Someday Soon (wlw)

By sanitx

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4.8K 107 18
By sanitx

"oh my goodness, josie baby please relax," i heard my father voice. he sounded panicky, somethings wrong. "baby, you're okay."

"mom..? what's wrong ?" my voice was soft. "is everything okay?"

"everything's okay sweetie," my dad assured me.

"everythings okay baby girl, just a bit of road rage, these people out here do not know how to drive, i tell ya," she says simply.

"we need to get off of these roads, the snow is picking up and the roads are staring to get slippery,"

"i agree baby," mom says lowly. "the next turn should be up here."

"oh my god, josie look out !"

i jumped up panicking as my heart raced and thumped out of my chest. i took a quick glance around me, noticing i was currently in my bedroom.

"baby are you okay?" dad, gosh. "you're panicking, another nightmare?"

i gave him a nod, "im okay im okay."

"are you sure ?" he says with a concerned expression.

"yes," i nod once more. "ill be downstairs in a minute."

"okay sweetie," he places a kiss on my forehead in which i smile. "also, Alyssa is here."

isn't she always ?

i sat in my bedroom now alone as i took in the setting, i could feel the warm winds brushing off of my skin. it was as cold outside this morning as others but the wind did cause goosebumps to form.

i sighed to myself before yanking the covers off of me, dragging myself out of bed. it was a lot colder but nothing i couldn't handle.

i made my way out of my bedroom and off down the steps, seeing Alyssa hanging by the front door.

"you look like death," i heard her comment.

"oh fuck off, Alyssa," i chuckled effortlessly as i went off into the kitchen, grabbing a beer. "i am death at this point."

"you're drinking this early?"

"i need one, my morning was hectic," i stated.

"really? try meditation," she lifted her brow. "it relaxes the body a lot better."

"beer seems to be doing the trick right about now," i shrug. "anyways, what are you doing here ?"

"i was giving your dad something," she explains.

"what, pussy?" i lifted my brow as i took a sip while eyeing her.

"your jokes are getting old, Alex."

"they're not jokes," i chuckle. "anyways, are you about to go?"

"i was yeah," she nods.

"go on," i say motioning her towards the door.

"don't rush me."

"no ones rushing you, if you're leaving then you should get going."

"whatever, bye-"

"i don't like goodbyes," i say suddenly. "i know we don't always see eye to eye, Alyssa but please stick to see you soon."

she gave me a nod before heading out of the door. whew, ever since i lost my mom, a goodbye never sat right with me and it never will.

i took a small breathe as i shut and locked the door behind her.

"everything okay, sweetheart?" i heard my dad's voice behind me.

"yes, everything's okay," i turned and faced him with a smile on my face. "i promise."


"it's the fact that's you stay here sometimes," i eyed Ava as i watched her dig through her belongings. "i hate our school's campus, its so eh."

"it's not all that bad," she shrugs.

"sure," i chuckle. "aren't you going to see Eli?"

"yes, if he's even here," she groans. "finding him is always so hard, geez stay in one place."

"why do you need to find him?"

"he has my paperwork, i asked him to help me fill it out because some parts were confusing," she stated.

"ah," i nod. "well come on, if you want to find the dude, we best get going."

"fine, ill look for my book next time."

we quickly made our way out of the dorm room and into the halls, which were crowed with boys. yeah ew. i was currently walking in heels which were killing my feet but the satisfaction of taking them off afterwards, lord.

i heard the whistling from every angle as we continued walking. men had to be men, fucking gross.

"looking good, Alex!" i heard from behind me. i knew that voice all too well, that one belonged to Evan. did he not learn from last time.

"you think you're too good to speak to us?" i heard another say, yeah, that was David. "boogie, women kill me."

oh? well you should be dead then.

as we were about to hit the corner, i felt a firm slap and grip upon my ass which caused me to turn around. i heard the laughing ring through the halls as they all cheered each other one.

i knew exactly which asshole it was, it was Evan. i blew a quick punch to his face, connecting my fist with his jaw. i swear you could hear it crack, oops.

"oops," i say with a smirk before walking off.

immediately i caught up with Ava, she was in the room down the hall. i stood out in the doorway, waiting impatiently for Ava.

"did you fix them?" she spoke softly.

"i did this one, only because it was the quickest one and these two? i figured out at r last minute but i managed," that voice belonged to the foreign kid that came here about two years ago, Eli.

"thank you, Eli."

"anytime Ava anytime." Eli was a sweet kid, unlike most of these little boys here, yes boys because men act like men. "quick question before you leave, are you going to that party, tonight?"

there was a party ? ew.

"tonight?" she blurted.

he gave her a nod in response, "i think Evan is running it, i don't know. many rumours are made but i do know its 9:00, exact."

"ill see," she says while peeking over her shoulder at me. "would you wanna go, Alex ?"

i shrug, "ill get back around to it."

if Evan is running it, maybe going isn't best but im always home, why not get out and have fun? you only live once.

"we'll think about it, Eli," she stated. "again thank you for your help, i owe you."

"im always here to help, my door is always open."

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