The Cop's Abduct

By introvert_2001

77.6K 2.6K 344

loveseries#2 Cover credits: @AMBER_0501 " Commander Deepak Kashyap here, there are no traces about Dr. Mehra... More

Clash of Cars
The 3 Star Thieves
The Start Of New Tale
The Casanova
Falling For Her
The Holi
The New York Trip
Dr. Mehra & Mr. Vohra
The Marriage Threat
Confession & Rejection
The Missing Report
Alone In The Island
Suggestion Please.....
His Sweetheart
The Engagement
The Stained Shirt
Tied Together
Blazing Ires
The Cozy Night
The Murder Mishap
Formula Of Pain
Enigma Of Pain
Calm & Indulged
Back To Square
The Desired Punishment
The Blood Shred
The Sleeping Beauty
Ethical And Unethical Porn
Please.... Just One Kiss
His Self Destruction
The Sexual Desires
Do I Love You?
The Actional Proposal
The Drunken Confessions
The Consoled Nights
The Naughty Mammals
Tresspassed and Arrested
The Glimpses Of The Past
The Ku-Chi-Koo
Series of skids
Drunken Discussions
Daddy Vibes
Back Home
My Adorable One
The Crying Exercise
Queen Of Dark Nights
New Book Alert!

Dancing Desires

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By introvert_2001

Adi's POV:

I woke up to see my little sweet sleeping peacefully on her stomach.

She looked tired and the tear marks are still over her face which kinda pierced my heart.

Her cries last night portrayed the agony she went for the few minutes. I still feel guilty even though she embraced me with so much love.

Her smooth back is glistering as the rays of sun pierced her skin. Her even breaths are letting me rest in peace for few seconds.

I kissed her scapella, as she likes to call her shoulder bone.

Her skin is burning.

I pushed her on her back and she laid there lifeless. Panick rose over me. I patted her hot cheeks and she didn't even respond.

" Sweetheart? Please wake up baby." I begged shaking her lightly. Her breaths are normal but she is neither opening her eyes nor her mouth. She is not even moving her finger.

" Nithya...." I cried patting her cheeks harshly.

Is this because of the last night? Did I force her?

" Please just open your eyes and look at me Sweetheart. Slap me if I've done something. Just open your eyes." I pleaded and there is no movement in her.

I rushed to the washroom and brought the first aid kit. I hurriedly pulled out the thermometer and put it in her mouth.

Every second I waited literally stopped my heart. I pulled out the thermometer with the shivering hands and it fucking showed 105°F.

How the fuck can I leave her unattended all the night?

And that's when I remembered Dr. Ahmed. I quickly called him from Nithya's mobile and he picked it up after few rings.

" How are you Dr. Mehra?" He asked in his usual voice.

" Dr. It's Adithya. Her husband." I informed him in a trembling voice.

" Is my child in any trouble Adithya?" He asked and I can feel that his demor changed.

" Sir, she has 105 temperature." I said.

" Was she alright last night? Was she sick?" He bombarded me with the questions.

" She was fit and fine yesterday sir. We even played at the beach." I said irritatedly.

" Is it? Then did she experience any kind of pain or may be have seen something that scared her a lot?" He asked tensed and then it hit me.

It pained her when we made love last night.

" Sir, does the women get fever if they are intimate with their partner?" I asked him directly. I can't play this hide and seek game.

" Did you consummate your marriage? " He asked blankly and I hummed. I literally can hear my heart beats.

" Yes. There are the chances of getting the fever if they are sensitive and feel more pain. It might be that." He said.

" What should I do now?" I asked him hesitantly.

" 105 is really high. You can't reduce it with some ice packs or tablets Adithya." He said tensed.

" She is unconscious doctor." I whispered and he hummed as if he know everything.

" Fill the bath tub with cold water. If possible add the ice in them and put her in it. Once her temperature cools down, feed her some food and give her some ORS. Take care of her." He said and ended the call. But before he cut, I heard him say, my child will always be in trouble when she is with you.

I sighed and looked at my baby who is sleeping. I filled the bathtub with the water and poured some ice cubes in them.

I hesitated to put her in it. She is sensitive and what if it hurts her? I touched the water and it gave me chills. Can my Sweetheart bear this?

I slowly put her in the tub expecting some movement but there was none.

I sat on the floor leaving her in the tub. I rested my head on the edge of the tub and tears drenched my eyes.

She is born to mess my emotions. She'll bring out the every emotion that's unknown to me.

I closed my eyes and it's stinging.

I heard a small groan and my eyes shot open.

Did she wake up?

I got up and saw her. Her eyes looked red due to crying and her nose and cheeks look really pink.

" You scared me." I choked and there is a small smile on her lips. She is forcing herself to smile at me.

" You enjoy seeing my plight. Don't you?" I asked angrily.

Her constant smile is really infuriating me.

She moved her fingers up as if she want me to pull her out of that.

" Wanna come out?" I asked glaring at her and she gave me a small nod.

" Stay there for some more time and enjoy." I said placing my chin on the edge.

She painfully lifted her hand and touched my eyes with her cold fingers. I shuddered at the coldness. Damn, the water is really cold.

" You cried?" She asked in a whisper.

" No. I laughed. I celebrated your illness." I screamed and she flinched in the bathtub.

Her whole body is drenched making my shirt look transparent.

" I'm sorry." I said with wet eyes. She gave me a soft smile and I asked her whether she wanna take a bath or not and she nodded in yes.

This OCD freak!

I drained all the water from the tub and brought her out. I settled her on the marble leaning her towards the wall.

" It's cold." She mumbled.

I hurriedly filled the hot water and got into it pulling her along.

" No soap." She whispered without any energy. I nodded and rubbed my hands all over her body.

She winced when my hands touched her virgina. I looked at her and she just waves it off with a smile.

How come she is so selfless?

I leaned towards her and pecked her cheek bone. My baby leaned onto me as if she need my warmth.

" You need a cold bath after getting out." I whispered and she nodded.

" I'm sorry." She mumbled tracing my scars over my chest.

" You should be." I said without looking at her.

" That shouldn't be your dialogue." My sweetheart whined.

" Why shouldn't it be? My heart stopped when you didn't respond. I went crazy for the time being when you didn't even open your eyes. Tell me, why shouldn't I be angry on you?" I asked rudely.

I felt her warm breath on my chest and looked at her. The warm tears are flowing from her eyes drenching my already drenched chest.

" I'm very sensitive to pain. I couldn't take the pain yesterday." She whispered against my neck.

It pricked my heart knowing that I'm the root cause yet I'm blaming her.

I kissed her hair and hugged her tighter.

" You are turning warmer. Let's get under the cold shower." I said and she have a small smile on her. Her smile is so contagious that even I don't know when I started smiling.

" Why are you smiling?" I asked trying to be a bit tough.

" I never knew I too need a cold shower apart from you." She giggled making my eyes wide.

So double meaning.

I looked away and got up with her.

" We still have our clothes on." She murmured.

" I'm ready until you are up for an another round." I said turning the cold shower on.

" Shameless rascal." She said glaring at me.

I smirked and kissed her nose.

" Put me down." She mumbled but I know right, once I put her down, she will directly land on the floor.

" You can't stand Sweetheart and don't argue." I warned her.

" Let me try." She whispered hurt. I sighed and put her down.

I closed my eyes as soon as I heard the THUP sound.

I looked down and saw her giving me a pout.

" I said you so." I said leaning onto the wall and looking at her.

She raised her hand and I swiftly pulled her into my embrace lifting her off the ground.

" It hurts like hell Adi." She groaned gripping my shoulders tightly.

I couldn't do anything other than kissing her pain away. I kissed the corner of her lips and sucked the cold water that's enjoying their warmth there.

I slowly stripped my shirt off her and saw the goosebumps due to cold water.

" You still smell the same. All Vanilla." I groaned nuzzling my nose in her crook.

Her hand tightened around my neck while the another hand have the death grip over my hair.

Gosh! This girl drives me crazy.

" Stop it Sweetheart. Don't tempt me. I'll make love to you senseless this time that you won't even have the time to moan." I said panting.

She moved her face away and touched her forehead with mine inhaling the deep breaths.

" I'm feeling dizzy. Take me out from here." She spoke pulling my hair.

I pulled the towel from the rack and covered her back as she is still stuck onto me.

I sat her on the island and swiftly wrapped the towel around my waist discarding the pants.

I placed her on the couch and grabbed the bedsheet removing and folding it neatly.

My baby sweet is blushing looking at the red blood on the smooth satin sheets. The symbol of our love, symbol of our trust, symbol of the pain she went through, symbol of our deed.

I placed that in my suitcase and she yelled at me "Adi, what the heck are you doing?"

" Securing the things which are mine." I responded.

" Adi, just put it in the bin." She said sternly.

" No." I said monotonously zipping the suitcase and putting it back.

" Don't be a creep Adi." She yelled.

" Everything that belongs to you is so precious to me Sweetheart. Never talk so low about it." I whispered coldly holding her jaw.

Her eyes are filled with shock and astonishment.

" Are you for real Adi? Last night you kissed my blooded virgina and now you are securing my blood?" She asked.

" That's not just trust Mrs. Vohra, it's the trust you put on me last night. Your pain is engraved on the sheet with the every drop of blood you shredded." I said sternly.

I was filled with so much ire that I didn't even realise what I spoke. I felt a pair of cold lips on mine and those are warmly nibbling my lower lip.

This sensation is so beautiful. I snaked my arms around her and she pulled me more into her. It's like doing the same sin again and again with so much passion.

My Sweet bundle sat on my stomach and groaned.

Damn this woman! Why did she stretch her legs?

I reversed our positions and attacked her neck. Her wet hair is making my senses go crazy.

No! Adi don't. Don't hurt her.

I stopped and looked at her who is panting heavily. I gave a chaste wet kiss on her neck and moved away.

She looked at me with the questioning looks and a look of dejection crossed her face.

" I can't Sweety. If I don't stop now, I can't control myself. It will hurt you eventually. I don't have anymore guts to see you lifeless on the bed Sweetheart." I spoke with the vulnerability lacing my voice.

She immediately grabbed her towel and covered her naked chest. She looked hurt and embarrassed.

" Sweetheart please understand me. It kills me whenever I see you in pain." I pleaded kneeling infront of her.

" Then, why did you do that last night?" She asked me with the red eyes.

I have no answer. I did that out of love. But I know if I answer the same, she'll use the same words to me.

" Come on Adi. Tell me?" She screamed and held her stomach.

" Sweetheart! Is it hurting?" I asked panicked.

She pushed me away and glared at me.

" Will you take my pain away Adithya?" She asked gritting her teeth.

Why is she calling me Adithya now?

" Baby, listen to me." I tried to console her but she showed me her hand.

I'm so frustrated with her tantrums now. She needs to know what her monster can do when she wantedly provokes him.

I roughly threw her on the bed and pulled her towel away. I threw mine at the corner and pounced on her.

" Adi?" She gasped. This is what she want? Isn't it?

I rubbed my hardness against her labia and she fidgeted under me vigerously.

A sense of satisfaction rose in me. She is craving for a long love making session. That's what I understood from her actions.

I gently bit her chin and she gasped. Her nails are lovingly drawing patterns on my chest as if I'm her blank canvas.

I rubbed more harder and a whimper left her sweet mouth. Her eyes are beautifully stuck together and her mouth part open.

I grazed my teeth smoothly over her jaw sucking her sweet spot. I felt a sudden jerk at my position when I held her weak spot.

A soft smile graced my lips seeing the soft sighs she is leaving.

" Look at me Sweetheart." I asked caressing her swollen breast. Her wet hair drenched the pillows giving the cool sensation around us.

She opened her doe like eyes redirecting her beautiful gazes into mine. I slowly entered her and her natural features looked pained. It's really hurting me. But this is what she want.

A tear left her right eye and she gasped as I went deeper inside her smoothing caressing her walls.

" So beautiful." I moaned.

I pressed a light kiss on her neck and thrusted into her again.

Her pained expressions subsidised and the pink hue took over her torso and ears.

She slided her smooth hands into my hair and pushed my head into her crook.

" Go deeper Adi." She whispered which kinda amazed me.

She is being bold.

I took that to my advantage and thrusted deeper hitting her g spot.

A low astonished gasp left her mouth followed by a moan. Her little hand tightened my hair pulling them in pleasure. She is getting addicted to me, the pleasure I give.

I made it as pleasurable and torturous as possible to make sure that she don't ask me again for this.

The pace of her breaths changed and she shot her eyes open looking at me with desire. Her walls tightened around me and I smirked.

She is building her orgasm. The desperation in her eyes to make me go faster is making her frustrated.

My Baby Sweet held my arms and tried to push herself to me but I pinned her hands to the bed and pulled myself out of her. An unbelievable look crossed her face which I really loved.

She would cry any moment if I don't let her orgasm. I thrusted without any intimation and went wilder than I thought.

" Adiiii......" She screamed arching her back to the impossible.

I can't hold myself anymore. I'm about to cum. Her walls tightened around me and I went faster, deeper and wilder.

I don't want it to end faster. I reversed our positions and thrusted into her supporting her bums.

She cried in frustration dragging her nails on my chest. It stung me so beautifully that I hugged her tighter and we both came together.

All that could be heard at this moment is our breaths. Her heaving body touching mine again and again igniting more and more fire in me.

" Happy?" I asked kissing her shoulder.

She didn't answer me but just snuggled into me more and more.

" It..... was..... beautiful....." She said pausing in between.

I closed my eyes and felt blissful to have her in my life, in my arms, in my bed.

I see her closing her eyes and I don't want it.

" Don't sleep. You need to eat first." I said caressing her back.

I went into the washroom and took a quick shower. I got out to see her covered in the towel which made chuckle.

I was walking to the closet but stopped hearing her shrill scream.

" Adi stop!" She yelled and I turned back. I raised my eye brow and she called me towards her.

She asked me to sit on the bed and I sat adjacent to her.

" Turn back." Came a small whisper from her.

I turned and her hands slowly traced the marks she left on my back. Then I realised that she must have seen those scratch marks. 

" Love your artwork?" I asked supressing my laugh.

I don't know whether she felt bad or what but she pressed her cold cheek on my back. I felt loved and cared. Her small peck on my back said how much I mean to her.

" I'm sorry." She mumbled with a cracked voice.

" I never blame you Sweetheart." I said hugging her.

" Go and get the first aid box." She said.

" Was that an imperative dear?" I asked raising my eye brow.

" Yes. It was." She said giving me her most unusual, cunning smile.

I laughed and went to the washroom to get the first aid box.

I sat on the bed and took her to the bathroom.

" You bath first. Then, I too will treat you." I winked.

I sat her under the shower tuning it on. She shielded herself trying to save herself from the warm water.

Once I'm satisfied by the way she was tortured under the water, I turned the shower off putting one towel over her head and another around her.

I picked her up while she is wiggling to get the vision that's being obstructed by the towels.

" You are a monster Adi." She screamed when I put her on the bed.

She irritatedly pulled her hair along with the towel wincing.

I've sighted her breasts which are covered with huge purple marks. She immediately covered them and glared at me bringing her lips together.

I sighed and took the towel from her wiping the water from her hair. I left the remaining hair to dry naturally.

" Give me the first aid box." She sneezed which made me sigh. She spent too much of her time in the water today.

I gave and I again sighted the same evil look on her face. I hesitantly turned my back towards her and she applied something on my back.

" Ahhhhhhhhhh........" I screamed on the top of my lungs fisting the bedcovers. 

I felt as if I'm being cut into pieces. My eyes watered in pain. I turned around still jumping on my toes. The pain is really horrible.

" What did you put on my skin you devil?" I screamed trying to reach my back.

She looked at me innocently as if she is not the culprit.


" I've just applied a disinfectant called Crystacide." She said looking at me from her lashes.

Can this devil be cuter than this?

I blew the air in and out to get rid of the pain. But fuck, this pain is 100% lot more than what she caused me last night.

" I'll kill you Nithya....." I screamed still jumping on my toes trying to control my anger.

She looked at me with fake hurt and she think I can't decipher it? Fool!

" I'm sorry if I've caused you any pain Adithya." She said innocently.

Drama Queen!

My pain eventually subsidised and I looked into the first aid box for some topical steroids.

" What are you looking for?" She asked sweetly to which I ignored.

Once I got the lidocaine gel, I slowly parted her legs. I heard a squeal from her which made me smile.

" What are you doing?" She asked.

I showed her the gel and she blushed red. I smirked and glided the gel on her labia with my forefinger.

That area looked red and swollen. My hard work paid off in this dirty manner.

I heard a moaning breath from her when I glided the cold gel on her.

It must have sent her to the heaven!

I pressed a small kiss on her gentlia and looked at her. Her eyes held astonishment.

I pulled out my white denim cotton shirt and put it on her buttoning the remaining leaving the first 3.

I made her stand on her insistence and damn, she looked smoldering hot in my shirt.

She tried to take a step forward but I held her back and pulled her up.

" Are you compensating for what you've done last night?" She smirked caressing my stubble.

Her obsession with my stubble never ends.

" No! I'd never compensate you like this. Insted I'd fuck you brainless a zillion times." I smirked rolling my eyes.

She slapped my chest and rested her head on it.

" I'd gladly lift you even if you don't ask. I never wanna let you walk. I wanna keep all of you to myself." I said looking at her who is drawing something over my scar.

" I love you." She said adorably all of a sudden.

" I love you Sweetheart." I said pecking her wet lips.

Can this day go any sweeter?

I sat her on the island and handed her the coffee which she declined smoothly.

" I already have the fever and coffee raises the temperature and blood pressure. I've already had enough blood pressure last night and this morning." She blushed looking down.

That's so adorable!

I pecked her cheek and her ear turning to get the veggies from the fridge.

" I'm sorry." She mumbled. She must have seen her nail art on my back again.

" Don't be. I love it. Only you have the right to make such amazing patterns." I winked and she looked away.

I handed her the carrot and I started chopping the veggies having the coffee which I made for her.

I sauteed the mushrooms and brocolli along with the corn adding some salt and pepper.

I put that infront of her and she ate them hurriedly leaving my half.

" I had no other option Adi. But this is bland." She said stuffing the brocolli in her mouth.

I laughed and ate the remaining salad. I made some cheese corn for her while I made myself a sandwich.

By this time we had this, it's already the lunch time. So I can call it a brunch.

" I wanna sit in the sun." She asked and I immediately said no.

Bro! The sun is at the Zenith and have you seen how harsh it is?

She pouted and I strictly said a big NO.

We saw a movie in the theatre room and I don't know when I dozed off in her lap. It felt amazing the way she was caressing my hair by the time I woke up.

I looked at the mobile and it's almost evening.

" Sorry. I overslept." I mumbled.

" No. It's alright. You might not have slept yesterday." She smiled. I pinched her lips and kisses my fingers.

I drank a glass of water and asked her to change the dress. I wanna take her to the sun set.

It really took me more time than usual to choose my outfit today that my Sweet took her dress and I dropped her in the room underneath.

She said she wanna see the sunset and I couldn't say no.

By the time I'm done, I've seen her head in the garden when she is sitting and enjoying the warm sunlight.

I walked to her front and for a second I forgot my surroundings. Why the fuck her body is this sexy? She manages to seduce me in any outfit she wears.

Her cleavage is driving me crazy.

The way she sat choked me a second.

Get a grip rascal!

I smiled at her and peeked at her bosoms once.

" Shall we go to the beach to watch the sunset?" I asked and she nodded uninterested.

We sat on the shore and the sound of waves with the squealing segals behind warmed up our little environment.

" I wanna kiss you." I spoke abruptly.

She turned and pecked me.

That's cheating.

" Adi, I want to stand and have a picture with you. Place the mobile and set the timer. Like you did when I want building the sand castle." She requested and I can see her desire to have a memory captured with me.

I smiled and set the camera angle. I took her a little more near the sea and I heard the click as soon as I head her hand.

I don't care whether the photo is perfect or not but all I want is I have now. My love, my Sweet.

With Love ❤️

Word Count: 4134.

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