The Cop's Abduct

By introvert_2001

77.6K 2.6K 344

loveseries#2 Cover credits: @AMBER_0501 " Commander Deepak Kashyap here, there are no traces about Dr. Mehra... More

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Dr. Mehra & Mr. Vohra
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Alone In The Island
Suggestion Please.....
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Formula Of Pain

1.1K 42 2
By introvert_2001

Author's POV:

" Sweetheart! It's alright. Just come with me." Adi pleaded Nithya who hid inside the duvet crying.

" No. Please. I don't wanna go to jail Adithya. I...... I..... didn't do anything." Nithya yelled thrashing her hands and legs when Adi pulled the duvet.

" No...... No...... Stop..... Please....." Nithya yelled while Anuradha and Rahul looked at them sadly.

" Shhhhh...... Two trails have already been completed. And today is the last one Sweety. Trust Rana in this. He'll get you out from this." Adi said lifting her and taking her to the washroom.

" Mom, please send some maid." Adi asked looking at his mother.

The maid helped in bathing Nithya while the whole family along with the Malhotras and Auroras are waiting with tension in the living room.

Nithya slowly walked down with the wobbling legs and stumbled in between while Adi caught her successfully.

Sangeetha and Kunal are looking at their daughter with glassy eyes while she is again and again mumbling that she did nothing.

Rahul nodded at Adi while he has an invisible smirk on his face. He is all ready to give a shock to Priyanka today. He knew she will however witness this case today as today the judiciary court will give the final verdict.

Rana looked so confident standing near the court waiting for everyone. The dark aura and power is radiating around him which is making his opponent advocate shiver in fear. He gives that kind of smirk only when he is telling the people to back off silently.

Today Adi didn't come to the court as Nithya's husband but as a cunning cop who is trying to prove the innocence of a victim for his personal agenda.

He looked hot and dashing in his uniform. They left for the court while Adi is no where around Nithya making her fear more.

The justice came and everyone stood in respect. Once he settled, everyone sat. He asked the opponent advocate Mr. Choudhary to proceed.

" Your Honour, as the whole scenario is saying that Dr. Nithya Mehra is the culprit, I request the judiciary and the medical council to cancel her license for the malpractice. I have nothing to say more Your Honour. I seek the justice and may the justice prevail. I rest my case your honour and Jai Hind." He said and moved back.

" You have anything to say Dr. Mehra?" The judge asked and Nithya eagerly nodded.

" Your Honour, you can ask my juniors and co doctors who are with me during the surgery. You can get my gloves as well. Until the gloves are torn, the ring can't fall in the thorax. And for god's sake believe me sir, I didn't do anything. I even yelled at the senior nurse why my ring is missing when all my jewellery is present. I can't make a mistake of not removing my ring when every piece of jewellery is in my locker. Right your honour?" Nithya asked hopefully to the Judge to which he sighed.

The reports were provided to the Judge where there was clearly written that the gloves were not torn. He slowly nodded and happiness bubbled in Nithya's chest seeing his face.

" But what is your ring doing in his thorax Dr. Mehra?" Adv. Choudhary asked smirking which again pushed her into a pool of panick.

" Someone have plotted this against me sir. Can't you even understand this?" Nithya yelled showing her hand towards him.

Adi and Rana closed their eyes in disappointment due to Nithya's misbehavior.

" This is court Dr. Mehra and you are supposed to respect others." The judge said loudly making Nithya quiver and cry.

" Wipe those tears Sweetheart. It's time to close the case." Adi mumbled and signalled at Suresh.

" Do you have anything more to provide Adv. Randhawa?" The judge asked in his grim voice.

" Yes Your Honour." Rana said confidently. No one over there knows why Adi and Rana are that confident in this case when everything is against Nithya.

" Is he the one whom you have operated Dr. Nithya?" Rana asked showing his hand towards the person who was operated a fortnight back. Suresh held him in a tight grip while he is wiggling to get out out his grip.

" He......... He...... Is the one Rana. I've operated him." Nithya said pointing her finger at him.

Priyanka's eyes went wide seeing that oldie in Suresh's hands.

" How is this possible?" She yelled throwing the lamp on the wall.

Adi had a small smirk on his lips seeing the camera where a person was recording everything.

" I made it as a perfect plan. Then how did it happen?" She yelled at her men.

She immediately called the men who are with that oldie but no one are lifting the calls.

She frustratedly threw her mobile breaking it into numerous pieces. She groaned in irritation and collected all the pieces putting them into one again which she utterly failed.

He was pushed into the boan while Mr. Choudhary was sweating.

" How could you do that to me? I'm your doctor. I saved your life." Nithya cried yelling while Rana is trying to handle her. The judge didn't say anything as he can understand what Nithya is going through.

" So Mr. Kiran, why did you do this?" Rana asked patiently.

" Si..... Sir..... Sir....., I was kidnapped sir." He cried joining his hands and apologising Nithya for making her go through all this unintentionally.

" I don't know anything sir. After the surgery, when I opened my eyes I was in the dark room sir." He cried mumbling few sorries.

Rana patted his shoulder and asked to leave the boan.

" I have another person who is the subject and object of this case and also misled this case." Rana said glaring at the person who is sitting among the audience.

" Please proceed." The judge said and Rana personally went near her like a predator walking towards his prey.

Nithya frowned seeing Rana walking towards Maya, the head nurse.

" Do you want me to spread some red carpet Mrs.Maya? Or will you yourself walk till the boan?" Rana asked more like mocking her.

Priyanka just hoped that her name won't come out in all these. She only want that one thing. She know how much of a monster Adi will become once he gets to know her name but alas, he already know everything.

She stood up and slowly walked to the boan with the trembling steps.

" So, Mrs. Maya? How many years has it been of you knowing Dr. Mehra?" Rana asked glaring her daring to lie.

" Since she was a student sir." Maya mumbled.

" Is Dr. Mehra good at her work?" Rana asked.

" I don't know sir." Maya answered making Nithya frown. She was the one who always compliments Nithya for her work.

" You. Don't. Know?" He gritted making her flinch.

" I object My Lord. Mr. Randhawa is scaring her." Adv. Choudhary said to the judge which he dismissed.

" Thank you Your Honour. So Mrs. Maya, how does it feel to steal ones engagement ring and creating a whole fascio? Ain't you the one who created those fake reports of Mr. Kiran's death where it was written that his thorax was ruptured brutally and was dead?" Rana asked dangerously.

" I didn't do anything sir." Maya said firmly.

" Oh. So you didn't do anything." Rana asked in astonishment and she nodded.

" So when you were supposed to get Dr. Nithya into her scrubs, you said that your fingers were cut so that she can take someone else's help.

And once she is in the OT, you got access to her personal locker as you have been keeping an eye on her from the past one week. Inspite of many valuable jewellery, you took only her engagement ring according to the photo in your mobile which we found near her locker as you forgot that in a hurry.

This is what happened. Isn't it Mrs. Maya?" Rana sickly smiled.

" What all stupid stories are you cooking sir?" Maya yelled while Nithya is continuously wiping the tears from the back of her palm. She would have killed Maya if she is not in the court.

" I cooked a great story. Isn't it?" Rana asked excitedly to which she nodded. The judge nodded his head in irritation as he know how Rana manipulates the people showing his fake enthusiasm.

" But why does the CCTV photage says otherwise?" Rana asked as if he is thinking deeply.

The CCTV photage was presented to the judge and Maya's face was covered there.

" That's not me." Maya said confidently.

" Ohhhhh..... I seeeeee......" Rana said.

" Then where is your mobile or I rather say where is the mobile that women kept on the table?" Rana asked seriously. She gulped again and again.

" mob...bile is with me." She said stuttering.

" Oh. Ok then. Can you please open this mobile?" Rana asked handing her old mobile which she took with trembling hands.

" How can I open when I don't know it's pa... password?" She again stuttered.

" Please try mam." Rana forced her.

" You can't force me sir." Maya said angrily.

" Mr. Randhawa is trying to mislead the case Your Honour." Adv. Choudhary said in tension to which Rana smirked.

" Objection over ruled." The judge said asking Rana to proceed.

" I really don't know." Maya yelled to which Rana glared.

" Then why don't you try your fingerprint? Rana won't compel you to memorize the pin or password. But try opening it with fingerprint. It's totally not offensive according to the 5th amendment. " Nithya said wiping her nose with her sleeve and glaring holes at Maya to which everyone gasped.

The judged raised an eye brow to which she blushed as all the gazes are darted towards her. Adi winked at his wife which turned her more into the tomato. She have heard him yelling at Suresh to use this when the thief is not cooperating with them.

The lady constable forced Maya's thumb onto the scanner and the mobile unlocked. They opened the gallery and saw Nithya's engagement ring in that.

They passed the mobile to the judge and Rana moved back.

" I rest my case Your Honour. Jai Hind." Rana said and joined his hands in namasthe.

Priyanka's body is sweating seeing the total doom in the TV.

" Go to hiding for few days Priya. And our underworld is attacked. I feel that some how this case is connected to it." Priyanka's father said and she nodded holding her head.

" Leave to California. One of my friends will recieve you there." He said and she rushed to her room.

" After going through the evidences presented and the trials conducted by the court, I, Justice Varda Nanda here by order the police to take Mrs. Maya under their custody and send her to the central jail for 4 years for framing Dr. Mehra under false murder. And the court believes that Dr. Nithya Mehra is innocent and asks for an apology. Thank you Satyameva Jayate." The judge stood up and joined his hands in Namasthe.

" Thanks very much Dad. I wouldn't be able to do all these without you." Adi said looking at his father gratefully.

" She is not just your wife Adi, she is my daughter too. How come I'll sit quietly when she is in the problem?" Rahul asked raising his eyebrow.

" Whatever but thanks Dad. For once I felt greatful what you were once. " Adi said and Rahul smiled looking down.

" Your father still holds that position where the whole government will be on their knees just at the snap of my fingers Adi." Rahul smirked.

Adi glared at his father as he is indirectly mocking him of being the public servent.

Nithya ran out of the boan and sat out on the steps holding her head crying her heart out. She felt it is always easy to get out of a case seeing the fictional movies but today she herself experienced it and it almost costed her career and life.

The police is taking Maya with the cuffs while Nithya tried to jump on her.

" I'll kill you with the scapels Maya. What did I ever do to you bitch that you tried to frame me?" Nithya yelled but Adi held her back even before she pounce on her. She looked really scared. Adi signalled the police to take her while he is again and again pulled Nithya back who is trying to move forward.

" Holding scapels in your hands other than in the OT wouldn't look good on beautiful doctors like you Sweetheart." Adi whispered in her ear. She closed her eyes but the ire in her eyes is still alive.

" Let's go home." Anuradha said and took Nithya away from the court premises with the help of Sangeetha.

They all went to the Vohra house and Nithya walked into her room.

" Sweetheart?" Adi slowly called her placing his cold hand on her sleeping form.

" Just give me a day or two Adithya. I'll be ok. Till then please don't disturb me." Nithya mumbled cucooning into the duvet.

Adithya stood up unwillingly and turned back to go. He smiled at everyone and left to the station. Nithya didn't even give him the satisfaction of winning the case with her words.

She calmly slept like a hybernating bear who is deprived from the sleep.

She turned more calmer as the days passed. Advi just didn't say like that, that Nithya is the sensitive one of all.

She took a month break and went to her parent's home. She started isolating herself reading more books of chemical romances trying to sort what type of relation she have with Adi.

She is going deep and naked in the quest to know what chemicals involve in love, care, anger and happiness. The more she started indulging herself into them, the more she is going away from Adi.

When ever Adi comes to meet her, she says that she don't wanna meet anyone. He is literally going into panick mode when ever he thinks of her.

" Uncle, I feel like she is getting more and more detached from me." Adi whispered while Kunal and Sangeetha just stared at their son in law.

" She already detached herself Adi. She is not even talking properly with us. She takes her food to her room and comes back to wash her hands. I don't know what's happening around her." Sangeetha said rubbing her forehead.

" Can I go to her room Aunty?" Adi asked slowly.

" It's your wife's room Adi. You doesn't need our permission." Sangeetha said caressing his hair. He nodded and slowly peeked into her room to see the lights flowing on the stick. He frowned and looked at the bed to see Nithya reading a chemistry book seriously.

Adi walked to the stick at the room's corner and tried to touch those lights only to feel a hard push on him and Nithya infront of him.

" Ahhhhh....." Adi groaned.

" Don't touch that. It'll burn your hand. Those are chemicals. Those are noble gases." Nithya said in fear holding his hand.

Adi got up and then it hit him. He feel some good smell along with some pungent smell.

" Why the heck aren't you responding?" Adi yelled holding both her elbows.

" And what have you made your room into?" Adi gritted pulling her forward. He could feel the smell of mind-blowing esters from her.

" I..... I...." Nithya stuttered unable to handle his hot breaths on her lips.

" Answer me damn it." Adi whispered trying to make her answer.

" Do you even know, I come here every day to see you but all you do is send me away saying that you were busy. It hurts here Nithya. I know you don't love me but no one will ever hurt a person like this." Adi said and his breaths shook as he spoke.

" Adi ......" Nithya tried speaking but he placed his finger on her lips.

" And what are you doing in this room Sweetheart? Are you working on to become a scientist? " Adi frowned.

" I'm trying to classify......" Nithya tried but he pressed his finger on her lips again.

" And what are these walls? Why are the formulas this big? " Adi asked looking at the walls behind her.

" Don't look at them." She yelled and closed his eyes.

They fought to pull the hands away but Nithya is amendant on Adi not seeing it. She pushed him on bed and sat on him closing his eyes.

" I said not to see it." She yelled while he reversed their positions. He looked at the wall to see a small formula compared to the one he saw before.

It looked really beautiful and colourful for him. Nithya looked at him to see him admiring it. He is just considering it as an art while it's her feelings towards him.

Nithya saw the wall and sighed in relief for not writing the chemical name on the wall.

" Now get out." She gritted.

" Yes. I'll get out and along with you Sweety." He said and dragged her along with him.

" I'm leaving uncle and aunty." Adi said dragging Nithya.

" Daddy! " Nithya yelled for her father's help to which he just shrugged.

" Time to go to your home." Kunal sang showing his watch.

" This is my home." Nithya shrieked.

" Not now." Adi said panting seeing his stubborn wife.

Once he dragged till his car, he pushed her into it and locked the door.

He quickly got into the car and drove till the Vohra Mansion fighting with her all the way.

" I'll see your end asshole." She yelled but he finally stopped at the entrance.

He pulled her out and put her on his shoulder like a sack of potato.

" Leave me Adithya." She yelled and slapped his ass hardly making him yelp.

Anuradha and Rahul are walking down seeing the commotion of their children.

Irritated of her continuous spanking Adi too spanked her making her gasp.

" Did you just spank me Adithya Vohra?" Nithya yelled on the top of her lungs.

" I did. Any problem Sweetheart?" Adi mocked.

He stopped near the dining table to have some water still holding her.

" What kind of a sick game is it Adi?" Anuradha yelled with Rahul tailing behind her.

Nithya took that as a change and grabbed the fork piercing it into Adi's bum cheek.

He spitted whatever the water is in his mouth yelling on the top of his lungs.

" You just didn't stab me with the fork Sweetheart." Adi yelled putting her on her feet.

Nithya took that as the cue and threw the fork on his face and ran to their room locking it.

" Open the fucking door Nithya." Adi yelled rubbing his bum.

Anuradha's mouth is wide open seeing how naughty her kids are. She never knew Adi is this mischievous. And Nithya, her ever soft going daughter in law is all set to injure her son.

" Stop turning the whole house upside down." Anuradha ran behind Adi but Rahul held her and pulled her into their room.

" Let. Me. In. Nithya." Adi yelled angrily pressing each and every word.

The anger which she had till now melted and is replaced by fear. She looked at the door scared. He banging it again and again loudly. Adi sighed in anger and walked to his study room.

He walked to the balcony and angrily glared at the sky which is emitting the beautiful colours just like his wife spreads colours in his life.

Adi lit his cigarette and left the smoke in rings. Nithya didn't hear of Adi since an hour. So she opened the door and walked down to see no one there except for the maids.

She finally settled her eyes on the study and walked there. As soon as she opened the door, the room is filled smoke blocking the air passage into her lungs.

" What the heck are you doing?" Nithya yelled and took the cigerrate from his hand throwing it in the nearest flower pot.

" What did you just do?" Adi yelled pinning her to the wall seething in anger. Nithya's breath hitched seeing how angry she is.

Her surroundings are really suffocating her making her cough continuously. The smell emitting from him is disgusting her.

" You are sm...moking and it's.... it's not good for your health." She stuttered due to Adi's hard grip and smoke.

" It's. None. Of. Your. Business. Damn it." He said coldly making her flinch.

Tears pooled in her eyes with his one sentence. She want him to be healthy.

" Your he...alth." Nithya whispered with her head down.

" My health. My wish. You are no one to me to say anything Nithya. Stay in your limits." Adi glared loosening his grip on her.

She was quite and left from there. A sob left her mouth as soon as she reached their room. She angrily opened her drawers and saw few lipsticks and kohl pencils. All that she felt at that moment is hurt and anger.

She know that she kept him away but never once she asked who he is and what he is to her after their wedding. That's how much she respect their relationship.

She wrote the formula of PAIN boldly using her lipstick. By the time Adi controlled his anger and came to their room, he saw Nithya sleeping on the bed and by her position, he can say that she already slept. He gently pulled the duvet down to see the tear stains on her cheek. He felt bad for yelling at her. He wanna wake her up and apologise but thought to do it later as she is sleeping.

His gaze fell on the red and black marks on her hands. He frowned and rubbed it to see it gone. He cleaned her hands and turned back to see the whole wall covered with lipstick and kohl. There was a formula written there and he didn't understand it.

He opened the Google lens and scanned it to show it as the chemical formula of pain.

He looked at his wife and tried to wake up but she didn't. He stood there restless seeing how much pain she felt that she cried and wrote her emotion on the wall. He is only scared of one thing. Her silence, her cruelest and dangerous weapon.

Adi went for the dinner and he ate it hurriedly. As the maids went to their quarters, he himself cleaned the whole wall with the white vineger and dish soap liquid.

Adi woke up to see Nithya nowhere. He ran to the living room to see only his Mom and Dad.

" Mom, where is Nithya?" He asked hurriedly. He looked like a baffoon standing infront of them with messed hair, loose sando, shorts and red lipstick marks on his palms.

" She left for the hospital early in the morning saying that it's urgent." Anuradha shrugged eating her breakfast.

" You must have said me or woke me up mom." He said angrily.

" It's not like I wake you up everytime she goes to hospital early." Anuradha said irritatedly.

" But still mom." He whispered and vulnerability clearly laced his voice.

Even before Anuradha or Rahul ask something, he left to his room.

He got ready in his uniform and opened the drawer in the closet for his badges and it reminded them of Nithya again. He sighed guiltily and pinned those stars but they are not in the alignment.

He looked at the wall to see red smudges still on it. On the other hand Nithya went to Dr. Ahmed's cabin as soon as she completed the surgery.

" Thanks for the help Dr. Ahmed." Nithya smiled talking about the mobile he handed to the cops.

" It's nothing my child. I can't lose a gem keeping the rocks with me. As soon as a nurse informed me that you yelled at Maya for your ring, I asked them to get the CCTV photage." Dr. Ahmed smiled.

" I'll take your leave sir. I'm really tired." Nithya said and he nodded.

With Love ❤️

Word Count: 4030.

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