The Cop's Abduct

By introvert_2001

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loveseries#2 Cover credits: @AMBER_0501 " Commander Deepak Kashyap here, there are no traces about Dr. Mehra... More

Clash of Cars
The 3 Star Thieves
The Start Of New Tale
Falling For Her
The Holi
The New York Trip
Dr. Mehra & Mr. Vohra
The Marriage Threat
Confession & Rejection
The Missing Report
Alone In The Island
Suggestion Please.....
His Sweetheart
The Engagement
The Stained Shirt
Tied Together
Blazing Ires
The Cozy Night
The Murder Mishap
Formula Of Pain
Enigma Of Pain
Calm & Indulged
Back To Square
The Desired Punishment
The Blood Shred
The Sleeping Beauty
Ethical And Unethical Porn
Please.... Just One Kiss
His Self Destruction
The Sexual Desires
Do I Love You?
The Actional Proposal
The Drunken Confessions
The Consoled Nights
The Naughty Mammals
Tresspassed and Arrested
The Glimpses Of The Past
The Ku-Chi-Koo
Dancing Desires
Series of skids
Drunken Discussions
Daddy Vibes
Back Home
My Adorable One
The Crying Exercise
Queen Of Dark Nights
New Book Alert!

The Casanova

1.7K 66 2
By introvert_2001

Adi's POV:

" Sir just look at these tabloids!" Suresh panicked.

I frowned and took the iPad from Suresh's hand to look into that. There were few tabloids about me. But the content in them blew my mind.

" What the fuck!" I screamed.

I immediately called Diya and with in no time she picked my call.

" What the hell did you do Diya?" I screamed at her over the phone.

" Don't shout at me. Shout at your dear sister. It's her work." Diya said and I can easily sense the smirk over that Satan's lips.

" Like seriously Diya! She literally portrayed me as a Casanova in every tabloid." I exhaled.

" What is written over there?" Diya laughed.

" The famous Casanova, Dhruv Agarwal created a rift between the pharmaceutical and trading business.
~The Hindu.

The party boy Dhruv Agarwal all set to be introduced into the business world.
~The Hindustan Times.

The Dhruv Agarwal, famous as a fuck boy grabbed a huge deal into his account.
~ Deccan Chronicle.

Blue eyed boy was caught on the camera making out with a girl.
~The Indian Express.

There were few freaking articles about me fucking the girls Diya! God I'm still a Virgin!" I cried over the phone while she is laughing her ass out there.

" She..... She..... Asked Ram..... to portray you like this." Diya laughed.

" Whyyyyy?" I screamed.

" Bye! That boss of mine is calling me!" Saying this she ended the call abruptly.

I dailed Advi immediately only to be rejected. Damn this girl! Suddenly my thoughts are drifted to Nithya. What must she be doing now?

She is going to be a doctor in all the senses the next month. I still remember her calling me saying that she is sacred to give the presentation on behalf of the hospital. I promised that I'll be there with her on her important day, but see my luck, I need to break my promise.

A soft pain arose in my chest. I guess this is what Shantanu felt when he broke each promise he made to Anvi and Shreya.

There was a meeting with the Dons the upcoming month and being the famous Casanova of the country, I and my team managed to grab the invitations into the meeting.

And to say, we only have one month to be exact to work on our plan.

" Suresh ask all the remaining officers to join us in our condo now." I ordered and Suresh immediately rushed to the floor below us to gather them in my condo.

It took 2 minutes to be precise for everyone to reach. Once everyone are in , Suresh closed the door.

" Is everything ready for the layout Adithya?" IPS Raj questioned and I gave him a firm nod showing the board attached to the wall.

" So we have 8 Dons who are handling the whole Mumbai. Iqbal and Raheem are the most feared Dons in these eight while the remaining are just like his right hands. But the crucial part I found here is Iqbal controls the remaining 7 members and his son Raheem is his soul. And our main target must be Iqbal and Raheem to collapse the whole system here." IPS Chowdhury pointed to which everyone nodded.

" We have Safdar who rules the North Mumbai, Kriyan and Riyan rules the East Mumbai who happened to be the twin brothers. Neelesh rules the West Mumbai and Sahara and Sahasra rules the South Mumbai who happened to be the twin cousins of Kriyan and Riyan. While Iqbal and Raheem rules the whole Central Mumbai." IPS Mishra said.

" So IPS Vohra and Suresh will be dealing with the Dons of Central Mumbai while each of us deals with the four cardinal directions." Spoke IPS Vimal marking few places on the detailed map of Mumbai.

" And once we are done with our works, we'll again meet up here. And work hard regarding the case guys. This is not just some ordinary case where we just go and arrest them. And don't hesitate to use your guns. Be safe and play sly. JAI HIND." I shouted and they repeated JAI HIND after me. Everyone left one after the other while Suresh is drawing something on the white board regarding the plans.

I'm not gonna let my government down. I won't let Nithya down. Just thinking of her added a small smile on my lips. That little witch is doing something to me.

I walked to the white board and pinned the photos of Iqbal and Raheem on it. There were few paper cuttings here and there which screamed loud about their misdeeds.

" The first thing we'll do tomorrow is entering into the den of Iqbal and Raheem Suresh. And you will portray as my assistant there. By the way, what's your name?" I asked at the end. Suresh chuckled at my question.

" Akhil Puri sir." Suresh answered.

God! I just wanna kill this Advi now. What is the need of giving out my fake orb colour?

" Suresh, let's go to some good optical shop and a saloon too." I sulked.

" Yes sir, let me change." He obliged my request leaving to his room.

Once he came out, we made our way onto the roads of Mumbai.

" What do you think is the best for contact lenses Suresh?" I asked him and he turned to me.

" I don't know but my daughter always rants about getting her new glasses at Lenskart sir. She says they have best eye wear." He smiled.

" Ok then. Let's drive there." Saying this I rode towards the store. Once they checked my eyesight, they declared that I have no sight. But that devil sister of mine have already pushed me into the pit.

" I want the aqua blue lenses with no power. How many days will it take to deliver them?" I asked the optimologist.

" We have 0 power lenses sir. If you would like to try, here are they sir." He forwarded a box of blue lenses. I purchased one year lenses.

Once we filled the bill, we made our way towards the hair saloon. The stylist took his own time to shape my hair. He used a lots of other products over my hair to make it look more shiny and silky.

He looked at me and gave an disapproved look. He trimmed my beard into something sexy.

Finally he turned me towards the mirror. I'm really awestruck seeing myself. I look handsome. And I liked my beard more now.

" Thanks young man!" I appreciated his efforts. Once I'm done, Suresh got his hair cut.

We drove to the condo and got ourselves into the business suites.

" Time to leave sir." Suresh said looking at his watch. I nodded. For the first time I'm nervous. What if I fail to behave like a businessman infront of him?

Sighing I dailed Advi. And within no time she picked up my call.

" I'm busy Adi. What do you want?" She spoke rudely. Hope Awan will tame her into a beautiful woman in the future.

" Rude much Doll! And I'm scared." I sighed.

" Of?" I know she is frowning on the other side.

" I had a meeting with the Dons. What if I fail to behave like a businessman?" I asked and she sneered.

" Go and stand infront of the mirror now Adi." She ordered and I did exactly what she said.

" Look into your eyes through the mirror." She ordered and I looked at my orbs now.

" What is your eye colour?" She questioned.

" Aqua Blue." I spoke and with each word I felt power radiating in me.

" Businessmen or women always carry themselves arrogant and strong Adi. And your body should show those qualities." She demanded and I flexed my muscles once.

" Your mind should always work faster than the one sitting opposite to you. Opportunities are not given Adi, you should create them yourselves. Understood?" She voiced and now I know why she is so successful.

" Yes I did." I spoke but the next words she spoke literally made wanna bang my head some where.

" And you being the certified blue eyed Casanova, must always carry a dirty smirk when women are around Adithya!" I scrowled at her words.

" Why me Advi?" I barked.

" You are dealing with the underworld Dons Adithya! It includes sex trafficking, women trafficking, drug dealing, weapon deal and many more. And your innocent boy look is not gonna assure them that you are eligible to trust." She lectured me.

God, she know too much about the underworld. And I must appreciate her knowledge.

" Take care Baby Doll." Saying this I ended my call.

I switched my mobile off and turned the sim to an another number.

Our car stopped just infront of the huge mansion. Suresh looked at me and nodded.

Yes! We can do it.

I and my PA Akhil Puri are about to set our foot into the mansion when the guards stopped us.

" Invitation." They asked monotonously. Suresh showed them the invitation and then they allowed us in. I heaved a heavy sigh internally and walked into the mansion maintaining a firm structure like Advi said.

There were many women around me who looked no less than sluts and I feel pity on them. Like Advi said I passed a sly smirk towards them. And I know everything is being noticed by that bastard Raheem.

" Hello?" Raheem came forward and frowned greeting me.

" Dhruv. Dhruv Agarwal." I smirked at him. Suresh bowed a little in respect to that bastard.

" You are here for?" He asked suspiciously.

" I'm a part of the meeting that's happening today." I said in duh tone.

The guards of him escorted me and Suresh inside the huge meeting room where many underworld Dons are present.

" What are you here for?" Iqbal asked in a cold voice.

" I wanna join you guys!" I said non chalantly.

" Why a famous businessman and a certified Casanova like you wanna join our dirty business?" Iqbal asked raising his eyebrow.

I chuckled as if he cracked a joke. And continued looking into his eyes confidently.

" That annoying father of mine is behind me to aquire more profits. And I'm not the one to work my ass off to generate money. I only fuck the asses." I smirked eyeing the girl who placed a glass of whiskey on my side.

Iqbal once looked at Raheem to confirm whether I'm speaking the truth or not. Raheem browsed something and nodded his head in affirmation.

Good job Advi! I mentally thanked her.

" So you are the one who created the rift between the pharmaceutical and trading business!" He asked scratching his long beard.

" Yes that's me. The great Dhruv Agarwal." I lifted my image myself.

" Great?" Raheem chuckled which boiled my blood.

" Isn't the Google saying that I'm great?" I raised my eyebrow.

" You just entered the business world 3 years back but great is said to those who work their asses off to maintain their hardwork. Have you heard of the names Advika Dev and Awan Malhotra?" Raheem asked.

At that moment, I just wanna laugh at his face. He is taking my friend's name infront me and asking whether I know them.

" Yeah I know and I'm not a saint like them. That is the only reason I chose to come here." I brushed them off gulping the whiskey.

" Google never said you are a famous businessman but a certified Casanova." Iqbal smirked. Everytime someone is mentioning that I'm a Casanova, I just wanna beat them to the pulp.

" What ever! I just want few chicks to warm my bed." I spoke. I just wanna puke on myself for using those sentenses.

" So what would you like to get yourself involved in?" Raheem asked looking at me intently trying to know whether I'm lying or not.

" I wanna do sex trafficking, drug dealing, if possible kidnapping and not to forget women trafficking." I added the last part winking at them.

All the members in the meeting chuckled at my comment.

Argh! I just wanna get out of this hell.

" For that you need to follow few terms and conditions!" Iqbal spoke sternly to which I nodded.

" And what are those?" I questioned.

Iqbal nodded at Raheem and he forwarded few papers to Suresh. He took it confidently and read them. Once he is fine with them, he forwarded them to me. I looked at them and it just removed my fuse.

Contract between Mohammad Nadeem Iqbal and Dhruv Agarwal:

I Dhruv Agarwal here by accept that all the following things are being done under my own and under some pressure or someone's force.

1) Sex Trafficking
2) women Trafficking
3) Drug Dealing
4) Kidnapping
5) Murders
6) Rapes
7) Weapon Trafficking

. I'm responsible for everything I do and is willing to give 40% of the profit to Mohammad Nadeem Iqbal.

. Every task I do is controlled by either Mohammad Nadeem Iqbal or Raheem Iqbal.

Dhruv Agarwal.

" Wow! I'm excited." I said with a glee. Suresh literally looked at me shocked.

I quickly signed them and gave those papers to Suresh to hand them to him. He did as I asked him.

" Don't you feel offended to rape women?" Raheem sneered.

" Listen dude! I offer money to women to be my one night stands and when they won't listen, I'll get them to my bed by any means. Either it's by threatening or forcing them. Nothing matters to me until I have a good fuck in my bed. I love those shrill screams." I said shrugging.

I wantedly eyed the woman that came to take my glass away. A slow dirty smirk formed on my lips. And I know Iqbal noticed that.

" Liked her?" Iqbal asked laughing.

" How much?" I asked him.

" What?" He frowned.

" I want her as my personal slut. What's her value?" I asked eyeing her from up to down.

God! Please forgive me for the sins I'm committing and going to commit.

" 15 lakhs!" He smirked.

" Deal done then." I rose from my seat and forwarded my hand. I shook my hand with Iqbal and Raheem and handed them a cheque of 15 lakhs.

" She is all yours now!" Iqbal laughed and the girl started to tear up.

The girl silently sat in my car and Suresh rode it hitting the road. The girl is still sobbing.

" What's your name?" I asked the girl removing my lenses. The girl looked at me astonished.

I chucked and motioned her to say her name.

" Swetha sir!" She said wiping her cheeks.

" Please sir, I'm just sixteen. Please don't rape me." She started crying.

" Listen Swetha, first of all, I'm not going to even touch you. Consider me as your brother. And are you sexually assaulted before?" I asked slowly.

" Yes." She spoke slowly and tears came out of her cute eyes.

" Listen Swetha, first, I'll send you out of this city. I'll book your tickets there and you go there. Just say my name and they'll take you into the orphanage." I said handing her the address of Nithya's orphanage.

" Thank you sir." She smiled looking at me with those teary eyes.

I nodded and asked Suresh to book a flight ticket. It's not safe for the girls to travel in buses or trains.

It was 7 in the evening. Suresh dropped her at the airport and I gave her enough money to reach the orphanage.

Once I went to my condo, I ordered food for both Suresh and me. I freshed up myself and changed into the fresh pair of clothes. By the time we are done, the food arrived. We had our dinner silently and retired to our respective rooms.

I opened my laptop to see 2 missed calls from Nithya in the skype. I called back and she received it in no time.

I smiled seeing her huge smile.

" Hey!" I cooed slumping on the bed.

" Hello!" She sang. She is in the car. That much I can decipher.

" Where are you going?" I asked coldly.

" Chill Mr. Cop. I'm going home." Nithya chuckled and that sound soothed my heart.

" So, what did Mr. Cop do today?" She asked wiggling her eyebrows.

I detailed her each and everything and the reaction I got form her was hilarious.

" Ewww..... Idiot...... Go and cleanse that dirty mouth of yours first. What all nonsense you spoke and cherry on the top, those dirty words..... Yucky...." She made a disgusted face.

" Sweety....." I tried speaking bit she cut me off....

" Go. And. Brush. Your. Teeth. Now." She roared angrily and I made my way to the washroom laughing.

I brushed my teeth infront of her and she instructed me to brush here and there and I gladly followed.

" Happy?" I asked washing my mouth.

" Very!" She twitched her lips and rolled her eyes.

" Those two are the biggest dicks I've ever seen..." I slipped my tongue.

" Adi......" She shrieked from the other side.

" Sorry..... Sorry...." I chuckled.

She got out of the car and collected her things. My heartbeat rose when she bent down to take her stethoscope. I had a clear vision of her plump breasts. I gulped and looked away immediately to control my pervy thoughts.

" Yeah...... What were you saying?" She asked closing the door.

" Me.... Me.... No... thing." I stuttered badly embarrassing myself.

Nithya chuckled at my futile attempt and bid me a good bye. I ended the call with much difficulty.

God! She is getting into my nerves.

I slept without any second thoughts. I'm being a certified pervert day by day. Did Awan too look at Advi in this manner?

It was the early morning and my phone started ringing continuously.

God! Who the heck is calling me early in the morning? I looked at my clock to see it as 4:34 in the morning.

The caller ID shew Nithya's name along with her photo.

God! I hope my morning is going to be good.

I swiped the screen towards the green button.

" Hello!" I heard Nithya's panicked voice.

" Are you okay Nithya?" I asked concerned.

" Adi, I don't know whom to call right now. I got a call from my orphanage saying that a girl came there. She is saying that she was sent by some Dhruv Agarwal and he knows me. Adi, I don't know him. And that girl looked so vulnerable." I could literally hear her trembling.

" Chill Sweety. I've sent that girl. I asked her to consult you. Make sure that she is safe in your orphanage. I counting you on this Nithya. " I spoke seriously.

" Fine. But who is this Dhruv Agarwal?" She asked confusion lacing her voice.

" Me." I said chuckling.

" O." She said and chuckled.

" I'll call the orphanage and ask them to take her in." Nithya said yarning.

" Shit! I have to operation in more one hour. Bye Adi. See you soon." Nithya spoke sweetly.

" God Nithya, it's just 4:40 in the morning.

" Yeah, I just got a call from the hospital just after I got a call from orphanage." I heard her yarning.

" Stop tiring yourself Nithya." I asked her.

" It's a part of my work Adi. Bye." She spoke and I ended the call.

No way I can go to the sleep now. I headed to my gym and started exercising.

I went to meet those bastards and it continued for the next one month. I and Suresh have really worked hard to gain their trusts. We collected as much information as possible to end their games and more one day. Everything will be finished. The whole Central Mumbai will be free from his rule.

I must work on this as quick as possible. If it is successful, I can leave 3 weeks prior than the time given to us. The other two officers are perfect at their jobs. IPS Vimal and IPS Chowdhury have already completed their works. They completely ended the reigns of North and West Mumbai. It is being very difficult to control the twins, so they joined them for the help. And the remaining two too are on the verge of ending it.

I took a long sigh and thought about my past days. What not I didn't do to gain their trust. And I absolutely hate myself for that.

" Sir, we have to give the ultimatum tomorrow." Suresh spoke firmly.

If everything goes well tomorrow, I've to say good bye to Dhruv Agarwal tomorrow.

I've become really close to that Raheem and Iqbal that they have started trusting me blindly.

I was invited to the meeting tomorrow where I will get to know each and every detail about the sex and women trafficking and a lot about drug dealing.

Finally I get to relax my muscles today. My head is literally aching. I took a pill and slept but it was soon disturbed by my phone. And it is getting on my nerves now.

" What the heck do you want?" I barked without even seeing the caller ID. The person whoever is on the other side immediately cut the call. I threw the phone under the pillow and again slipped into the deep slumber. My body is literally aching like hell.

By the time I woke up, it's already 7pm. I feel hot and I also feel like puking. I rushed into the bathroom and puked my guts out.

" Sir, are you okay?" Suresh came running to me.

" Can you call the doctor Suresh?" I asked him tiredly.

He nodded and rushed to get his phone. By the time he returned, I completed brushing my teeth.

I slumped onto the bed and closed my eyes.

" Sir, there are no clinics near by. I'm sorry." He stated and my mobile again started ringing.

Who the fuck is that?

" Suresh please pick the call and answer them." I said tiredly.

Suresh picked the call and said me that it's Nithya.

" Hello Dr. Mehra." Suresh greeted.

" Actually, Adithya sir is suffering from fever and body pains." He said looking at me.

" Tha.... That...." He hesitantly looked at me.

" Sir had to work where there is usage of drugs Mam. And we just got to know that he is sensitive to drugs." Suresh spoke.

" Yeah I'm noting them." He said and took the paper.

He kept my mobile on speaker and I can clearly hear her sweet voice.

" Suresh sir, please give him ibuprofen and even after the fever and body pains didn't get down, please give him aspirin. And take care of him sir. Bye." Saying this Nithya ended the call.

I had a soft smile even with my closed eyes.

" She cares for you sir." Suresh smiled and I returned it with a nod.

He went to get those meds and once he is back, I had my dinner and took those medicines. I slept and by the morning, I'm all fit and fine.

" Are you ready for today sir?" Suresh asked determined.

I nodded and grabbed my laptop going through every detail we collected.

It was around 5:30 in the evening and we are all set to go to the meeting.

Our driver stopped near Raheem's mansion and me and Suresh got down.

I went inside to be greeted by Iqbal and Raheem. They led me into the basement. We sat there and are discussing about the drug dealings. They are explaining me where to supply them and I just kept nodding.

Someone give me a pillow and a mattress yaar. This bastard kept on going with his nonsense.

" Yeah I got it. But don't you think providing drugs to Amsterdam will only bring us loss. Because drug dealing is legal over there." I asked.

He thought for a while and nodded. I was about to droop when I heard a shrill cry. It was so loud that my heart beats rose suddenly. That voice is very familiar to me.

I turned back to see a figure being dragged by one of the men of Raheem. He mercilessly held her hair and pushed her on the ground. She let out an another cry and my heart stopped seeing the girl on the floor.

NITHYA....... My heart screamed.

I was about to get up but Suresh held me back and signalled me to sit where I was.

" Please leave me." Nithya yelled and I was so shocked to react anything.

Her gaze fell on me and she stilled for a moment. She was about to cry my name but one glare from me and she shut her mouth.

" She look hot...." I commented looking at Nithya.

Nithya looked at me all shocked.

" How much for her?" I asked glaring at Nithya.

Tears swirled in my eyes and I caught my lenses in the pretense of some head ache.

I was constantly looking at her that Raheem cleared his throat.

" She is not some ordinary woman Dhruv. She is a doctor and can be a quite good fuck. She can satisfy you in your bed." Raheem commented and I saw pure disgust in Nithya's eyes. The tears from her eyes kept on flowing.

" So.... Ummmm..... How much?" I asked faking my dirty smirk towards Nithya.

The same man who dragged Nithya here lifted her holding her hair and she shrieked. Her each shriek is piercing my heart.

" 1.2 crore." Raheem stated.

" Don't you think she is too pricy?" I frowned.

" She has good body Dhruv. Just think about it." Iqbal added.

I gave a nod and handed the cheque to them. I signalled Suresh to get Nithya to the condo. I'll deal with her later.

" One thing I got to know about you Dhruv!" Raheem spoke and I got into panick mode.

" And that is?" I raised my eyebrow.

" You are so much addicted to the girls that you can go to any length to get them." He said and I sighed.

" That I'm." I chuckled loudly.

" Bye. I need to leave." I said and stood up to leave.

" Don't you think you have forgotten something Dhruv or should I call you IPS Vohra?" Raheem smirked. I stood frozen at my place.

How the fuck did they get to know my identity?

" What are you saying?" I frowned turning back.

He raised my batch and came forward taking slow steps. He took my hand and placed my batch in my hand.

" Surround....." He shouted and now I know I'm trapped.

I turned to him with a sly smirk.

" Do you think I came here all unarmed Raheem?" I countered.

He pointed his gun towards me and smirked.

" What can your arms do when my gun is laying on your forehead?" He asked maliciously.

" Opps.... How about your gun in your hand and your wife and daughter in my hand?" I smirked slyly.

He dropped his gun and I immediately caught it. Everyone heard the gun sounds and my smirk even grew bigger.

" One scratch on me and your whole family will be parceled to you in pieces." I tried to scare him.

I looked fear in his eyes. Fear of losing his daughter. Suddenly I felt powerless. It's the same emotion I've seen in Shantanu's eyes towards Anvi, the same emotion in Veer uncle's eyes towards Advi. But what about the lives of those fathers whose lives he have taken mercilessly?

" Please don't do anything to my daughter." He requested sweating.

I ran outside and he followed me along with Iqbal and his pussies.

I laughed at them and saw the whole mansion on fire. I grinned at my team and showed them the thumbs up.

" You bastard, my wife is inside...." Iqbal screamed and tried to pounce on me. And the next second he is laying on the ground all dead.

" I hate when someone yell at me. You know that Iqbal?" I asked crouching down looking into his dead orbs. Raheem looked all shocked to see his after dead infront of his eyes.

" I hate chasing and all these guys. " Saying this, I shot everyone mercilessly finally pointing my gun on his forehead. He is sweating profusely.

" Adi, stop it. You have already encountered 12 people." Someone screamed from behind.

The smell of drugs burning in the fire is totally disgusting me.

" Your daughter and wife are safe. And the one you sold me today is my girl." I screamed and loaded a bullet in his head. A lone tear left my eye.

What if I was not present here? And today is her conviction, how the fuck is she hear?

" 13 people sir. And the human rights can file a case against me. I don't care." I screamed and took my car to the condo.

" Where is she Suresh?" I asked angrily. He pointed towards my room and it's locked. He handed me the keys and left to his room.

As soon as I opened the door, Nithya pounced on me hugging the life out of me. She is crying like hell.

I circled my hands around her waist and head caressing her hair repeatedly.

" Aa....a....di......, They.... They kid.....napped me Adi." She is crying hysterically.

She is kidnapped?

" What if I was not there Nithya?" I gritted tightening my arms around her.

" I don't know..... I don't know..... I'm sorry....." She cried.

I wiped her tears and made her sit on the bed. I sat down on the bed and turned her towards me.

" What happened? How come you are in Mumbai?" I asked slowly holding her arms.

" It's hurting Adi." She cried.

" How come you are here Nithya?" I gritted losing my grip on her arms.

" I came here for my convocation. Most of Dr. Ahmed's students belong here. So, everyone thought of getting convocated here. And we landed here yesterday. I called you to tell this but.... But you yelled at me Adi...." She screamed at the last part making me hide my smile.

" I got my PG certificate today and me and my colleagues went for a restaurant to dine. Once we are done, I was walking on the pavement for some fresh air. And then they kidnapped me. Are they some mafia Adi?" She cried asking the last part so innocently. I nodded my head and she tightened her grip around me.

How come this girl is so cute? No doubt she loves crying. The first time I've seen her, she is crying and now too she is crying.

" It's alright...... It's alright Sweety. Come on call your parents and tell them everything." I said handing my phone to her.

" Have you gone mad Adi? Mom and Daddy will be scared." She shouted.

" It's wrong to hide something from your parents Nithya. Call them and tell them that you got kidnapped and I saved you." I asked and she did as I asked. I assured her parents that she is with me and is safe and sound.

" Good girl..." I cupped her cheeks and kissed her forehead.

" Don't kiss me. I hate when someone kiss me." She scrunched her nose in annoyance.

I laughed heartily and then itself my stomach growled.

" Go and fresh up. And make me something. I quite hungry." I ordered fake glaring her.

" Yes sir." She mock saluted and rushed to the washroom. I chuckled and made my way to the kitchen to search for some food.

Someone tapped my shoulder and I turned to see Nithya all fresh.

" Move away. I'll make something quick." She said and ducked her head into the fridge.

She has some nice asses Adi! My devil shouted.

Shut up bastard and go inside. I yelled and gave a sweet smile to Nithya.

" Is fried rice fine?" She asked and I nodded.

She quickly made some fried rice and we devoured them. God she can cook so well.

" Where are you going to sleep?" Nithya asked me.

" I'll sleep in the guest bedroom. You sleep in mine." I said and kissed her forehead.

" I asked you not to kiss me Adi...." She shrieked on the top of her lungs. I ran away from her before she catch me. I closed the door and slumped on the bed.

With Love ❤️

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Word Count: 5374

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