the car infront of the pub and looked at my wife whose eyes are wide like saucers.

" STRIPS?" She screamed in horror.

" Did you just bring me to a strip club you asshole?" She yelled turning furiously towards me.

I held her hand and laughed. She's looking hot when she is in the aggressive mode.

" The name of the pub is strips. It's not a strip club." I laughed and she is in the loss of the words.

" I don't mind if you want me to take you to the strip club!" I whispered winking at her.

" You shouldn't see anyone naked /stripping other than me." She yelled hitting me.

I looked at her amused with wide eyes.

Damn her possessiveness!

I guess she realised what she said, she immediately pushed me away and hid her face in her palms mumbling something.

" I'll see once we reach home." I whispered and pecked her scarlet cheeks.

I opened the car door and walked to her side forwarding my hand for her to get down.

She held her baby bump and got down slowly which is so enchanting and appealing at the same time.

I handed the car keys to the valet for parking. Once we are in, the music almost made our ears deaf.

We made our way towards the bar and I ordered myself a scotch while Nithya took a virgin mojito.

She is enjoying the music the DJ is playing sipping the mojito.

I gulped my scotch and by the each second passing, I could feel the sexual desires raising inside me.

I pulled Nithya onto the dance floor and she blushed seeing the couples grinding and kissing eachother at the corners.

I circled my hands around her and started tapping my feet along with her.

As the time passed, the music turned crazy making her sway like an enchantress.

I wouldn't have believed if someone comes and says me that she is such a good dancer during our wedding.

I pulled her to myself and I can clearly hear the sound of her erratic heartbeats.

Her mild vanilla scent is mixed with my wild aqua and citrus making me go crazy.

I pressed my lips against her and she immediately circled her hands around my neck. It's like a deep dwell where I kept finding more and more, the deeper I go.

Her hands grabbed my hair pulling them for attention. I slowly smiled against her lips and she awarded me with the same.

I gently nibbled her upper lip and she moaned in surprise. My hands tightened around her little waist making sure that I don't cast a hard grip around my baby.

As soon as she pulled my hair fighting with my tongue inside my mouth, I understood her hint. I parted my ways with her and attacked her sweet spot making her cry in pleasure.

That's so erotic.

I sucked her sweet spot and her eyes rolled back. Her legs started to shake making me smirk.

My eyes fell over a bunch of rascals who kept eying my wife since an hour.

I'm not a saint. I grabbed her ass cheeks and squeezed them kissing her hard.

A loud moan left her mouth when I went wild on her.

I hope those rascals got their answers.

" Adi, stop! This is not our bedroom." Nithya screamed in a low voice.

I panted and closed my eyes trying to control the inner rage.

" I love you Sweety." I mumbled kissing her cheek joining my forehead with hers.

" I love you." She mumbled and left a small peck on my lips.

" Witch." I muttered and I clearly know that she heard it. She chuckled and ruffled my gelled hair.

" I'm thirsty." She said pulling me to the bar counter.

" Coconut water for the lady please." I said to the bar tender and he smiled.

She was saying something and I'm looking at her. Her fingers are running through my hair making me wanna close my eyes. I don't even know what she was speaking until I saw a girl throwing a flying kiss at me.

I immediately grabbed my wife squeezing her asses gently. Even before she can register what I'm doing I started kissing her wildly making sure that the girls are having their eyes here.

I felt hard push and to be frank the chair saved me today.

" What the fuck is wrong with you today Adi?" She asked wide eyed.

The bar tender passed Nithya the coconut water with red cheeks. I looked at the girls and smirked. Nithya's gazes slowly turned towards where I was looking and she sighed.

She looked ravishing with her hands on the either sides of her waist.

" Let them know whom I belong to!" I snorted sipping her coconut water.

" Then...... Did you just grab my ass cheeks before too to let someone know that I belong to you monster?" She gritted against my ear.

" You are always quick at finding things Sweetheart." I said pecking her lips.

She heaved a heavy breath and sat on the chair opposite to mine.

The DJ changed the song while the rapper took the whole atmosphere to an another level.

She chugged the whole glass of coconut water and looked at me.

" Adi, let's leave." She said and I nodded.

I asked the waiter for the bill and left a check there.

Nithya was walking fastly and I need to tame her now. She is really angry.

I held her wrist and she immediately stopped. I hugged her from back and I could literally feel her outraging beats.

" Why?" She asked softly.

" I just follow one thing sweety. Grab her ass infront of the guys who want her and grab her ass infront of the girls who want you. That's it. Neither I share you with anyone nor I let you share me with anyone." I spoke and my wife rested the back of her head on my shoulder.

She was calm for few seconds and her cute small lips broke into a smile.

I pressed a deep kiss in her crook making her close her eyes in content.

" Let's go." She mumbled and the valet brought our car.

Once I made sure that she is comfortable, I let myself slide inside the car.

Zooming the car on the roads, we are hearing the melodies of AR Rehman in these silent nights where the crickets and the nocturnals are adding their noises as the BGM.

I looked at my wife and she is slowly slipping into the sleep.

She must be tired.

I suddenly pulled the car to halt when the police stopped me.

" Open your mouth." He said and put the breath analyser into my mouth asking me to blow.

I patiently blew the air and the cop who just pulled the analyser from the constable smirked at me.

" Arrest sir and get the car to the police station along with mam." He smirked and that bastard is eying my wife.

" I know how much I drank. And it might show 30 as the reading while the minimum reading can be 40." I said trying to shield Nithya with my jacket.

" I said it's showing 140." She said smiling showing his ugly teeth.

" Show me the reading." I barked and I saw my wife wake up flinching.

" What's happening here Adi?" She asked in her groggy voice.

" I'll take care of it. You go back to sleep." I said but she is drilling holes at him.

" How dare you raise your voice at the cop?" He yelled holding my collar. That's it. That's the end of my patience.

I grabbed his collar and punched his jaw making him fall flat on his butts.

" Constable, arrest that bastard! He chose to raise his hand on the cop who is on duty." He screamed and the constable looked a bit scared.

Nithya held my hand and her doe eyes showed fear. I kissed her hand and blinked my eyes assuring that everything will be alright.

He took me to the police station in my car and I smirked at the situation. This lazy ass brought me to the area which comes under my zone.

" Tara!" He screamed and a lady constable came out of no where. Isn't it the time for the female police to leave? I looked at my watch and it's 11:53pm.

" Ramu, file an FIR on this bastard for raising his hand on a cop and drunk and drive. Also check mam thoroughly if you find any drugs. Who knows where they may hide?" He asked sickly eying my wife's asserts.

I didn't realise until Nithya held my arm that I'm shaking in ire. He dared to comment on my wife?

I motioned Nithya to go with the lady constable and she nodded at me.

Once they came back, I made my love sit on the chair and sat on the floor.

These high heels must be killing her.

" Do you think it is your bedroom to romance?" He screamed and I continued to remove her heels and massage her feet.

My innocent wife is looking at me and that bastard alternatively.

" Sir, SP sir is coming here." Someone came and told him in a hurry.

This rascal immediately buttoned his loose buttons and kinda looked tensed.

I know Shantanu is here. He opened the door and he looked at me shocked. I nodded at him in no and he sighed.

" Sir!" Everyone saluted and Shantanu nodded.

I got up from the floor and set my wife's hair which is a little mess due to the wind.

" Why are they here at this off hour?" Shantanu asked in his grim voice.

" Sir, he raised his hand on a duty officer and was drinking and driving." He reasoned and Shantanu raised his eye brow at me.

" Tara and the other lady constables may leave. And no one will work after 9pm." I stated authoritively.

" Shut up bastard." He said and I sat on the table clearing the mess.

" Do you think this is your office?" He yelled and Shantanu is looking everything with a smirk.

" Tara and the other constables, meet me at the zone 4 PS tomorrow. It's my order." I screamed and everyone flinched.

I lifted the telephone and dailed to the ASP.

" Hello, this is IPS Adithya Vohra speaking. " I said and his voice came out tensed.

I put the call on speaker and I can see everyone's eyes bulged.

" I want you to check the records of the current SI of the forest circle PS and send me that by tomorrow to the zone 4 PS. I've also heard that he targets women constables stopping them from going home and addressing them vulgarly. I shall send the charge sheet by tomorrow morning and I want him to be suspended at any cost." I said glaring at that rascal.

He was trembling and is at my foot.

" Sir, please don't do this to me sir. I have wife and children." He pleaded and that rose my temper to the peaks.

" You must have thought about this before eyeing someone's wife." I screamed and I can feel the heat from my eyes.

" Adi, I'm hungry." Came my wife's voice.

She looked adorable yawning and scratching her neck. Damn! She didn't even have her dinner.

" What does my wife want for dinner?" I asked opening my mobile.

" Something light. Just some cheese balls and Oreo ice cream." She said and her puppy eyes are ready to come out if I reject something.

I chuckled and nodded at her.

" Shantanu make sure that he gets suspended and charge with all the charges possible on him. I want a new SI to be posted in a week." I looked at Shantanu and he nodded.

" I shall see your end." I warned him and turned to the constable who took my reading.

" What's the reading?" I barked and he immediately replied 22.

" Adi, let's go home." Nithya whined irritatedly.

Pregnancy harmones.

She would have behaved the same way even if she is not pregnant.

" Sir, who are you?" He asked trembling at the last.

" The SP sr. grade." I smirked and left with my wife.

By the time we reached the home, the guard handed us the food that I ordered.

Nithya rushed inside and I chuckled at her eagerness to get her clothes out of her body.

She changed into my shirt and sighed sitting leisurely on the dining table.

I opened the food and she moaned tossing the first cheese ball into her mouth.

I chuckled and looked at her. I tried to take one from her but she harshly swatted my hand away glaring at me.

" Give me one." I whispered forwarding my hand.

" ₹100." She said and it blew my mind. She is asking money for the food I paid?

" Bro! I ordered those." I said trying to take them from her.

" Ahhhhhhh.........." She screamed on the top of her lungs that I was scared Mom and Dad don't come here.

She screamed until I closed her mouth requesting her stop the drama.

" Stop. Stop. I won't ask you." I pleaded and she grinned.

She was eating them so sensually that the cheese is bursting over her lips. I know she is doing everything to tempt me.

She stopped and put the last ball in my mouth. I know, my sweetheart never disappoints me.

She opened the ice cream tub and dragged me inside our room.

I missed our time here.

I hugged her stomach and it growled. My baby must be really hungry. I opened the buttons of the shirt from the bottom while she is totally indulged in eating the ice cream.

" Is my baby hungry?" I asked caressing her blotten belly.

" Yes. Daddy was so inconsiderate to me that he forgot about the dinner." My wife said making the baby voice. I chuckled and pecked her belly button.

" Get up soon tomorrow. Doctor advised you to exercise." I sang caressing her stomach.

" Yaar Adi, please." She whined pouting.

" These are not gonna work when the matter is about my little chocolate." I said peppering kisses on her cheek.

" Adi please....." She asked cutely trying to tempt me.

" I agree that I'm seduced Mrs. Vohra but I'm not gonna give in this time." I said to her.

" Even Awan is torturing her there." She mumbled angrily closing the half eaten ice cream.

" That's called being healthy." I said kissing her shoulder.

" I hate you." She said and looked away.

" I hate you too my Sweet." I cooed kissing her hair.

" You are a sweet bastard Adi. You know how to melt someone's heart." She said irritatedly hitting my shoulder.

I laughed and pulled her into a hug.

" Come on. Go to sleep now. I'm gonna change and come." I said walked inside the closet.

I came back to see her already asleep.

If I wanna give one thing to you, it would be the ability to see you though my eyes Sweetheart. Then you would realise how special and beautiful you are to me.

I pulled her to me and placed a hand on her stomach. I kissed her temple and she is mumbling something.

I perked my ears to listen what she was saying.

" You are always gentle with my heart and a monster with my body." She mumbled and I chuckled. I pressed a firm and small kiss on her lips. She is much more precious than she could ever imagine.

I was frowning in my sleep when I felt the wetness on my face and neck.

I swiftly opened my eyes to see my wife looking at me innocently. This witch has casted some spell on me. I'm so sure about it.

The silver rays are making her body look tempting.

" What were you doing Sweetheart?" I asked panting.

" Me?" She asked guiltlessly. It's my harmones to be blamed that they are always on peaks when I see her.

" Yes." I said trying to catch my breaths.

I wiped my neck where she left her saliva.

" Don't you think kissing your husband when he is sleeping is a sin Sweetheart?" I asked pulling her on me.

She squealed and pressed her hands against my chest creating a little gap between her baby bump and me.

So fucking careful.

" I..... I was....." She was playing with the chain in my neck and I hummed.

I kissed her ears and her body turned rigid at my one touch.

" Why were you jealous back at the pub?" She asked trying to divert the topic.

Great! I too will divert you!

My hands crept under her shirt slowly inching up. Her uneven breath and closed eyes and indications of her diversion.

" I'm not Jealous. I'm Territorial. Jealous is when you want that's not yours. Territorial is protecting what's yours. And you are MINE. Just MINE." I whispered biting her Sweet spot.

A low gasp and whimper left her mouth as my teeth lightly dug into her soft skin.

I parted her legs pulling them around my waist. My hands reached her swollen bossom making her pant more.

" You...... You were harsh..... when you kissed me. It was wild." She breathed stuttering making me wanna dive deeper into this blame game.

I held her soft hair and pulled her into a deep kiss making her cry against me. Each time I nibbled softly she pushed more of her into me.

I squeezed her large breast and I felt the wetness against my cheek.

I parted from her and she opened her eyes. There is frustration in her eyes.

I gave a gentle squeeze to her and she opened her mouth in gasp. Her teeth are pressed against her lower lip to prevent herself from moaning.

" Please. No...." She whispered as I pressed my boner into her.

" Really baby? You started everything." I whispered sliding my tongue against her collar bone.

Her soft fingers dug into my shoulders as my hardness touched her.

I smelled the devine aroma of her wetness while she is squirming more and more bringing out the wildest thoughts out of me.

I opened the remaining buttons of the shirt and attacked her bossoms pulling her hands behind.

My lady arched her back giving me more access on her body.

" Adi....." A low scream left her mouth making my throat dry.

" Fuck....." I yelled and attacked her nipples making her cry.

" Adi...... My breasts are really sore and heavy....." She screamed and I stopped.

I thinking she is developing the milk glands.

I reversed our positions gently running my hood against her panty.

Her honey brown eyes are like the magnets drawing me towards her.

Her hand reached my neck and pulled me towards her.

" Faster please....." She pleaded pushing my short away.

" Is it safe to have sex now?" I asked. I can't risk my baby's life for my sexual needs.

" We can have sex only in the 4th, 5th and 6th months." She panted pulling my head into crook.

Her body danced for the every tune I played. Her each moan is like a music to my ears.

" Open your eyes.... Keep them open as I enter your depths." I whispered discarding the every last piece of fabric that's left on our bodies.

Her brown doe eyes shone in the moon light.

Her hands reached for my biceps. A sense of insecurity crossed her eyes which I immediately kissed away.

I entered slowly inside her and a loud gasp left her mouth. My hands automatically went around her waist and her head trying to get her into my embrace.

I looked into her eyes as I went deeper and deeper. Her eyes automatically closed enjoying the sensation.

I went so slow trying to touch the depth of her soul. It was long and warm. She moaned for the every little stroke and I gently hit her.

The sweat glistered on her body as her eyes looked hooded.

I groaned as her walls clenched aginst my length. I'm about to cum.

Her eyes turned wide as I infused my love seeds inside her. I kissed her temple and her stomach for waking my baby in our little love making session.

It went for the two more rounds and she finally gave up. Her eyes are drooping that my heart didn't let me tire her more. Picking up my shirt she was wearing. I pulled her sleepy form into my embrace and got her into it.

" I really enjoyed our little mid night love making session. We must often try this." I commented. A slow, small, tired smile broke her lips with her eyes still closed.

" I'm always ready for that." She mumbled against my chest leaving a small peck there.

You are a perfect best friend, perfect wife and will be perfect mother Sweetheart.

" Please let me sleep." She requested me adorably that I can't restrain myself from pecking her lips.

" Is it paining there?" I asked her rubbing her abdomenal region.

" Hmmmm....." She answered lazily.

" Shall I clean it?" I asked and her answer came no.

" Wanna secure my seeds inside?" I smirked and she immediately turned to me to hit.

" Shameless scoundrel." She gritted hiding her face against my chest.

" Where did this shame go when you were moaning under me?" I asked and she groaned.

Come on! I love irritating her.

" But you are not gonna get away with the exercises tomorrow." I whispered in her ear and there was no reply from her.

She slept!

I kissed her hair pulling all the rogues back. She snuggled more into me taking my sleep away.

You are My Adorable One.

With Love ❤️

Word Count: 4057.

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