Attack On Titan x Reader

ุจูˆุงุณุทุฉ ih3artgerm

28.7K 331 33

a compilation of one shots for Attack On Titan characters x reader. NSFW stories will be marked for your bett... ุงู„ู…ุฒูŠุฏ

Reiner Braun - Bump and Grind
Reiner Braun - You Belong (to) With Me
Reiner Braun - Delightful Torture
Eren Yeager - Feelings Can't Be Ignored
Porco Galliard - Covalent Bonding
Porco Galliard & Reiner Braun - Enough To Go Around
Eren Yeager - Green-Eyed Monster
Pieck Finger - Space Turtle
Eren Yeager - A Sigh of Relief
Reiner Braun - Perfect Timing
Eren Yeager - Some Extra Help
Yelena - Give The Devil Her Dues
Reiner Braun - Sweet Like You
Marcel Galliard - Liberio's Breeze
Levi Ackerman - Late Night Lullaby
Eren Yeager - Snowy Days
Yelena - I Can Resist Everything But Temptation (P.1)
Eren Yeager - Until My Enemies Are Destroyed
Lara Tybur - Let Me Take Care Of You
Porco Galliard - The Good Place
Willy Tybur - A Gentleman's Touch
Yelena - I Can Resist Everything But Temptation (P.2)
Zeke Yeager - Sugar On His Lips
Eren Yeager - Shooting Stars In His Hair
Ymir - The Confident Girl's Delight
Zeke Yeager - Birthday Boy
Eren Yeager - Long Distance From You
Yelena - โ–ถ
Jean Kirstein - Forest Secrets
Yelena - The Drug Dealer
Erwin Smith & Levi Ackerman - Two Is Better Than One
Eren Yeager - Life Of The Party
Jean Kirstein - Somewhere Only We Know
Yelena - Dinner Dates, No Mistakes
Eren Yeager - Under The Pale Moonlight
Pieck Finger - Stay (Even If Just For Tonight)
Eren Yeager & Zeke Yeager - All You Had To Do Was Ask
Eren Yeager - Deal With The Devil
Hange Zoe - rum-soaked (Pirate AU)
Mikasa Ackerman - hidden away (Pirate AU)
Eren Yeager - The Devil Within
Zeke Yeager - Daddy's Girl
Eren Yeager - Oh, What A View

Historia Reiss - Queensguard

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ุจูˆุงุณุทุฉ ih3artgerm

Summary: Historia knows that she can count on her inner circle of soldiers. You, on the other hand, she trusts a little bit more.


The private bedroom of The Queen was not a heavily trafficked area of the castle. For the most part, only a small team of chambermaids and Historia herself have even seen the inside of her bedchamber. Guards were told to remain outside of the door and were strictly forbidden to enter.

Yet on the nights when it was you assigned to stand watch outside of her bedroom, it's The Queen herself who often convinces you to abandon your post outside of her door. And lately, you've found yourself being called inside her chambers nearly every time you're posted for guard duty there.

Usually, she waits about an hour into your shift before she cracks the door open and pokes her head outside. She beckons for you to come inside, and of course, you aren't going to decline a direct invitation. But your supervisor would have your head if she knew you'd even thought about it.

Mostly, you just talk to Historia. Sometimes, she asks you to hold her, and sometimes she just curls up in your lap and wraps your arm around her.

She's usually the one who kisses you. Most times you're too shy to make the first move, and it takes some coaxing to get you out of your head. She'll unfasten the buckles of your maneuvering gear with expertise and skill she could have only gained from being a soldier herself, and pushes the harness off your shoulders with your jacket.

"I may be The Queen now," she'll whisper into your hair as her lips press to your forehead, "but you were my friend before any of that."

It makes sense when she says it, and you know that she's right. Yet the next time she calls you in, you go easily, but still, find yourself frozen when her hands begin to wander. For the past few times you'd been in there with her, she's guided your hands to her waist suggestively in a way that clearly suggests she wants more than comforting cuddles.

The last time you'd seen her, she had unsubtly slipped your hand right up the front of her nightgown. Her fingers tightened around yours to hold them in place, but even so, the moment your hand meets her bare skin, you yanked it away.

"I'm sorry. I want to," you told her, your heart thudding in your chest, "I really, really want to – but this job is just..." Your voice trailed off while your hands shook, and you tried to muster up the courage to even touch her hand again.

Historia didn't even look disappointed, but you still feel guilty. "You don't have to explain. It's okay," she assured you, ever considerate.

You couldn't figure out whether the panic you experienced was due to your job security in the Queensguard, or had to do with your big fat gay crush on Historia. But if there's one thing you did know, it's that you had feelings for her that went deeper than the patriotism and loyalty you had towards her as monarch.

Despite your hesitance, Historia was as patient and kind as she always is, and just encouragingly squeezed your hand. Metaphorically, she rolled the ball into your court.

"I want you to know that my offer still stands," she told you softly, "whenever you're ready."

You would be lying if you said you didn't expect this at this point. So many nights you'd spent close to her, or wrapped up in her embrace with her lips on yours. Of course, you wanted her. Endlessly you would daydream about what it would feel like to fuck her.

But what if your captain heard about it? While you were on duty? You'd be court-martialed for sure, then run through the mud by the public.

It might be worth it, though. Up to that point, the time you got to spend with her hands caressing your cheeks and with your ear close to her heart... It was worth every bit of risk every time she kissed you, or every time she climbed up on your lap so you could hold her.

But before long, you had to pry yourself away from her. "I'm sorry, Your Highness," you lamented as you dragged yourself back to your post. "I'll make it up to you."

So the next time that you know you'll be assigned outside her bedroom door, you show up with all the courage you can muster, and do your best to prepare yourself as you get ready to go all the way with the Queen, who is also one of your closest friends – and you are not looking to mess it up with her.

The door creaks open about twenty minutes into your shift. Yet even though you expected it at some point, the sound of the doorknob turning makes you jump. The heavy wooden door creaks as it opens slowly.

Light from her bedroom shines out into the hallway, and you turn around to face the entrance as the door opens enough for Historia to get around. Long blonde hair tumbles over her shoulders as she pokes her head around the door. You catch her gaze, and her eyes light up when she sees you.

"Historia – I mean, Your Highness!" you exclaim. "I didn't think I'd see you again so soon." Blood rushes in your ears, and you feel a little bit dizzy at the idea of what will probably happen if you go inside there with her.

"I hope you didn't miss me too badly..." she teases, but then gets a little more serious, "I have your schedule memorized. The nights where you're on guard are always my favorites."

She smiles sweetly at you, and her fingers drum against the wood of the door. Her eyes flit from you to the empty corridor. When she sees that no one is around, she pushes the door open a little more.

"I can't blame you," you reply, and you take her hand to press a kiss onto it. "They're my favorite nights, too."

Despite the cool and collected smile on your face, you can feel the beads of nervous sweat beginning to form on your forehead as you know what's about to come next.

Historia tucks her hair behind her ear and clears her throat. Sure enough: "So will you keep me company for a little while?" she asks. "I can't seem to fall asleep."

You pretend to be scandalized and feign a gasp. "But Your Highness... I'm not allowed."

She rolls her eyes and giggles. "Get in here, dummy," she says as she grabs you by your jacket. "You know you don't have to follow the same stupid rules as everyone else does."

The queen stands on the tips of her toes and pulls at your collar. You bend down to her height but let her come to you. At first, her lips are so gentle and soft against yours that you can hardly feel her, but the soft puffs of breath from her nose of your cheek leave you with no doubt.

Historia pulls away, then nuzzles her nose into yours. Her eyes flit from your lips down to the collar of your shirt. Slowly and deliberately, she undoes the top button before she looks at you again.

"You'll stay, right?" she asks, eyes wide.

"Of course," you say immediately, and curse yourself for seeming overeager.

But Historia giggles along with you and squeezes your shoulder. "Good," she says. She slides her hands down your shoulders slowly and lets them drag all the way down your arms. You shiver as shivers run down your spine.

Her fingers trace down until she reaches your hands, which she takes into hers as gently as always. "Nothing. It's just cold," she says, and shakes her head dismissively, "I want to get back in bed."

"Then you should. I'll come with you." The words leave your mouth before you know it, and you don't give yourself the time to think before you guide her there. You place your hand on her lower back.

Historia looks a little surprised, but the excitement quickly takes over.

"Because you want to, right?" she asks, "We don't have to just because you said so last time."

"Because I want to," you assure her. For emphasis and to make your point, you kiss her deeply on the lips. She makes a tiny noise of surprise as it knocks the breath out of her for a moment. She blinks a few times, then sighs dreamily as she melts into your arms.

After you pull your lips away, the queen clings to you. She stays on the tips of her toes for several seconds so that she can nuzzle her nose against your cheek.

"Oh, well.... okay," she says shyly. Tucking her hair shyly behind her ear, she asks you one last time. "Are you sure?"

Your face feels hot, and you're hyper-aware of everything around you. Yet you find the strength to nod your head.

"I'm ready."

A matching blush spreads across Historia's face. "Oh thank god," she sighs, then takes your hands and guides you toward her bed, "because I've been looking forward to this. I really want to have sex with you."

Your cheeks are burning bright red, and somehow you manage to shuffle across the room. The bed is huge, with four tall posts reaching almost to the ceiling. Expensive fabrics hang from the ceiling to drape down below to curl at the floor. The hues of blues and greens that frame the sides of the bed are reminiscent of waterfalls, streaming and tumbling to the floor into a hazy mist that's instead made of gauzy white fabric. It's everything you'd expect for The Queen to have, and an amenity you're starting to get surprisingly accustomed to.

Historia pulls back the many layers of covers to reveal white silk sheets, and she nearly leaps on top of them. Her nightgown rides up to reveal her thighs, and you suddenly find that your uniform is incredibly restricting. You tug at your collar and find yourself glad that she had loosened that button earlier.

The bed is so large that it nearly swallows Historia up whole. She crawls to the edge of the mattress and beckons that you come closer. In the two seconds it takes for you to cross over to her, she's wrapped her arms around your shoulders and has risen to her knees to pull you into a kiss.

She pushes your jacket off, and the next thirty seconds are filled with a rushed silence, just heavy breathing and the sound of clothes rustling between the two of you. You toss aside your garments, and even though you know that she's doing the same, you still feel your heart stop when her nightgown flutters off to the side.

When it hits the floor, time slows down. When the movement of her panties sliding down her legs catches your eye, your head turns to her like magnetism. Her skin is smooth and pale, but not unmarked by her days in the Scouting Legion, as the occasional scar interrupts her otherwise flawless skin. She covers her breasts with her arm, though she obviously isn't trying very hard when she lets one of her nipples slip free.

For a moment you gaze at her, mesmerized by the sight of her. She's perfect with her blush-stained cheeks and her peaches-and-cream complexion. Her hair falls around her shoulders like rippling sunshine to tumble down her back. Her lips part ever so slightly, and you notice they're the same shame of light pink as the tiny buds that she twists playfully between her thumb and forefinger.

So quickly that you nearly get yourself tangled up, you strip away the rest of your clothes and toss them aside. You trip over yourself as you climb up onto the bed next to her and at this point, you could care less about the lack of grace you're exhibiting.

And so could Historia, given the way that she nearly pounces on you. Once again you're reminded of her background in the military when she pins you below her. Mere centimeters separate your bodies, and you find that you're a lot more flustered than you had anticipated when she makes eye contact with you. Her elbows rest on either side of your head with a curtain of her hair framing your face. The light filtering through strands of golden hair illuminates her face and makes her look downright angelic.

After a moment, she huffs and she swings a leg over your hips. As she finds her balance, you instinctively support her by holding her hips. The feeling of her warm and smooth skin against your worn and much-rougher hands sends electricity through you. Instinctively your fingers tighten, and Historia lets out a low moan in response.

Your brain short-circuits as all the blood in your body goes straight between your legs. Pussy throbbing, your fingers anchor into her hips harder still to keep her close.

"Please," she whines, "touch me." At the same moment, she shifts, slotting herself on top of you grinding down on your thigh. Wetness smears on your skin as she looks down at you with a self-satisfied smirk. You feel starstruck and paralyzed beneath her, but you find the strength to lift a hand and caress the curve of her breast.

To your surprise, Historia brushes you off to the side in favor of leaning down over your body. Gentle kisses are pressed against your beck and collarbone, all the way down to your tits, which she fondles happily. Her tongue pokes out of her mouth to flick against your nipples before she closes her lips over the tiny bud and sucks.

Her hands find your thighs, which she tickles lightly. When her kisses fall lower and lower and her hands move between your thighs to part them, you realize what she's trying to do. Embarrassment overtakes you and you feel yourself blushing all the way down to her chest but you let her continue.

And so, you spread your thighs open for The literal Queen. Eagerly she drops down between your legs and nuzzles her cheek to your inner thigh. Her tongue pokes out, and she delicately licks the side of your clit.

It takes her just a few seconds to find a rhythm that leaves you sapped of all of your energy. For someone so dainty and high-class, she sure does seem to be a lot more willing to bury her face in a pussy than you would have anticipated – yet Historia's tongue wraps around your clit and laps between soaked folds with not just willingness, but excitement.

She isn't afraid to get messy with it either, you find out, when her tongue slips through your entrance. It feels so obscene when you feel it wriggle deep inside of you that a shameful noise escapes you. You slap a hand over your mouth, but as soon as you do, her tongue withdraws and leaves you feeling empty. You whine.

"No, let me hear." It's not a request, and you are not one to disobey Your Queen.

You let your cries ring out, and try to tune out the way it echoes in the marble chamber. Historia relishes in the sound apparently, as she delves back between your legs with fervor. Her tongue snakes back into the soaking wet canal of your pussy, and as if that wasn't enough pleasure, she rubs your clit with the pads of her fingers.

The stimulation leaves your clenching around her tongue, spasming with every movement and quickly devolving beneath her. When it becomes so much that you gasp, your thighs trembling like a leaf, she removes her fingers and closes her lips over your clit.

Her slick tongue swirls softly around the bud, and the vacuum of her closed lips leaves you feeling even more sensitive. It's everything you never knew you needed, and seeing her blonde head bobbing up and down between your legs makes you feel dizzy and overwhelmed.

The orgasm hits you all at once. You don't quiet the moans that leave you, nor stop yourself from bucking your hips up. Historia moans into you, and the vibrations make you gush cum all over her tongue.

She's gentle as she swirls her tongue around to help you ride out the waves. You twitch at every touch, and can't help but feel somewhat of a royal yourself with the way someone so important and so high-up would lavish you with such intimate attention.

Finally, once a heavy sense of satisfaction floods through your belly, she pulls her head up. A heavy coating of slickness covers her face, shining in the candlelight. She doesn't even bother to wipe her mouth off before she crawls up your body to kiss you again, and you couldn't care less. You kiss her back with all the passion you can muster.

She wipes her cheeks on the side of her hand when she pulls away. "Would you do the same for me?" she asks, and at first you're taken aback by her boldness.

But of course, you don't even have to think about it. "Like you even had to ask..." you mutter.

You're too hot and bothered to do the same song and dance she did with you, but she saves you the effort when she starts climbing up your body. You're so eager to please her that you don't waste any time and help her steady herself as her knees fall on either side of your head.

Historia looks down at you from above, and chuckles almost nervously before she tilts her hips toward you. You waste absolutely no time in wrapping your arms around the backs of her thighs and pulling her down.

She's already so soaking wet that you can easily slip past the perfectly pink folds of her pussy. When she moans, you can feel her twitching against your tongue. You drag it around, slowly at first, but speeding up with more concise and disarming movements as she gets used to the pressure. For a moment, you open your mouth as wide as it can go and extend your tongue up inside of her.

It's warm, wet, and inviting, and you'd like nothing more to fill her up.

Your tongue stays wrapped around her clit, lavishing it with attention all the while. One of your hands grips her ass tightly while the other comes round her leg to reach for between them. Two fingers join your tongue in touching her, and you briefly feel your fingers bump your chin as you draw tiny circles against the tight opening of her pussy.

Historia lets out a low moan and tries to push herself down on your fingers. A trickle of slickness coats them, and when you press deeper inside, her moans grow breathier and more high-pitched. Her hips shift, and your wrist moves, then suddenly you find yourself two and a half knuckles deep inside of her.

Inside of her is snug and velvety, though the slipperiness allows you to move your fingers in and out with ease. You crook your fingers into the much softer and nearly spongy flesh of her g-spot, the queen cries out and nearly doubles over as she grabs onto you. One of her hands pulls your hair at the scalp while the other grips your shoulder for balance.

Unfettered, you continue your movements while lapping at her clit until you can feel her walls tighten around your fingers. You quicken with your tongue and it's all that she needs to be pushed over the edge. Her pussy clenches down rhythmically as she comes, and her nails dig into your shoulder. A high-pitched squeak ekes out of her.

A gush of hot and thick liquid sprays out onto your face. When you push your fingers inside, it plugs her up, only for it to gush down your hand. Fluid drips down your neck and shoulders and down into your hair, but you can't be bothered. Your only focus is making her feel as good as possible as she rides her orgasm out.

Your fingers slip out in favor of your tongue once again. Licking from the hole back up to her clit, you give her pussy one last kiss before you finally lean back down against the mattress.

Finally, she lets go of your shoulders and untangles herself from your embrace. You nearly whine when she leaves you, but judging by the way your skin struggles to unstick from each other, you need to be cleaned up a little before you can lie back down in the bed. As you get up, you throw the comforter soaked in cum on the floor a few feet away.

"Here, come with me." Historia intertwines your fingers with hers and pulls you by the hand as she climbs off the side of the bed. You can see her legs are shaking like a baby deer's as she waddles to push open the ornate gilded door to the bathroom – which you had only ever seen before through the partially open door.

It's floor-to-ceiling white marble, with an entire wall full of fluffy towels, bath soaps, and other products that you hardly recognize. On the left sunken into the floor lies a bathtub so unthinkably large that it has steps, a railing, and a built-in seat big enough for the both of you to fit on, with room to spare.

Historia shoots you a sly glance as she leans down to twist the knob of the faucet. Water sprays out from the dual taps, one on each side of the tub, loudly splashing on the empty floor of the tub. She plugs up the drain with a stopper and leaves it to fill. As the two of you wait, she crosses the room to grab something to wash yourselves with.

You stand next to the stairs of the bathtub feeling very much out of place in such a high-class space. Historia comes back with two giant towels and a vial of something with a nice, flowery aroma. She pours it over a small washcloth and starts to descend the steps.

You notice how quickly the tub fills. The water has already risen a few inches above the seat, so you follow her somewhat timidly into the warm tub. Historia disappears, then re-emerges with a splash as she pushes her hair away from her face. She rises fully and takes a step towards you. Between the way she bites her lip as she comes closer and the way that droplets of water trail down her skin to make her already supple body look like it's glistening. Your hand finds her breast again to give it a squeeze.

Historia smiles as she stands on her toes to kiss you. The hot water is nothing compared to the heat that you feel when your skin is up against hers again. Electricity sparks as your hips and thighs slip against one another, still seeking contact. Both of your arms snake around her back to hold her tighter.

She turns the water off when it reaches a little higher than your waist. Only then does she sit down. When she lies back to relax, the water flows over her shoulders almost up to her chin. Though, she doesn't seem to mind and even settles lower down into her chair.

You recognize the good-smelling vial as body wash, so you pour some of its contents onto the damp washcloth. As you lather it up, you notice that Historia is watching you with interest – no, she gazes at you hungrily as she sinks down into the water, so low that her nose and mouth are submerged.

So you put on a little show for her by spinning around for her as you soap up your arms and back, flexing and looking back at her teasingly.

"You're staring, Your Highness..."

She giggles, and bubbles splash up at her as she exhales. She lifts her head out of the water, and she suddenly has a much softer expression on her face than she had a few seconds ago.

"Please, would you stay the night with me?" she asks all of a sudden, her cheeks reddening.

You contemplate it for a moment as you finish washing yourself, and then think about how much trouble you could get into if another guard were to walk in on you sleeping naked in the Queen's bed.

Doubt and insecurity win over desire, and so you're honest with her. "I don't think that's a good idea."

You're surprised when Historia blinks back tears. "I just can't fall asleep," she confesses, "and when I do, there are bad dreams. I don't like being in here by myself. I guess I got used to having roommates in the military."

A small laugh escapes you. "I can't imagine missing the dorms. I can't stand them." You offer her the soapy washcloth, which she gratefully accepts.

"I never thought I would either," she stands up on the seat to clean her body, making a point to display herself seductively before you with her ass pushed out, "but it's lonely up here..."

You don't need the extra convincing, but regardless you sit back and enjoy the view. "Well... I suppose I don't mind staying just this once. But you have to promise to cover for me if I get in trouble."

"I told you that you won't get in trouble. I'm the Queen. What I say goes!" she humphs. Historia punches the air in victory, then oh-so-casually washes her armpits.

You put your hands up in surrender and chuckle at the small but mighty woman. "You're right," you concede, "you always are."

"Then stop arguing," she demands, and leans forward. The washcloth is dropped, and it sinks beneath the surface of the water as it floats away.

"Yes, Your Highness..."

A long moment passes before her lips make contact with yours, and it feels like you could live in the moment forever. The kiss starts softly, and as it's slow and tender as it is warm. Historia's fingertips trace along your shoulders and collarbone.

The kiss deepens, and her arms wrap around your shoulders. She falls to her knees and effectively straddles you when you pull her body flush against you. The soap on her skin slips between you as it's washed away by the water, but it makes the feeling of your tits rubbing up against hers all the more erotic.

Historia touches the back of your head lightly as she gently sighs through her nose, the whole time never ceasing to kiss you dizzy. A wave of dopamine in your brain maxes out your bliss, and your surroundings only add to your comfort.

After an immeasurable amount of time, Historia pulls away and sighs, gazing at you dreamily.

"It's too quiet here alone. I miss falling asleep talking to people," she confesses.

You nod and offer her a smile. "Is that what you'd like me to do? Talk to you until you fall asleep?"

"That would be nice," Historia blushes. "Can you hold me?"

You know that she doesn't mean for you to do it right that second, but you wrap your arms around her tighter in a hug.

"As you wish," you whisper into her cheek before you press a kiss into her skin.

It's just the two of you, undisturbed until the morning. Not for a second will you let your guard down – what kind of Queensguard would you be if you allowed that? But as Historia rests her head on your shoulder and nuzzles in, you find that for now, you can relax.

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ุณุชุนุฌุจูƒ ุฃูŠุถุงู‹

Attack on Titan Oneshots. ุจูˆุงุณุทุฉ Arimoshikuta

ู‚ุตุต ุงู„ู‡ูˆุงุฉ

2K 29 14
Male (occasionally female) Attack on Titan characters x reader! Although, it'll be a mix of Modern Au and AoT era :) Female! Reader
9.4K 707 16
| synopsis | - ๐˜๐˜ข๐˜ณ๐˜ช๐˜ฐ๐˜ถ๐˜ด!๐˜ˆ๐˜ต๐˜ต๐˜ข๐˜ค๐˜ฌ ๐˜ฐ๐˜ฏ ๐˜›๐˜ช๐˜ต๐˜ข๐˜ฏ ๐˜น ๐˜ง๐˜ฆ๐˜ฎ!๐˜™๐˜ฆ๐˜ข๐˜ฅ๐˜ฆ๐˜ณ - Definitely, opening your eyes like a titan in the world of Shinge...
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*โ™กโˆž:๏ฝก.๏ฝกใ€€ใ€€๏ฝก.๏ฝก:โˆžโ™ก* "๐˜ข๐˜ณ๐˜ฆ ๐˜บ๐˜ฐ๐˜ถ ๐˜ง๐˜ข๐˜ญ๐˜ญ๐˜ช๐˜ฏ๐˜จ ๐˜ช๐˜ฏ ๐˜ญ๐˜ฐ๐˜ท๐˜ฆ?" "๐˜จ๐˜ฐ๐˜ต ๐˜ต๐˜ฉ๐˜ฆ ๐˜ง๐˜ฆ๐˜ฆ๐˜ญ๐˜ช๐˜ฏ๐˜จ ๐˜บ๐˜ฐ๐˜ถ ๐˜ข๐˜ณ๐˜ฆ." reader based & college A/U. HIGHEST RATI...
499K 10.5K 44
Romantic one shots and headcanons for all the AOT hunnies x reader chan ๐Ÿฅฐ๐Ÿฅฐ