Male/Ftm Reader x Random, Boo...

By bored_homosexual

46.9K 1.3K 272

*[REQUESTS CLOSED]* This book is the second book in my fanfic "series." It will be one-shots of different cha... More

Fandoms I Write For
Klaus Hargreeves x Ftm!reader
Rodger Taylor x Ftm!reader
First day of Christmas (Malcolm Reed x Male!reader)
Second day of Christmas (Billie Joe Armstrong x male!reader)
Third day of christmas (Hawkeye x male!reader) [M*A*S*H]
Fourth day of Christmas (Hawkeye x male!reader) [M*A*S*H] Pt.2
Fifth day of Christmas (Lucifer Morningstar x male!reader)
Sixth day of Christmas (Brian May x ftm!reader)
Seventh day of Christmas (Whizzer Brown x male!reader)
Eighth day of Christmas (Greg Lestrade x ftm!reader)
Ninth day of Christmas (Present mic x male!reader)
Tenth day of Christmas (John Laurens x male!reader)
Eleventh day of Christmas (Fox Mulder x male!reader)
Twelfth day of Christmas (Mickey Dolenz x ftm!reader)
New Year's Eve (Sheldon Cooper x Ftm!reader)
Remus Lupin x Ftm!reader
John Lennon x Ftm!reader
Will x Ftm!reader (Something Rotten)
Billie Joe Armstrong x male!reader
Queen (Brian May) x Ftm!reader
Present Mic x Ftm!reader
John Laurens x male!reader
Dr.McCoy x Male!reader
Gabriel x male!reader
Jack Sparrow x male!reader
Fox Mulder x Male!reader
Tim McGee x Ftm!reader
Dean Winchester x Ftm!reader
Shota Aizawa x Ftm!reader
Malcolm Reed x Male!reader
Valentine's Day special
Hawkeye x Ftm!reader
Horacio Caine x Ftm!reader
Diego Hargreeves x Ftm!reader
Nick Bottom x Ftm!reader
John Watson x Male!reader
Spock x Ftm!reader
John Watson x Male!reader pt.2
Spock x Ftm!reader pt.2
Aziraphale x Ftm!reader
Captain America x Ftm!reader
Brian Epstein x Ftm!reader
Will Graham x Ftm!reader
Marvin x Male!reader
Lafayette x Ftm!reader
Sheldon Cooper x Ftm!reader pt. 2
Jasper Hale x Male!reader
Joey Tribbiani x Ftm!reader
Nagisa Shitoa x Male!reader
Connor x Ftm!reader (Detroit: Become Human)
Eddie Kaspbrak x Ftm!reader
Connor x Ftm!reader (Detroit: Become Human)
Jonah Simms x Non-binary!reader
Malcolm Reed x Ftm!reader
Dr. Spencer Reid x Ftm!reader
IronMan x Ftm!reader
Brian Hackett x Ftm!reader
Jethro Gibbs x Ftm!reader
Katsuki Bakugou x Ftm!reader
Joey Tribbiani x Ftm!reader
Whizzer Brown x Ftm!reader
Aziraphale and Crowley x Ftm!reader
Eddie Birdlace x Ftm!reader
Ian Malcolm x Male!reader
Geroge Washington x Ftm!reader (Hamilton)
Fox Mulder x Male!reader
Winn Schott x Ftm!reader
Billie Joe Armstrong x Male!reader
Whizzer Brown x Ftm!reader
Scotty x Ftm!reader
Brett Hand x Ftm!reader
Aaron Hotchner x Male!reader

Aaron Hotchner x Ftm!reader

648 28 2
By bored_homosexual

A/n: Hope you like it  @RemusCarraway

(Y/n's POV)

I was flying down to Quantico to see my twin brother Spencer. He is a big-time FBI agent. I did follow him into crime-fighting, so to say, but not into the FBI. I work as a CSI in Chicago. I was going to see Spence because it was our birthday in a week and we always like to spend it together.

When I got off the plane I was met by none other than my brother dearest.

"Spencer! It's so good to see you!" I said and gave him a big hug.

"It is good to see you too (Y/n)." He said hugging me back. When he leaned back we went to go pick up my luggage and talked about recent events and the likes.

As we were getting into the car however Spencer got a call. I got in and sat in the passenger seat waiting for him.

"Who was it?" I asked as he climbed into the car.

"My boss. He says we have a new case." He replied.

"Oh," I replied, a bit dejected that our time together would be cut a bit short. "Hey, maybe I can help!" I volunteered out of nowhere.

"I don't know if you can. Your jurisdiction is Chicago, not Quantico." He said looking over at me.

"Well, I can help at headquarters. I don't have to be in the field to help." I replied.

"Yeah, that sounds like a great idea!" He replied with more enthusiasm than I expected.

"What is that about?" I asked with a confused smile. "You are never this enthusiastic."

"I want you to meet the team! I think they don't believe I have a twin so I better convince them anyway I can. There is no better way than actually bringing you." He said.

I chuckled and looked out the window.

"So tell me a little about them," I said.

"Well, Rossi..."

Reid filled me in on all the key details of everyone so it wouldn't be as awkward when I meet them for the first time.

We decided to drive directly to the hospital where the body was being kept instead of stopping at home. It would have cost us too much time. Reid and Hotchner were to oversee the autopsy as it was being performed.

When we arrived agent Hotchner was waiting out front for us.

"Ah Reid, there you are." He said. "Um, hello. May I ask who you are?" Hotchner said a bit bluntly.

"Luteninant Reid sir." I introduced myself. "From the Chicago branch of CSI."

"Ah, Reid? Are you cousins?" He asked, looking between us.

"This is my brother," Spencer explained, then headed into the hospital. I was close behind and Hotchner jogged to catch up with us.

"I am here to help with the case! Well, really I am here for Reid and I's birthday, but I figured I could lend some of my expertise to help with a case." I explained as we walked into the elevator.

"Okay, well, this is a third of a string of murders that involve antifreeze," Hotchner explained.

"Why, do we think they are related?" Spencer and I asked at the same time. We then high-fived and turned back to Hotchner.

He kind of stared at us then went back to looking at the case file.

"Um, well, the specific mixture of antifreeze seems to have been discontinued in 1993." He said.

"So someone must have been storing it," Spencer said.

"But who stores antifreeze for this long?" I asked.

"It could have been forgotten," Spence suggested.

"Unlikely, antifreeze is expensive. Maybe it could have been mixed with water to make an ice pack-like mixture to defrost windows?" I responded.

"But that would have exhausted the supply by now." Spence pointed out.

"What about rat poison? Dip a piece of cheese in that, the rat would die within 72 hours, sooner if the dose was higher." I said then turned back to Hotchner.

"We both think it was used as rat poison thus the supply lasted a long time, plus they would know how to poison food." Spence said to Hotchner as the elevator bell dinged. He stared at us confused as we walked out of the elevator to find the autopsy room.

After we witnessed the autopsy, which I have to admit I had a hard time watching, we drove back to headquarters. I will say, Spence was always the medically inclined one, I was not. Though I had a love for science, my specialty is genetics and botany, definitely not medicine.

When we arrived back at Quantico I was finally introduced to everyone.

At first, no one believed we were twins until we did the talking in synchronous thing. I will admit, we don't actually do that, never have. But since everyone doesn't believe we are actually twins, we have a little signal to tell the other to do the thing.

Three fast blinks mean "pay attention to my blinks." Then two fast blinks from the other means "got it." After that, one to five slow blinks each correspond to a certain response we have memorized. I won't tell you the responses, that will take all the fun out of it!

It doesn't help that we look almost nothing alike. Plus, our personalities are different, and we dress differently. Really our only similarity is our intelligence, and our inclination to solve puzzles.

While I was meeting everyone, I found it hard not to gravitate toward Hotchner. He was a bit stand-offish but there was just something about him. I pulled myself back to reality when JJ said we should get down to business.

Everyone began to profile him and I suddenly felt out of my depth. We didn't really profile people at CSI, we were evidence-oriented over there. I tried to keep up and write notes but I quickly fell behind. Eventually, I put my pencil down and tried to join the conversation.

"All the victims look similar, except they are both male and female,. Morgan said looking at the photographs. Suddenly I realized something. I stood up and started rearranging the photos. Everyone went quiet and watched as I did that. When I finished I looked at my brother.

"Spencer, what do you notice?"

"Their hair and clothes. They range from masculine clothes and short-haired males. Then to feminine clothes and long-haired females." He replied.

"Exactly. And what does that mean?" I scanned the room to see if anyone would respond.

No one said anything so I sighed and began to explain.

"The person they are idolizing is transgender, Male to female based on the shortness of the hair. The change from males with short hair to long hair suggests they started growing their hair. The switch from males to females signifies that the killer finally sees them as female. The killer also cannot accept that the person is transitioning. But they also can't bring themselves to hurt them, thus they kill others who look similar." I said then looked around at all the people in front of me.

They all looked stunned and I awkwardly went to sit down but before I did Rossi began to speak.

"Good job kid! You really are his twin."

"How did you figure that out?" Prentiss asked.

"Oh, you know, I worked on a similar case." I lied.

The next day we had a break in the case. A print we found on the body finally got a match in AFUS. A retired air force staff sergeant by the name of Ralph Montgomery. And to everyone's surprise, his daughter had just recently started her transition. The trouble was, we had to find him. When Morgan and Spencer went to his house he was nowhere to be found. He wasn't at his daughter's house nor his polo club.

Just as we gave up hope Garcia called us and said she had a track on his cell phone. He was driving around a suburban neighborhood. Everyone except me and Garcia went to investigate. I decided to go and hang out with the resident tech genius because she was awesome, a lot of fun, and really nice.

The only question we had left to answer was, how? How did he manage to poison all these people?

"Hey, when Montgomery was driving around, did he ever pull over and get out of his car?" I asked Garcia rather abruptly.

"Um, he pulled over but I can't tell you if he got out or not." She replied.

"What if, he pulled over in front of houses and waited for the people he staked out to come outside and help him."

"But what does that have to do with anything?"

"The antifreeze was diluted with water, that is why it took a while for it to build up and kill the victim. He would ask them for help, then give them a water bottle that already had the antifreeze in it. He must have used a syringe to inject it into the bottle. Otherwise, the seal would have been broken and no one would have drunk that." I said and pulled out my phone.

I called Spencer and asked him if he found any bottles of water in the suspect's car. He said they did, about a dozen and I explained my theory.

He said he would take the bottles over to the lab immediately.

When everyone arrived back they patted me on the back and congratulated me on solving the case. They said I could come around more often and such. I'm not going to lie, I quickly got overwhelmed and excused myself to go home and unpack.

Before the elevator doors closed Hotchner slid in next to me.

"Good work you did back there. I am inclined to offer you a job if I thought you would take it." He said.

"And why do you think I won't accept?" I replied.

"Well, I read up a bit on you and you would never leave that team you have back in Chicago." He retorted.

"What makes you think that?"

"You trust them too much, you only just met us."

"You are more astute than I gave you credit for Aaron. If I can call you that."

"Aaron is fine, (Y/n)."

"There are only two reasons I would leave them though."


"My brother, I would leave if he needed me."

"The other?"

"If I met someone I really liked, I might transfer."

"Is there someone you have in mind?"

"I don't know, you tell me, Aaron," I replied, handing him a slip of paper. Then I walked out of the elevator and out into the parking lot. I was surprised that so much confidence came out all at once but very glad.

A/n: #25! See you all tomorrow!

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