T̶h̶e̶ G̶o̶d̶s̶ O̶f̶ V̶i̶k̶i̶...

By poison-fruit

144K 3.5K 3.1K

This is a take on Vikings the show. Queen Isabella Ambrosio is left alone in defense against others whom want... More

Godly Vows.
Dirt and Swords.
A Real Queen.
Bloody Tears.
Thors' Lightning.
Vikings Way.
A Scar.
Blood Eagle.
Goodbye and Hello.
Eyes Everywhere.
Settled Score.
The Ball.
Red Queen.
Discovering Love.
A Romantic Guesture.
Patriarchy over Matriarchy.
Viking Ritual.
Bishop To Queen.
Force and Blood.
Permanent Markings.
Asking for Help.
Soon to be Husband.
Forced Together.
Frankia and Italia.
Je T'aime
Fight For You.
When Tides Meet.
More Blood.
Settle Down.
A Friend and Foe.
Shield Maiden.
Saved Unexpectedly.
Fools Journey.
Old Ties.
Absolute Anger.
Beautiful Boy.
The Battle.
Moon Goddess.
Murderer and Witch.
Well Damn.

Alternate Ending.

1.6K 17 114
By poison-fruit

(The first half has only some minor changes)

I had sat there for a week. Same clothing. They hadn't come to see me so that means they left safely. That, or they are stuck in here just like me but I hope that is not the case.

I'm dirty and these clothes are uncomfortable. I sit on the floor and hold my hands together as I feel like I'm going crazy. I hear footsteps as I look up to find Cedric stood there. He holds something in his hands. "You have to come with us." He opens the door and I stand up. They put heavy chains against my wrist and then walk me out of the dungeon. They shove me slightly once on the stage and I stand there while my people watch me at my weakest point.

I clench my jaw and clench my hands tightly, my nails digging into my palm. I look to Cedric like I could rip his throat out right now. He looks down slightly and I move my eyes to the crowd. "Isabella Ambrosio Lothbrok, you are a Murderer and a witch. This coming Friday you shall be executed in-front of your people and then Cedric Delfina shall take place as their king." I can feel the liquid coming from my hands and drip from my knuckles. The silence of the crowd is deafening.

I look over again and lock eyes with the several blue eyes as well as a pair of brown. The brothers and sons of Ragnar Lothbrok as well as mine. They all look to me as if they are sorry to me or angry. Ivar his glassy eyes as does Hvitserk. Bjorn can't stand to look but Ubbe watches me. Eerikki has a face that I've never seen before. Anger, pure anger. I take a breath and then look away to try and not cry. I need to be strong. They knew I was not going to fight this that's why they feel pity for me.

I am shoved slightly and I stumble. I continue walking and make my way back to the dirty cell, stepping it and looking to my hands. Cedric steps in and closes the cell. "What do you want?" I speak and he points to the clothing. "For you." I stand there and then walk to them, taking them. He continues to stand there. "Are you going to leave now?" He shakes his head slightly. "No." I roll my eyes and wipe my hands harshly on this dress. I change into a tattered skirt as well as an old shirt. One that someone who was poor and a beggar would wear.

I look at him and he nods to a guard. They bring in a bucket and set it down. It's full of water. I make my way to it and drink from it as well as wiping my face with it. I move away from him and stand against the wall. "I hope you are happy." I say to him and he looks to me. "I'm not. But it's what you deserve." I bite at my lip. "And how do I deserve it?" I ask and he watches me. "I watched him burn. I heard his screaming. He was the only thing I had. My father was my mentor and you killed him. I had nightmares. But no. I started planning." I watch him and clench my jaw. I then smile. "You know, when he was screaming? I laughed." I stop smiling and watch him as a tear falls down his cheek in anger.

"Then I danced and partied because I had finally killed him." I say out of spite. "I would do it again." I say and he walks to me, kneeing me harshly to the stomach. I fall down and cough up some blood, the metallic taste throughout my mouth. He kicks again and I laugh again with blood on my chin and through my teeth. He crouches down and grips my cheeks, looking to me. "And I would do this again." I spit in his face and laugh again. "I'm not scared." I watch him and he stands, kicking me in the ribs once more then leaving.

I clench my jaw and take harsh breaths, gripping my side. I look to the ceiling and let out a laugh. "Nothing is going to break me." I say to myself. "Nothing.."


I have two days left. I only know this because I'm reminded everyday. I am sitting in the room. I'm losing my mind because I look up and see shadows pass through the corners. My eyes making up figures that aren't there. I sit up and I can feel my eyes getting heavy. I just don't have the will to do this anymore. As I tilt my head slightly, just wanting to sleep. I look up to a figure crouched in front of me. "You aren't going to sleep are you?" I look to see Ragnar there with his head tilted. "I'd hope not. That's not a way to get to Valhalla." I feel the hitting to my cheek and I look at him like he's crazy. "I just want to sleep." I speak to him and he hits my cheek again multiple times.

I go to kick him but I kick the air which jumps me awake. I take a breath and move to stand, stumbling slightly. I step to the water and take huge gulps of it, wiping my chin. "You are not dying today. Nor ever." I would give anything to see Ivar, Hvitserk, Ubbe, even Bjorn as well as my dear Eerikki. I wash my face and look into the reflection of the water, seeing a woman who does not look like me. Dirtied and frayed.


It's the day my world is going to end and a new one begins. I am being pushed towards the center of town as everyone is watching me. I make my way up and turn to the crowd. I see them all stood there. I take breaths and watch them. Cedric is stood there from afar. He nods to one of his servants and I am brought to my knees, the servant braiding my hair back. The reason I've kept it so long is because that's what the Vikings do themselves. They keep it long and add a braid for each battle.

I am looking over the crowd as I see them. They have come to see it or come to fight. I hope they wait. They would be smart to. Cedric makes his way over to me and grips my braid tightly. I clench my jaw and look ahead. I can't make eye contact with them. I can't.

He takes his blade and slashes through the braid, moving it back and fourth with the blunt edge. I look to them again and Ivar goes to move but Bjorn stops him. I am lifted up and moved to the center. My hair below my shoulders, I look ahead and I can feel my eyes water. I try not to bare the tears but I can't help but think I am leaving my son. "Isabella Ambrosio Lothbrok. Repeat after me." I look to him and they move me to the area where the floor creaks as I step on the cold wet surface and they place a noose around my neck. Like the one Heahmund had put around my neck, which seems like long ago. Like it was a sign from the gods.

I look to the priest and then ahead. "I am repenting for my sins and may I rest in hell." I start to speak. "I am repenting-.." I stop and look to the crow that squawks, it feels as if everything is slowed. There sits next to it is Ragnar, dangling his legs from the ledge.

I move to look at them again. "I am not sorry for all I have done. I have done what I sought right for my kingdom and my people. I will walk through the doors of Valhalla. I am not scared of this rope. I am not scared of you nor of death." I look to Cedric and Dorin and then the people again as well as the sons of Ragnar and my own.

"My son is the rightful King and he will be a great one. The Valkyries will come and lift me up once my neck hath broken and then I shall drink Ale from Curved horns and fight mercilessly." I let out a laugh and then look to my people as I raise my voice. "I am Queen Isabella Ambrosio. I repent nothing for what I have done will offer me a seat in the golden palace. And you, Cedric and Dorin, as well as the ones who lay me bare, shall be stricken down and bled dry. I will be avenged." Cedric looks at me and I look to my loves. I take a breath and he has Dorin pull the rope. I am lifted off of the ground. My airway is cut off. I then hear yells. I fall to the wood as an arrow struck through the rope. I let out a breath and pull the rope from my throat.

I stand quickly and then look to Cedric who pulls his sword from his sheathe. I then grin. My hunger in my stomach cannot match the hunger to kill this traitor. I dodge his hits and I hear steps. "Mother!" Eerikki speaks and his back moves against mine. He takes a sword from a sheathe and hands the blade to me. "Why did you come to help me?" I say while striking my blade against cedrics. "Because you are my mother. I've already lost a father. I cannot lose you again." He speaks as he fights others off.

I swing the sword around and hit his blade from his hands. Cedric looks to me and I hold up the end of it towards him, his reflection casting off of the nicely shining blade. "Make them stand down." I speak to Cedric. He holds his hand up to his men. "Stand down." He shouts to them and I glance to the men who I love dearly, covered in blood. I look up to see Ragnar still sat happily.

"Kneel." I say loudly to Cedric and then look to him. He just stares at me with squinted eyes. I move slowly to step around him. I take my sword and slice the back of his knees. "I said kneel!" He falls to his knees in a yell of pain. "I am your queen. You have undermined me. You have disrupted my kingdom. So I will make you suffer like your father did." I look to Eerikki and he just nods once. He has never truly seen me be a true queen other than when he was a child.

I lean down  and pull cedrics head back by his hair. "This is for you being a coward." I whisper into his ear. "For thinking you could kill me." I move and stand infront of him. I take my sword and move it to his neck. "Say your peace to god. You'll need it." I drag it against his throat and it splatters onto me as well as drains down his shirt. I stand and then kick his body back to the ground. "Kill Dorin." I say to Eerikki and he easily turns and stabs him in the stomach. "For betraying my mother." He nods to him and drops him to the wet, creaky wood.

I turn to the crowd. "Now. Either you're with us or against us. You will be able to practice whatever religion. I do not care, you are my people of Italia. But if you don't want to, you'll end up like these two. So you choose." I shrug and Eerikki takes my arm. "Let's get you home." We start stepping and make our way to the castle. I step in and make my way to my room. "I got it from here my darling. Go be with your soon to be wife." I look to him and smile. He kisses my forehead and nods. He leaves me and I let out a breath. I move to the mirror and look to my hair. I frown slightly. "It looks good on you." I hear Ragnar and I run my fingers through the short and horrible ends of the cut. "But it means I'm defaced and defeated." I furrow my brows and stand to move to the bath. I drop my bloodied clothing and don't dare to look at my bruised and dirtied body.

I get into the water and wince at the heat against the pain. "No. It means a new beginning for you." Ragnar says full of wisdom. "Which can only mean one thing." He speaks quietly and I look over to see him stood in the shine of the sun. "You're leaving?" He nods once and smiles. "Don't worry. I have someone to bother. He is a funny Frankish boy. Very much not your type but you managed to love him." He grins and crosses his arms. My eyes light up as I watch him. "Skol Isabella." He says and starts stepping back with a chalice raised in his hand. And just like that, he is gone.

I blink at the emptiness around me that I haven't felt in so long. Since the beginning of all of this mess. I turn around and sink under the water, then back up to push my hair back as well as wash my face off. I look to my right shoulder to see Ubbe. "It looks nice." He points out my hair and I purse my lips. Just like his father.

I smile sweetly and he walks over, taking a seat on the edge of the large bath, having his legs stretched out to the side and crossed over one another. I look to him and he leans down, placing a kiss to my lips and then presses his forehead against mine. "A divorce." I speak softly and he pulls his face slightly back with furrowed brows. "What do you mean?" I tilt my head to the side and then curve my lip up slightly. "Ubbe. You don't truly love me. I am free and you can be free with Torvi. The woman who carries your child. You could finally sail and do what you want." I hum with content. "I'll be okay. I'm happy." He just looks at me and then kisses my forehead. "Thank you." He speaks softly and then stands, looking down to me. He nods once and then steps from the bath house.

It wasn't a lie. I didn't need Ubbe anymore and there wasn't true love anyways. I move from the bath and grab a cloth, wiping my face. I then look at the mirror at my badly bruised body. Cedric deserved it. He deserved to die. I shake my head slightly and wrap the cloth around my body, taking a seat at the vanity. I take the brush and run it through my hair slowly, closing my tired eyes. "Isabella." I hum and slowly open my eyes, continuing to brush my hair as I hear the voice of Hvitserk. "Yes?" I set the brush down and turn to look at him. "How are you feeling?" He speaks and holds a cup in his hand. He steps to me and sets it down. "Brought this for you."

I let out a breath and take it, sipping from it. "Thank you." I say politely and then stand, his stature infront of me. "Ubbe told me." He speaks and I nod once. "So he did. I would assume so due to our past." I let out a slight laugh and then sip the drink again, placing it down. "And possibly the little boys talking amongst themselves." I raise a brow and then let out a laugh. He just grins lightly and then moves to sit in the chair, putting his legs up. "So marry me instead. If you're going to divorce my brother."

I stay silent at his offer. I furrow my brows but I'm content. I don't think I want to be married. "Hvitserk.." I look to the dresses laid infront of me on the bed. "It's not.." Hvitserk just nods. "I know. I was never good at love. No children or wife." I purse my lips. "It's just. What if you Could not put up with me or be a king? You were never the one to think of that stuff." He takes my drink and drinks from it. "I could be a great king. I'd let you rule and you would be happy. That would give me great happiness." I just lightly smile to myself. "Happy wife, continue of joyed life." I look to him and he just smiles.

"Are you sure you could handle me Hvitserk?" I watch him for a moment and he stands, stepping to me. "I've done it several times in the past. And I will do it continuously more." He says in reassurance. "But I understand if you say no. I will continue to wait for you." He nods and takes my hand, kissing it. "Just think about it." He bows slightly and then leaves me. I let out a soft laugh and run my fingers against my forehead. The Ragnars will be the death of me.

I pull on one of the dresses and try to pull the laces myself. It's easy due to the weight loss. I sit down at the vanity and look to my hair. "Dreadful." I smooth it back instead with two small braids close to my ears. I tie them off and then stand. I make my way to the throne room and step to it, taking a seat next to Eerikki and Catarina. They look to each other happily. "I'm awfully hungry and would rather sleep early tonight." I make a comment and sip my wine placed infront of me. "Mother. You might as well be considered a grandmother." I look to him and softly gasp. "I do not look old." He lets out a laugh. "It was honesty." He speaks quietly so no one else could hear.

I look to him and then smile softly. "That is wonderful my son. Your father would be very proud." I hold his hand and he kisses it lightly. "In you as well." He says and then nods once. "Do they all stare at you and then talk about you?" I glance to where he is assuming and I look to Hvitserk and the others glancing as he speaks. "He asked me to marry him mere moments after I told Ubbe we were divorcing." I let out a laugh as I sip my drink. "You should have just married all the brothers at once then." I purse my lips. "I was with them all at some point." Catarina lets out a soft but humorous gasp. "And I was lucky to only have one son.." I furrow my brows to her.

"Oh I've heard the stories. They spoke of you a lot back in Russ viking town." He chuckles. "When they would drink or when they would just talk. Ivar and Hvitserk would try to one up each other." He says cheekily as he drank his drink. "Who did you love the most?" I hum. "Your father." I shrug and then look to the boys. "But I love them for different reasons." My thoughts wonder back at the different times. "I think you should marry Hvitserk." He speaks and looks to me, sitting his his hand on his chin and finger cupping it. Just like his father use to do. "And why is this?" I ask and adjust in my seat slightly from the uncomfortableness of my bruised body. "Because. When they would tell their stories, Ivar would be about how powerful you were. Ubbe clearly had to marry you for your sake. Bjorn is a child. But Hvitserk always spoke about you like you were just a beautiful women. Never had any ounce of shes a queen that could take over the entire world if she wanted." I look over to them and then my son.

"Marry him mother. You know how bad at love you two are." He say as a joke and I hit his arm slightly with a laugh. "That's not even remotely funny." I say and gulp my wine. "Alright." I speak and then stand, stepping down to the men. I clear my throat to the man who is sat next to Hvitserk. Hvitserk then hits the mans arm to move and the man does. I sit down and look to them. "So. What is the plan for you men?"

I clasp my hands together and look to Bjorn. "I am going home to Kattegat to finish what I started." He looks to Ivar and I shake my head slightly. "I am going to sail.. with Torvi. We are going to find a new world." Ubbe smiles to the rest of the boys and I look towards Ivar. "I'm following Bjorn." I clear my throat to make a statement. "You know, you could always split Scandinavia." I speak and look at the two. "If you are king. One brother could rule one prospect and the other rules Kattegat. Home is where you make it. We manage here without fighting others unless battle comes to us. You should have been with me long enough to know that you do not have to fight your neighbors. It's severely childish of the both of you." I look to them and they are slightly shocked at what I say. "It's just a thought rather than kill each other."

They just nod and I look to Hvitserk with Ubbe in the background. Ubbe just slightly nods. A sign of its okay if you want to marry my brother. I smile softly and look to Hvitserk. "And you?" I want him to rub it in their faces. They've always left him behind. But maybe that's why I've always been drawn to Hvitserk. To the underdog.

"I am getting married." He looks to his brother and they are shocked at this. "To an Italia women. Who I've loved since we have met. The time was never right. So now is our time." Ivar lets out a snicker almost. And I look to him with furrowed brows. He then stops when he realizes. "I'm marrying Hvitserk." I speak it finally into the world and look to the brothers. "So if you would like to see your brother married. Stay for one more day." I smile and look to Hvitserk. He gives a small smile as well and sips his drink. "Congratulations brother." Bjorn and Ubbe speaks.

I look to Ivar and he just drinks from his cup. He looks at it and doesn't speak. I stand and then place a Hvitserks shoulder. "Tomorrow." I say sweetly and then make my way back to my son. "Tomorrow we shall celebrate. For your child and my marriage." I nod and sip from the cup once more.


The next morning has arrived. I raise from my bed and make my way to the mirror, wearing a robe. I look back to see Torvi and several others step in. Torvi starts on braids through the sides of my hair and one down the middle. She laces golden chains through it and pins it with something. She adds small spring flowers into the brown hair. "Thank you." She speaks quietly and looks to me. I nod slightly. "I didn't love him Torvi. Not like you do." I look to her and she nods. I step to the dress. It's a light gray and flows. She helps me slip it on and ties it at the back. The sleeves drape down and slow as well. Coming and clasping around my wrist.

I look to it and Torvi reaches around my waist to lay a brown belt with golden chains hung from it. I look to myself and it's the most beautiful I've felt in my own skin. I don't want or have to be in someone else's. If I ran away it would be dramatic due to the way the dress looked. I look to the door and see Ivar coming in. He opens the door for the others to leave. I nod slightly to Torvi and she leaves as well.

"You look like a Valkyrie." He nods and moves towards me, taking a seat. "So why my brother? Hm?" I knew it was coming. I place my hands infront of me, clasping them together. "Ivar. You know why." He looks to me with his head slightly tilted. "I do not." He gestures towards me and I step to him, moving my hands to his cheeks. "But you do. You do not love me. You love the thought of me. You love my power and that I think highly of you. You do not love me for my heart." He parts his lips slightly as he finally knows. He licks his lips and nods once, moving his eyes down in slight disappointment. "I love you Ivar." I lean and kiss his forehead. "But you do not love me. So you will find a woman who does. I promise. And let us hope she puts you on a pedestal." I smile and he slightly does as well.

"Now. Shall we go?" I stand and look at myself one more time. He gets up and we move together towards the banquet hall. It's covered in beautiful flowers and natural light from the large windows. Ivar steps me down, giving me to Hvitserk. He bows his head slightly and then takes a seat. I take his hands and he looks to me. His hair is freshly done and his outfit is black with a cape of fur. They wrap our hands together after they had sliced open our hands. They let the wrapping go and Hvitserk turned, taking a sword and placing it onto my palms. I then turn and take my fathers emerald ring he once wore and slipped it onto his finger. A perfect fit. Then our faces are splashed with the blood of an animal. Hvitserk then grabs my face and envelopes my lips against his before I could do anything. I smile sweetly against his and kiss back.

I look to my son and he smiles softly. I'm sure Hvitserk is more ready for what will happen next than the party later. He takes my hand and we step down the hall. He starts walking quickly when we are away from everyone. I let out a soft laugh and he smiles, kissing my lips again, kicking the door slightly to open it. He presses my back against the door to close it as well. He pulls away softly and I look at him. "You look beautiful." He speaks and I unclasp his cape. "So do you." I speak and he steps back some to look at me completely. It almost makes me want to cry. The thought of if this was Jean. It's as if they were the same person but different lives.

I take a breath and look to Hvitserk. He then holds his hand out and I take it. He pulls me to him and holds me for a moment before he runs his finger tips against my skin on my back. He pulls at the laces that hold my dress up. I let it fall and I look up at him. He moves me towards the bed and I lay down, looking to him. He looks over the purple and yellow blotches laid against my skin, running his finger tips against them. He then moves to pull the black shirt off as well as he trousers. He moves to between my legs and pecks my lips softly.

He runs his hand between my legs and moves his fingers against me, causing me to part my lips while looking at his face. He moves his fingers slowly and leans his forehead against mine. Like he's savoring the moment. He then moves his hand to lay firmly onto the bed. "Do you want me to do anything more?" He asks and watches me. I shake my head because there's a sensation between my legs that hurts and begs for him. "I want you." I speak and he nods, kissing my lips deeply before moving into me. I gasp softly as he moves his hips, kissing my skin sweetly.

I let out a breath and hold his sides as he continues, moving us to where I am on top. I move my hips and he rests his forehead against my chest. He holds me close to him, digging the tips on his fingers into my hips from either side. I wince slightly at the pain of the bruises but I keep going, letting out a soft moan. He leans back against the bed and pulls his head back to watch me. I place my hands onto his chest and look at him, continuing to move my hips. He parts his in awe and lets out a breath. I continue to move, speeding the movement up. He lets out a soft noise as I do and I cup his neck, continuing to move, kissing his lips deeply, I let out a moan as the pressure builds in my stomach. He take my hips and moves his as well to meet mine.

He lets out a slight grunt and releases inside of me as it becomes sloppily. I continue until I reach my point as well. We stay like this for a moment, my forehead against his. I peck his lips and then move from him. I step over and clean myself off. I open the window due to the heat in the room. "Does it hurt?" He suggests the bruises and I shrug. "Only a little." I look to him and he stands up, pulling his pants up. "But I liked it when you pressed on it." I glance back to him and he raises a brow. I look into the mirror and fix my hair slightly. He picks the dress up and holds it out for me. I step into it and put my arms in. He pulls the corset and I look back to him. "Tighter." I let out a laugh and he pulls it, causing me to jerk back slightly. "Better?" He asks and kisses my shoulder. "Yes. Very much so."

He smiles and kisses the back of my head. "I love you." He speaks and I turn to face him. "I love you." I say and kiss his lips over and over. He smiles and then pulls his shirt on as well as the cape. He looks to the ring. "It's very.." he speaks and I speak up. "Different?" He nods slightly and I let out a snicker. "Well. It was my fathers. And he was a very eccentric man." I nod and she starts moving beside me and out of the room. "You haven't spoken about him since we met." He says softly and I look to him. "I know.." I purse my lips. "He died for me. I do blame myself. But. It's what he wanted." I hold my dress with one hand and the other on his arm.

We step into the dining hall and we step to the thrones. I take a seat and he does as well. I look to everyone and then my son and Catarina. He stands and clears his throat. "I'd like to make a toast." Eerikki stands and holds his cup. "To my mother and her husband, Hvitserk. She's is the strongest woman I know and Hvitserk is the most generous and fierce viking and I'm glad he is about of the family. His destiny was never somewhere else. It was here." He speaks and I look to Hvitserk. There's a glisten in his eyes because I knew he never felt he had a destiny or if he did it was wrong. But he just looks to me with a smile.

"Skol." Eerikki speaks and Hvitserk raises his, taking a sip. I lean over and speak to Hvitserk. "She is pregnant." I speak to him and he nods once. "So that means we are grandparents." He lets out a soft laugh and I nod. "I'm happy about it." I smile and he smiles as well. "I'm glad you are." I look to his brothers and then let out a breath. "Will you miss them?" I ask and he nods. "Of course. But I'll have you." He says and I adjust in my seat. "You should go and drink with them." He looks to me in almost a hopeful face. "Are you sure?" He asks me and I smile. "Of course Hvitserk." He stands and kisses my lips, getting up and walking to his brothers.

I watch as everyone is happy. I take a soft breath and smile lightly. I look over to the throne beside me and purse my lips. Jean would be happy. I look to Catarina and Eerikki. They will rule this place one day and it will be exciting. Eerikki will have a big army and a fortress to keep him safe. I purse my lips and then smile at everyone around me.


I am sat in the garden, look at a book filled with gods from the Greeks. I furrow my brows as it's interesting. There's so many aspects of viking gods in these. Soon I feel little arms around my neck, hugging me tightly. "Mama! Save me from the monster!" I move the child into my lap and hold him close. "Back fowl beast!" I hold my hand up to see Hvitserk with his hands up. I let out a laugh and hold my child close. I look to the boy and smile. "Freyr! I got you." The little girl with tanned skin and blonde hair runs to me, tackling the both of us. I let out a loud laugh and hear another child come.

"Mama Isabella!" I see the child of my son, Jean, run towards us. "Go. Go play with your nephew." I smile to them and kiss their hair. The little girl looks to me. "But mama. He fights too much!" She whines and I watch him. I take her face and look to her. "Freyja we do not back down from a fight." She nods and stands tall. "You are right mama." I nod and stand the twins up. "So go. And play with Jean." I smile and kiss their heads.

They nod and run to play with him. The three have wooden swords, striking against one another. I look up to Hvitserk and he takes a seat beside me. My hair was finally long again so I just had it back. Hvitserk had his hair trimmed and braided back as well. He then moves to push me to the ground. I let out a laugh as he holds my hands above my head. "I'm going to eat you." He says playfully and kisses at my jaw and neck. I grab his face and laugh softly. "Hvitserk. My love. Not infront of the children." I kiss his lips sweetly and lay my head back down. "Possibly later then." He grins and looks down at me. "Mm my beautiful wife." I push him over easily and look down to him. "Yes. I am." I smile and look over to see Eerikki. It had been a month. He had to settle something over to the west of us. He had a beard and nicely cut hair.

I let out a soft squeal of happiness and stand up. I run to him and envelope him into a hug. "My son!" I kiss his cheek and smile to him. "How was it?" He nods and smiles lightly. "It was fine mother. Difficult but fine. They wouldn't listen." I nod and hum. "I know. But. You will be a good king for it." I smile and whistle to Jean. "Your father is here." He quickly sprints to him and he picks him up. "How were you while I was away?" Jean nods and smiles brightly. "I was very good. Mama Isabella taught me different things and told me about mommy." He nods and smiles softly. "Catarina would've been proud." I speak softly and kiss jeans head. "She would have." Eerikki speaks and holds his son. I know he misses Catarina. Birth took her away from him but he is okay.

He hasn't found a wife he loves yet but he will soon. He's focusing on his son and him. Time away should have been good. Hvitserk places his hands to my shoulders and kisses my head. "How was it?" He asks and Eerikki grins. "Oh you know." I part my lips slightly and take Jean from him. "Okay. Let the little boys speak." I take it he found a plentiful of women. I smile to them and step to the children. "Tell us a story!" Jean says and I nod. "Okay. I will. I sit onto the grass and set Jean down. "Once their was a Princess, who one day, met a group of broody men. Vikings of course.." I continue the story with dramatic gestures and leaving the not so kid friendly things out.

"Alright. We will save this for another time." Eerikki says and picks Jean up. "It's time for bed." Jean groans and throws himself back but Eerikki holds his dramatic body as it flails backwards. "Jean. Stop it." I speak and he immediately moves up. He holds his father and yawns. I pick up freyja and she flips her curled hair back. "Mama I wanna be just like you." I laugh softly and nod. "Of course. And you will." Hvitserk had picked up Freyr who had fallen asleep in the grass. "And I'll protect Freyr no matter what." She nods and I smile sweetly, moving them to their bed. I lay her down and Hvitserk lays Freyr down, covering him up. "When are we going to see the Vikings?" She asks and I hum softly. "Soon my dear." I speak and kiss her head. "Goodnight." I pull the blanket up and look to Hvitserk.

We move towards our room and I sit down at the vanity, undoing anything done to my hair. "You want to see my brothers?" I nod and look back to him. "They haven't met their family yet Hvitserk. And they've met almost all of mine." I speak to him and he nods once. "You are right. But they have not made it their priority to visit me." He speaks and I nod. "Yes. I know. But that is why we need to see them." I speak and point out. He steps to me and pulls my hair back slightly. "You are right." He looks to me in the mirror. "That is why I love you." I hum and look back to him. "That's the only reason?" He shakes his head. "Of course not. We will leave tomorrow." He speaks and I let out a soft laugh. "Thank you my love."


I step off the ship with Freyr and Freyja. Jean and Eerikki follow behind, Hvitserk holding his daughter. Bjorn steps to the dock as well as ivar. They look different. Happy almost? Ubbe is sat at a table not far, looking to us. "Hello brother." Hvitserk says. "Hello Vikings." I smile at Freyr's words. He then speaks in their language. "Hello uncles!" He says and that makes Ubbe jump up and quickly take Freyr into arms. "Well. Don't you look just like your father." Freyja looks to Ivar and tilts her head to the side. He furrows his brows to the child and then pulls a coin out with a slight of hand. She smiles and then takes it. "Hello Bjorn and Ivar. Shall we go to your great hall?" Bjorn nods and we start walking. The brothers are speaking amongst themselves as I walk with Freyja. We walk in and I take a seat at a table, taking my cloak off.

Freyja steps to the fire and tries to warm up. Eerikki leaves Jean with Freyja, stepping to the men. They happily hug him and I let out a breath of relief at this sight. I never knew this sight would calm me. From the beginning of my rule I had to fight with them or against them. I never knew the storms would halt. I look to Freyja and Freyr as well as Jean playing with the others children. I've never been so content. I hear the slight shuffling and look to see Ivar with a drink held out. "Thank you." I hum and he takes a seat. I take a sip and hold the cup in my hand. "We are getting old." Ivar speaks and I glance to him. "I know. But soon it will be there turn. Maybe one day they will meet your son or daughter." I look to him and he furrows his brows to me.

"A woman always knows Ivar and she did not hide it well." I speak referring to Katia. "She did not want me to stay." He says and I look to him. "I'm sorry." I speak softly and he nods. "It's alright. But you are right. It will be their turn to fight in this world." I let out a breath and look to the others stood around a fire. "I just hope they love each other. No fighting amongst one another. Put all differences aside." Ivar stands and then kisses my head. "Let's hope." He walks back and I look to Hvitserk. He smiles gently to me and I smile sweetly back. This is my second home. I feel as if Hvitserk might want to come back. I can just see it in his eyes. Eerikki will be king soon so it will be easier to come here.

But I'll always miss my home. I feel a slight tug. "Mama. Can you finish the story about the Vikings?" I hum and stand, sitting onto the furred rug as do the children and I start the rest of the story. The story I told was the journey of our life. How we got to where we were and are. "And so the queen was truly happy to see the brothers and her family together again." I nod once. "What did you learn?" Freyja hums and then speaks. "Family is everything and no matter what happens. If we fight. We still Love each other." She says and I smile. "Exactly." I stand and dust my dress off. "Now go and eat." I urge them and step my way towards the table to sit down. They look to me and I take my cup. "What is it?" I speak and Bjorn raises his cup to me. "To the shield maiden who fought with us and against us. But brought us closer." I smile softly towards them and let out a soft laugh.

"Nothing could've ever happened if you weren't there beside us." Ubbe speaks and then raises his cup. Then in unison they speak. "Skol." The amount of comfort I feel within my body to see everyone happy, it didnt matter what happened in the past. It matters what will happen in the future. I raise mine and then speak as well. "Skol.."


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