The Other Side - Katsuki Baku...

By InsanityCipher

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'The next time we meet will be on opposite ends of a battlefield.' ~ Hinami Hata. The adopted daughter of Pre... More

Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 8.5
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Chapter 14
Chapter 15
Chapter 16
Chapter 17
Chapter 18
Chapter 18.5
Chapter 19
Chapter 20
Chapter 21
Chapter 22
Chapter 23
Chapter 24
Chapter 25
Chapter 26
Chapter 27
Chapter 28
Chapter 29
Chapter 30
Chapter 31
Chapter 32
Chapter 33
Chapter 34
Chapter 35
Chapter 36
Chapter 37
Chapter 38
Chapter 38.5
Chapter 39
Chapter 40
Chapter 41
Chapter 42
Chapter 43
Chapter 44
Chapter 44.5
Chapter 44.5.5
Chapter 45
Chapter 46
Chapter 47
Chapter 48
Chapter 49
Chapter 50

Chapter 4

453 15 3
By InsanityCipher

I survived my first week at UA.

I lay in bed, listening to the birds chirping happily outside my window, enjoying the peace. Ramen sat in a ball next to me, his tail resting lazily on my cheek. Dad was out on a patrol with one of his hero friends for the morning, and my father would happily sit in bed all day. So I was free to do what I wanted. Or so I thought.



Buzz buzz.

Looking at my phone in disgust, I wondered who the hell was messaging me so much on a Saturday morning.


Sparky: Morning guys!

Spidey: Ugh why are you awake

Rocky: Bro, it's like 10am

Our names are all matching!

Pinky: Yep! You'll like Bakugos + Hinamis

Scary: Why are we the Bakusquad? And what ab our names?

Oh. Am I scary?


Sparky: Now that we r all here

any1 want 2 go out today?

Angry: NO

Pinky: Gotta pack sry!

Scary: Same

Rocky: Got chores to do... how unmanly

Spidey: Guess it's just us 2

Sparky: aw :(

I'll slide in ur DMs

I sighed and shook my head. Idiots. Now I was fully awake, and pretty hungry too.

Walking downstairs, Ramen following me, I made a mental list of what I could eat for breakfast. Pancakes? Cereal? Toast? Do we have any Nutella left? Two voices cut my thoughts off.

"We can't cancel the trip." Toshinori?

"I know. But what if my students are in danger?" Danger?

"Uncle? What are you doing here? What danger?" I asked, rubbing the sleep out of my eyes as I walked over to them. Uncle Toshi - All Might to you - put his long, spindly arm around me protectively.

"It's nothing, little one." He said.


"Hinami." Father cut in firmly. I ran my tongue along my top teeth, as I usually did when I was annoyed. I walked over to the other side of the kitchen and started making some cereal.

"I'm back." Dad called.

"Hi Dad."


"Good morning."

He walked over and kissed Father's cheek before sitting down with them.

"Dad?" I called, determined to find an answer to my previous questions.

"Yes, sweetie?"

"You're not gonna let them cancel the trip, are you?" My eyes widened and I pouted slightly. It was a trick mastered over many years, and it never failed to make him melt.

"Of course not. The League of Villains have been making idle threats for a while now, but have never done anything. I don't see why you would be in any danger." Satisfied with my answer, I spooned some of the cereal into my mouth and watched in silent amusement as Father's eye twitched.

"Hizashi, I wasn't going to tell her." They all looked up at me and I smiled innocently.

"Oops." Uncle laughed, trying to diffuse the tension. "Well, like me and your father said. It's nothing." I nodded and walked back upstairs, thoughtfully chewing on my cereal.

After spending the day packing my things and lounging about, I was almost glad for the hustle and bustle of waking up early on Sunday to get to school, ready for our trip. Okay, I lied. I've never wanted my bed so badly... And I miss Ramen!

"Hinami!" Ochaco yelled, calling me over. "There's an odd number!" I nodded, realising at once what she meant.

"I'll sit with one of the Bakusquad!"

"The Bakusquad?" Todo asked.

"It's the name of our group chat. Pretty sure Kami came up with it." They nodded, not questioning it further.

When I walked over, the group was working out who would be sitting with who. Sero and Kami were clinging to each other.

"I'll even out the numbers. Sit with me, Katsu-kun."

"Why would I want to do that?"

"Great! You can sit with me, Kirishima! That makes us all paired up!" Mina grabbed Kiri's arm and bounced around.

"You have too much energy." Sero chuckled.

"It feels so early, even though we're only at school an hour earlier than usual."

"Are you crazy? That hour means the world to me! And it's a Sunday too!" Kami cried, shaking Sero.

"Wh- Why are you shaking me? Hinami said it!" We all laughed at their antics. Despite my chirpiness, I was pretty tired too, and my heavy eyelids wanted to tug me back home and into my cozy bed.

"Morning kids! Everyone get on the bus!"

"Kerro. I wish I had as much energy as Mic..." Grumbled a clearly tired Asui, or Tsu, as she had asked me to call her earlier in the week.

We all filed obediently onto the bus, sitting next to our respective partners. When I sat next to the window, Katsu stopped for a second.

"You're really going to force me to sit next to you, then take the window seat too?"

"I'm tired. Do you want me to sleep on you?" He muttered something under his breath about 'fucking moron' but slipped into the seat next to me without further complaint.

As the bus started to rumble steadily down the road, I curled my legs up and rested my head against the window.

"You're really going to sleep?"


"You're so fucking lame, Hinami." Even though the remark was spat out, I couldn't help but smile at Katsu's words. Plus, my name sounded kind of nice coming out of his mouth. A heavy feeling took over my body as my eyes shut and I soon drifted off to sleep.

My eyes slowly opened, then closed again. I felt so refreshed after my nap, but something wanted me to stay where I was. Good point. Where am I?

I was curled up, and sitting upright, so I wasn't in bed. I was leaning against something warm and caramel scented, and there was a weight pressing on the top of my head. When I finally convinced my eyes to open fully, I realised that I was on the school bus. And I was cuddled up against Katsu, my head on his shoulder, and his head resting on mine.

Pretty much everyone was silent - there were two or three whispers from the front of the bus. Everyone else is asleep! Maybe nobody saw? I slowly went to sit upright, pulling myself away from Katsu's warmth, somewhat reluctantly. My cheeks were burning.

As I was moving, a hand shot out and pulled me back into place.

"Katsu-kun? Did I wake you?" I asked quietly as his arm snaked around my waist.

"I thought you sat by the window so you didn't lean on me?" He replied, his voice low and gravely from sleep. "Stay still so that I can go back to sleep." His cheek laid back down on my head, and within seconds his breathing slowed. I'm not even sure if he was fully awake just then.

He didn't insult me, or swear at me, and he's even willingly making physical contact with me. Yeah. Still half asleep.

A thought suddenly struck me. What if the others woke up before him? We'd be teased mercilessly! Well, I would, at least. There are few people who would tease Katsu. My cheeks grew even hotter. This was like some scene from a manga or something!


So why do I kind of like it?

I bit my lip, shifted slightly, and closed my eyes again once I had found a comfortable position. Maybe I'm just dreaming. The Katsu I know was brash, loud, crude, and unaffectionate. The Katsu sitting next to me was soft and warm and leaning on me. Definitely a dream.

I didn't go back to sleep - I just sat, revelling in Katsu's warmth, daydreaming. What kind of training could I do? I could try out that new move I had been thinking about? Or I could ask one of my dads to help me bulk up 'Encase'?

As we drew closer to our destination, people started to slowly wake, and the bus was filled with life once more. Katsu must have woken up at some point, because as soon as Mina - sitting in front of us - showed signs of being awake, he sat up and pushed me away. When I looked at him, his arms were crossed and his usual scowl was back. A part of me felt disappointed. But another part of me knew that he would go back to being his grumpy self as soon as he woke up properly, and was almost glad.

"Sleep well?" Turning to face us, Mina had a big smile on her face.

"Y-yes." I replied, shocked by her energeticness. I guess she really was just always this bubbly. "Very well." Her and Kirishima shared a giggle, making me raise an eyebrow. Had they seen?

Without missing a beat, Kirishima and Mina started talking to Katsu, laughing. He simply sat there, bubbling with anger. It only took a few seconds before he started yelling and threatening them. Yep. Back to usual. Uninterested, I checked my phone. There were a few messages from the Bakusquad, and there was a new group called 'The Dekusquad'.

The Dekusquad-

Ochaco: Hey! I was inspired to make us a group chat!

Deku: O!

But why am I leader?

Todo: Because that would annoy Bakugo the most

Tenya: How immature. I expected more, especially from you, Todoroki.

Todo: Is Hinami not here?

Ochaco: I added her. Asleep?

Deku: Or dead. She IS next to Kacchan

Ochaco: Poor gurl

Tenya: It was her decision.

Todo: She's either taken a shine to him, or likes to piss him off more than all of us combined...

Probably the second one

Deku: She could just like him!

Ochaco: y

Deku: Kacchan has some good qualities!

Todo: SOME

I asked Kaminari. She's asleep

Ochaco: Boooo!

That's where the chat seemed to end. They probably dropped off around then. I checked the other chat.


Pinky: Guys!

U won't guess what!

Spidey: What's up

Rocky: Mina we're gonna get killed...

Sparky: U gotta tell us now!

Rocky: I take no part! Leave me out of the hit Bakubro

Spidey: ?????

Pinky: Hinami fell asleep

On Bakugo

Sparky: U WOT

Pinky: And he let her

Sparky: U WOT?????

Spidey: No way

Pics or it didn't happen

Pinky: Oh, I took pics alright

Rocky: Mina...

Rocky: They'll be mad...

Pinky: But everyone deserves to see soft Bakugo

They look so cuteeee

My face was burning bright red. Attached were four photos.

The first must have been when I first leant on Katsu. He had a shocked look on his face.

The second was him with his head on mine. He had clearly 'accepted his fate', and he had a slight blush if I looked carefully, although he didn't seem happy.

The third picture showed Katsu looking down at me, a little smile on his face. Mina had captioned it 'she nuzzled into his shoulder uwu'.

The last photo showed us both asleep, cuddled up.

I couldn't believe my eyes.

"Did you look at the group chat?" Giggled Mina, seeing my shocked face.

"What's on that shitty chat?" Katsu demanded. I couldn't respond. I couldn't even look up at him. He was going to go ballistic...

"I had no part in this!" Kiri instantly yelled, putting his hands up in surrender. "She was really sneaky taking the pictures, and I even told her not to send them bu-"

"Shut the fuck up, shitty hair!" He snatched the phone out of my hand impatiently, seeing all of the pictures at once. His face was blank for a few seconds as he took them in. We all gulped. A look of pure rage covered his face.

"What the fuck? Delete them right now you useless shit head! I'll fucking kill you! Stop laughing, I'm serious! Delete them or I'll fucking end you!" Tears were forming in the corners of Mina's eyes as she struggled to not laugh, and Kiri was clearly holding back a laugh too.

"What's going on back there?" Aizawa yelled. "Quiet down." I put my hand on Katsu's shoulder, and he threw me off instantly.

"Don't fucking touch me." Turning away from him, I crossed my arms and puffed out my cheeks. I could see him watching me out of the corner of my eyes. "What's that face for?"

"Don't move so I can go back to sleep." I repeated. He seemed confused. "Nah. I knew you were still half asleep."


"We're here!" Mic screeched with delight, making everyone wince. Aizawa and Toshi stood up.

"Everyone get out and collect your things. And hurry up about it."

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