Second Chances: An Unexpected...

By tiffanygrayslife

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Part 1 of a Trilogy Cheyenne is both Autistic and visually impaired, and struggles with relationships, both p... More

Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Chapter 14
Chapter 15
Chapter 16
Chapter 17
Chapter 18
Chapter 19
Chapter 20
Chapter 21
Chapter 22
Chapter 23
Chapter 24
Chapter 25
Chapter 26
Chapter 27
Chapter 28
Chapter 29
Chapter 30
Chapter 31
Chapter 32
Chapter 33
Chapter 34
Chapter 35
Chapter 36
Chapter 37
Chapter 38
Chapter 39
Chapter 40
Chapter 41
Chapter 42
Chapter 43
Chapter 44
Chapter 45
Chapter 46
Chapter 47
Chapter 48
Chapter 49
Chapter 50
Chapter 51
Chapter 52
Chapter 53
Chapter 54
Chapter 55
Chapter 56
Chapter 57
Chapter 58
Chapter 59
Chapter 60
Chapter 61
Chapter 62
Chapter 63
Chapter 64
Chapter 65
Chapter 66
Chapter 67
Chapter 68

Chapter 69

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By tiffanygrayslife

Sméagol and I spent a few more minutes in bed, holding onto each other.

"Baby?" Sméagol said.

"Yeah?" I responded.

"Sméagol wants to go outside. Want to come?"

"Yeah, sure. Lemme just go to the bathroom, clean up, and get dressed."

"Alright. Sméagol get dressed, too."

I made my way to the bathroom to do my business and brush my teeth. Then, I went back into my room to put on a comfy house dress, and saw Sméagol zipping himself up in his onesie again. "You wanna wear your onesie outside?"

Sméagol smiled at me. "Why not?"

I nodded in agreement. Sméagol looked so adorable and sweet in those onesies. I honestly wouldn't mind if he wore them all the time, even in public. Would people stare at him? Sure, but whatever. If it made him happy, I would never stop him. "Well, I think you look really cute in those onesies anyway," I said.

"Awwww, you looks cute in your little dress."

I smiled and blushed.

"Ready, Precious?"

"Hold on." I grabbed my phone, and texted Hayley to let her know where we would be, in case she came back before we did. Then, I slipped my feet into a pair of comfortable sandals. "Okay, I'm ready."

Sméagol approached me, and lifted me into his arms.

"Oh, you're gonna carry me," I said, surprised.

Sméagol just giggled.

"Wow, you're strong."

"Oh, Cheyenne's not that heavy."

We continued talking as he slowly carried me out of my room and down the stairs.

"Yeah, I mean, you carried me out of the hospital," I said.

"And, Sméagol carries you from the car."

I loved hearing Sméagol use modern nouns like "car," "phone," or "computer." I don't know why. It excited me for some reason. Maybe it was because he was adjusting to modern life really quickly, and he seemed to like it a lot.

"You tucked me under all those sweater blankets, didn't you?"

Sméagol smiled warmly. "Yes," he said with a giggle. "Sméagol take good care of beautiful Cheyenne. Oh!" he suddenly squeaked.

"What's wrong?" Damn, that squeak was too cute. It made my heart flutter.

"My tail, Precious! It's stuck!" Somehow, he managed to get his tail caught in the banister.

"Oh, shit!" I laughed. "Can you get it unstuck, or do you need to put me down?"

"No. Sméagol can do it. Not letting go of my baby." He kissed my face as he crouched down a bit, trying to free his tail. "Almost, Precious. I almost has it." He tried moving forward, and his tail suddenly broke free, bouncing and springing in all directions. He squealed with laughter, making me laugh in the process.

"Oh, my God, that was too funny!" I laughed.

Sméagol's laughter turned into uncontrollable, adorable, squeaky giggling. "It tickles, Precious! It tickles!"

"What does?"

"My tail! It wiggles and bounces! It tickles my butt!" All of Sméagol's onesies were designed where the tail was at the bottom area of his butt, right where the incredibly long zipper ended. How Sméagol managed to zip himself up without zipping his gooch or his genitals, I will never know, but I guess he was very careful, or maybe he never unzipped all the way when removing them.

I roared with laughter at his statement, causing him to giggle and squeak even more. Oh, God, it was so adorable and sweet, his laughter and squealing. He sounded like a sweet, innocent child with a pure, loving heart. It always tugged at my heartstrings whenever I heard it.

Sméagol headed out the door, still carrying me in his arms. He carefully closed it behind him. He started walking, until we reached the field where we first met. He found a large stump, and sat down on it, cradling me in his arms. He held me close, and I nuzzled up against his chest. He softly stroked my hair. "Awwww, you're so beautiful," he said so sweetly. "You knows that, Precious?" He looked into my eyes. "Awww, Sméagol wish Cheyenne could see how special she is." He kissed my cheek and giggled softly. "Look at those little cheekses. So adorable they are, like a baby's face it is."

I blushed and grinned like an idiot.

"Awwww, look at that beautiful smile," he said in a cutesy voice, "those precious little dimpleses." He giggled and gently pinched my cheeks. "Awwww, so cute you are!"

I giggled.

He squealed happily. "Awwww, that little giggle, so adorable it is!"

I giggled even more, rubbing the sleeve of his fluffy onesie.

He gave me the cutest smile. "What's it doing, Precious?" he said in a cutesy voice.

"Your onesie is so soft and fluffy," I said. "It feels like a sweater."

Sméagol giggled again.

"Then again, you're a fluffy sweater."

Sméagol smiled, confused. "Sméagol is a fluffy sweater?"

I snickered. "Yeah. I'm comparing you to one, and if you actually were a sweater, you'd be the world's softest, fluffiest, cuddliest sweater."

"Awwwwwwwwwwwwww!" Sméagol cooed with a sweet, loving giggle, throwing his arms around me. "Here. Get up for a moment, Sweetie." I did so as he scooted back a few inches, and spread his legs out a bit. "Here, Sweetie," he said, gesturing to the open space. "Sit here."

I timidly sat between his legs, not wanting to hurt him, so I sat on the edge of the stump.

"Scoot back, Baby," he said reassuringly. "Come closer."

"I... I don't wanna hurt you," I said hesitantly.

"Awww, you won't, Precious. You won't. Come, sit closer to Sméagol."

I scooted back a tad. "Um... further?" I asked hesitantly.

"Awwww, come here.' Sméagol wrapped his arms around my body, and scooted me closer to him, until I was sitting right against him. "Baby, it's alright. It's not hurting Sméagol, no. Not at all, my love. No, it feels wonderful. Now, Sméagol be your sweater." With that, he wrapped his arms around me again, holding me tightly against his chest, and he closed his legs in a bit tighter. "There you go, Precious. How does that feel?"

I rested my head on his chest. "Amazing," I responded, "like a warm, fluffy sweater cocoon."

Sméagol sighed happily.

"Are you sure I'm not hurting you, though? Like, I'm not crushing your nuts?"

He giggled, and I felt the vibration of his laughter in his tummy and his chest. It made me feel all warm and fuzzy inside. "Awwww, no, Precious, not hurting me at all, no. Sméagol is very comfy. Never been so comfy."


"Mmhmm. Very happy Sméagol is, yes, holding beautiful Cheyenne."

"Spooning," I said.


"You're spooning me."

He giggled again, and once more, I felt his belly jiggle. "Sméagol likes that."

"Sméagol... you literally have the sweetest laugh I've ever heard. Like... ever, and... I love how your belly jiggles every time you giggle. It's so cute."

He giggled even more. "Awwww, you sweet little honey cake." He squeezed me tighter. "Oh, Sméagol so happy you're still alive."

I sighed sadly. "Me, too. I... I don't know why I did that."

"You were hurting, Baby. So much pain you were in. Abby leaving devastated you, it did."

"Yeah, I guess it triggered every bad memory of every person who walked out on me or bullied me. I was hearing the voices of people from my past telling me I was a waste of space, worthless, a burden, a shitty friend, and that they wished I didn't exist. I mean, I wasn't literally hearing voices. They were more like flashbacks, all of them merging together at once, until it became too much to handle. Then, it was like I heard them shouting, 'Kill yourself, you piece of shit. The world would be better off without you.' So... I grabbed a glass of water and a bottle of pills. The last thing I remember was washing them down with the water." My eyes filled with tears again. "The last thing I remember thinking before I blacked out was... I wanna be with Sméagol."

Tears began to form in Sméagol's eyes, too, as he had a crazy realization. "That's what woke Sméagol up."

"What do you mean?"

"I wakes up when you blacksed out. A horrible feeling in the pit of my stomach, telling me very wrong something was. You were calling for me."

"I guess I was. I felt so trapped, though, in that black hole of pain and torment. I didn't know how to escape. It seemed so simple. Just go wake you up, and tell you how I was feeling, but... I don't know. It was like something was holding me back from doing so. The notion that... I'm a burden to people, that's what stopped me. I leaned on Abby too much. I didn't feel like I could lean on you or Hayley anymore, or I would drive you off, too. That thought right before I blacked out, it was a desperate cry for help, but I didn't think anyone would hear it, seeing as it was just a thought and not me actually screaming for help. But... somehow, you heard me... and you saved me." I looked at him in amazement. "It's like... we can communicate, even without talking, like we can talk to each other telepathically if we need to. Like, before you came, I held that doll, and said that I really need you. You heard my call. You heard my heart, even before I knew who you were, and you answered my call in the nick of time. Sméagol, you truly are an angel of mercy and love and healing. Like, right now, I'm having no negative thoughts running through my brain, only happy thoughts. I feel at peace. Every time I'm in your presence, I feel so peaceful and happy, like everything's gonna be okay. Even when shit gets really tough, you always make it better. Just by loving me, you make all my troubles disappear."

"Oh, Precious." Sméagol burst into tears again. "You saved Sméagol, too."

"I did?" I was stunned.

"Yes, you did."

"How the fuck did I do that?"

Sméagol laughed through his tears. "You loved me, even before we meets. Never did it look at Sméagol, and see a monster or a villain. It saw the good in Sméagol, believed he deserves better, a second chance. My precious, I wouldn't be here if not for you. Sméagol heard your cries for help, even before you reaches out to me, before you knew anything about me. Then, I reaches out for help, my spirit."

"And, the elves helped you."

"Yes. Yes, they did, but none of it would've happened without you, my love. Then, you shows me I matters, that I deserves love. You were kind to me. Never judged me once, never lost patience with me. You helps me find my purpose. So long, I thought my only purpose was the Precious. Then, I finds the true Precious." He looked into my eyes. "You. You, my beautiful, precious love, my baby." As he leaned in to kiss me, he caught a glimpse of something from the corner of his eye. He backed up, and his mouth dropped open.

"What?" I asked. "What's up?"

"Yellow Flag Irises," he exhaled in elation, "Sméagol's favorite flower. I remembers. The Gladden Fields, by the river."

"Yellow Flag Irises are your favorite flower?" I inquired. "I didn't know that. Where are they?"

"By the water." Sméagol took hold of my head, and gently pointed it in the direction.

I scanned and focused very hard. "I see them!" I gasped excitedly. "Wow... they're so gorgeous. I can see why they're your favorite flower."

Sméagol gave me a cute smile. "Second favorite, Precious."

"Oh," I said, confused. "Well, what's your first then?"

He didn't speak. He just leaned in, and kissed my lips softly.

I blushed with a silly grin on my face. "Me?"

He giggled. "Yes."

I sank back against his chest. "Hey, Sméagol?"


"Can you please sing something to me?"

He giggled warmly. "Of course, my love. Come here." He wrapped his long arms around me again, and tightened his legs around me, so I would feel like I was in a warm, fluffy sweater cocoon. He kissed the top of my head, and began to sing me a sweet song, another one of his own creations. His voice was so pure, angelic, sweet, warm, and devastatingly beautiful. What made it even more heart-wrenching, but in a good way, was his very fast vibrato. I couldn't get over how much sweeter that made his already sweet voice sound, almost as if the vibrato was the unlimited amount of love, warmth, and kindness in his heart, dancing in his singing, adding to its beauty. I don't know how else to explain how it sounded to me, but God, I loved it.

I turned my head to the side, nuzzling up against his chest, but being careful not to get my hair stuck in his zipper again. He gently brushed it away for me. I felt more tears forming in my eyes, and I let them fall. His singing was too beautiful and wonderful; I couldn't help but cry. It touched me so deeply, just as he had, too, by being his kind, loving self. He played with my hair in an attempt to comfort me as I wept. Then, as he finished his song, he held me tighter, still caressing my head and playing with my hair.

"Shhhh," he said gently, "it's alright, my precious. Sméagol's here. Sméagol's here, Baby."

I held onto Sméagol for dear life, sobbing uncontrollably, but not in sadness. My tears were only of joy, gratitude, and deep, deep love for a beautiful, sweet, loving, caring, affectionate, selfless, talented, strong, amazing hobbit, and in my eyes, the most incredible person in the world. "I love you," I wailed. "I love you so much, Sméagol."

"Awwwww," he cried, "I loves you, too, Baby. So much I loves you, my precious." He kissed me passionately as the sun began to dip behind the trees, creating another rainbow effect in the sky. I remembered the last time I saw a sunset with Sméagol, and I realized that, maybe his loving, innocent, playful spirit was creating such heavenly beauty. It was definitely possible, since he was capable of making miracles happen. After all, look what he did for me. He went from being a fictional character in an epic story to a real-life person, all for me. I was blessed. I was truly blessed.

Thank you, God, I thought to myself as I held on tighter.

"Awwwwww." Sméagol giggled sweetly as he held on tighter to me, too. "My baby, I love you so, so much, and I always will."

Wow, what an angel. Most would say he's an unexpected angel. I guess I would agree with that statement, but for me, it meant something totally different--an unexpected angel who came from the realms of the fictional world to be with me, love me, and save my life.

NOTE: The mention of Yellow Flag Irises being Sméagol's favorite flower comes from the AMAZING fan fiction written by White89 from entitled "The Healing of Sméagol." Check it out here!

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