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By _MeanYoongiii_

2K 186 8

๐“๐ž๐š๐œ๐ก๐ž๐ซ ๐ญ๐ซ๐ข๐œ๐ค๐ฒ ๐ฅ๐ข๐ค๐ž ๐š ๐ซ๐ข๐๐๐ฅ๐ž โ‡’ ๐™ธ ๐š๐š‘๐š’๐š—๐š” ๐™ธ ๐šŠ๐š– ๐š’๐š— ๐š•๐š˜๐šŸ๐šŽ ๐š ๐š’๐š๐š‘ ๐šข๐š˜... More

Clock hands
Books, Pens and A stampler
Chocolate Cookies
Touch her heart
Sudden Outburst
Pure black
The first smile
Project mates
Partner in crime
His inspiration
Usual self
Morning Drive
Teach you how to sleep
Fake girlfriend
Promise me
Orange covers
Good Girl , Good Student
Behind the window
First Date
Goodnight Mia
She is unbelievable
White lies
State of Art
They know
Be our guest
Tv shows
8:30 O'clock
Truth or Dare
Sudden encounter
Too late
Make up
Eating, Sleeping, Playing
Cherry Blossom
Huge mistakes
Safe and Sound
Different person
No longer exists
Pinky Promises
Goodbye Party
Last picture
It's the time!
The most beautiful moment in life
New Life
Last encounter

Skirt length

26 4 0
By _MeanYoongiii_

Her eyes were completely open and able to move after a peaceful sleep, but yet she couldn’t move any other part of her body.

For all intents and purposes, she was awake.

All of a sudden as she was paralyzed, she saw a large, black, ghostly figure through the closed closet doors. She blinked and blinked once again, hoping her eyes lie to her.

The ghost passes through the closed doors and quickly approaches her bedside. At this point she was terrified, wishing for it to be over and having absolutely no control over the situation.

She was trying to yell but her voice was not audible, just some concise moans.

For fifteen seconds, the vision of the ghost zooms in and out as her head and heart are pounding in sync with the movement of the apparition.

"Mia?" That foreign creature whispered.

But its voice... She already knew that voice making the ghost way more familar than before.


She was thinking, trying to howl his name yet her voice was not even getting out. She was giving 100% total of herself but her voice was not escaping her dry lips.

"Mia I need you... Help me..." He was whispering and Mia was trying to move every inch of her body. Is she going crazy? Why cant she move anything?

She was trying her best, speaking in words only inside her mindset like Where are You Jungkook?  what happened? how can I help you? Please...

The ghost kept on asking for help yet the tiny girl could not do a single thing.

No... No..

"NO!" She screamed and finally opened her moisty eyes. She was crying in her sleep for an amount of time.

It was all a bad dream.

"Mia... I am here I am here... Look at me!" She realized she was been captive inside a warm embrace. She finally adjusted her eyes to the backround and distinguised the place. Staring at her left she noticed the man.


Her voice finally blurred out his name as a sign she was finally awake. She hid inside his hug and her hot tears slid down her cheeks.

"Shhhh..." The man placed his hand on the back of her head placing her closer and caressing her hair. "Everything is okay... I am here..."

The girl hid her face and held Yoongi like it was the last time. Her sobs got louder and louder alerting Yoongi that something is not going according to plan. "It was a nightmare Mia... Just a nightmare..." He whispered pretty close to her ear and she nodded.

"Y-Yoongi..." She was barely speaking as her voice was weakening minute by minute.

"What happened? What did you saw? Tell me..."

"J-Jungkook..." She whispered breaking the hug so she can see him. Yoongi was acting like he did not know though he heard her talking to her sleep.

She was screaming his name, and other sentences like what happened and how can she help. He did not want to show her he is already aware. It was better for her to open up and explain herself.

"I-I need to talk to Jungkook... I need to call him..."

"Mia... Its 4...!" He said and held her tighter. "He is... in danger!" She claimed and the man tried not to narrow his eyebrow. "Jungkook must be sleeping right now!"

"I saw it in my dream, he needs my help... I need to call him..." She almost pleaded.

"Mia Jungkook is okay... It was just a dream! You can't call her right now, It's late!" He tried to persuade her although it was almost impossible.  "B-But..." she attempted to convince him is urgent.

"Listen to me... I am gonna wake you up early tomorrow and we are gonna call him, Okay?" He caressed her arms.

"O-Okay..." She gave up sighing because of the anxiety that was crawling inside of her. "Now... Go To sleep again!" Yoongi got up from the stool he was placed. He grabbed the duvet and covered her like a tender father.

He leaned closer and placed his soft lips against her forehead. She blinked although it was quite a reassuring geture.

"Don't think too much..." He whispered.

The girl nodded and they stared at each other for about 4 seconds. Yoongi smiled and tried to make his way out of the room. He was about to turn off the lights and exit but a gentle voice immobilized him.

"Sleep with me!" She announced out of the blue. Yoongi thought that he heard wrong so he slowly titled around to see the girl sitting on the bed.

"Please..." Her voice broke and his heart melted. "Mia... We already talked about this..." Out of respect he was trying to restrain his needs. "Not like this... Just hold me... For the night Yoongi..." She exclaimed avoiding eye contact at all costs.

He did not say anything else, just beamed with a huge smile because of the timid girl in front of him.

He laid on the bed on her right side and covered himself with the covers. They both turned to look at each other, laying down without a word, spoken.

"Let's sleep then!" Yoongi announced and with a gentle smile he attempted to close his eyes. Mia was gazing at him because he seemed so beautiful while sleeping.

She forgot about everything and stared at him for a long long time. He was making her feel peaceful and at ease. She thought he was already sleeping so she didn't even look at something else apart from him.

Yoongi slowly opened his eyes and although everything was dark their eyes met. At first Mia didn't notice what exactly happened but then gulped in the idea that Yoongi caught her staring.

"You need to sleep..."

"I-I can't..."

They eye contact was super intense. Yoongi put his hand behind her waist, inside the covers and pulled her closer. They minimized the distance tremendously so their faces were inches apart.

"Y-Yoongi..." she stuttered but Yoongi approached her ear with her lips. "Mia You need sleep... You haveto go to school tomorrow..."

"You too!"

"If I am sleeping in class instead of teaching it will entirety be your fault..." he teased her with a sly smirk and the girl hugged him tighter.

"Then let that be my fault..." She buried her head to his chest.

He tried to look down at her but the only thing visible was the top of her head, while she was clinging onto him. He liked it a lot.

A tiny smirk appeared to his face before closing him inside his warm embrace and finally closing his eyes. It was their time to sleep.


The girl was awake yet her eyes closed. Her hand touched the side of the bed yoongi slept last night but nothing was there. She narrowed her eyebrows as she deeply was puzzled.

Her eyes slowly opened and she realized Yoongi was no lo ger there.

What time is it?

She turned around on the bed and closed her eyes once again totally forgetting about school, Jungkook, the contest, Yoongi and every other responsibility she had.

"Mia we have to go to school!" She felt a hand onto her shoulder carefully nudging her.


"It's 7:55... We are gonna miss the first hour..." She heard and her eyes fell open to spot the man being ready to leave.

"Omg I am late for school!" She jumped from the bed and adjourned the room not giving a damn about Yoongi and that she left him behind. He smiled and walked out of the room as well.

"She is unbelievable!" He whispers.

Mia walked out of the bathroom wearing her school uniform. Yoongi stared at her from her to toe.

"They literally need to make these skirts longer... It shows... Too much!" He whispered, thinking out loud and Mia narrowd her eyebrows. What is he talking about?

"What?" She barely listen to his ted talk.  Yoongi approached her and bent down to stare at how short this skirt was.

"What are you doing?" The girl asked and hit the back of his head.

"Ouch!" He grabbed the back of his neck and stood ordinarily like before. "Did you just hit me?" He asked because of how unbelievably unreal the girl is. "Well, You made me feel uncomfortable!"

"The person who made that skirt should make you feel uncomfortable. Is that even a proper length for a skirt?" He whined.

"Um... Next time give me to wear one of yours then!"

"Ha ha really funny... Now get out cause we are late... And stay away from boys!" He ordered and she narrowed her eyebrows. "What?" She asked once again. 

"Out!" He ordered her and carefully pushed her while fixing his scarf on the neck.

They walked down the stairs until they met the neighborhood streets. The day was windy while clouds literally were covering the whole blue of the sky. Yoongi opened the door of his car and made her a sign she should get in.

"I can't come with you! What if they will see us?" She asked obviously aware of the danger.

"By the time we are there, everyone will already be in class... Get in..." She was looking at him tentatively like it was a huge mistake... maybe because it was.

"Come on! No one will see us... I promise! Get in..." He smiled holding on the door. The girl stared and thought how beautiful he is today. He was wearing a cloaked dark blue coat, a white handmade sweater and some really elegant black pants. Is he trying to seduce someone today or is it coincidental?

"Earth to Mia... Are you gonna get in?" He asked and the girl finally concentrated.

"Right!" She said and entered the car, laying back on the seat. The man smiled and closed the door before running around the car and entering as well.

He titled his head to look at him while turning the engine on. His eyes fell at her exposed legs and he rolled his eyes. "Aishhhh..." Hd stopped whatever he was doing as his hand reached behind his seat to grab a sport jacket.

"What are you doing?" She asked.

He covered her legs and put his hands back on the wheel.

"Protecting what's mine... You take that jacket with you!" He announced and the girl rolled her eyes. "Are you maybe... Jealous?" She narrowed her eyebrows.

"What? Me? Jealous? Of course not!" He started driving the car and completely ignoring her. "You are acting a bit strange!" She announced and laid back on her seat while her head slowly touched the trasperant window.

"By the way Do not forget to call Jungkook..."

"OH MY GOD! JUNGKOOK!" She screamed,  startling the man. "Woah Why are you shouting?!"

"Omg Omg Omg... I need to call him now! You promised to wake me up early so I will call him!" She put the blame on him and grabbed her phone, typing some numbers. Yoongi grabbed it before she hit the call buttom.

"Mia I called him this morning to see If he is okay... Everything is fine... I told him you will call him later... Call Him after the first hour of school, okay?"

"Are you sure he is okay?"

"Yes Mia... 100%" He reassured her and parked his car in the school parking lot. "Let's go!" He said and opened his door. They both walked out and walked on the sidewalks.

Mia looked up at Yoongi and smiled. "Yoongi... Thank you for-" she was about to say how much she appreciates him but someone interrupted them.

"Mia?" They both stopped as soon as they saw a boy in front of them.

"T-Tae?"  She stuttered as their eyes locked. Taehyung stared at the girl and then shyly at Yoongi. Mia felt awkward cause she knew that Tae must have figured out everything.

"You came here together?" Tae asked fixing something inside his bag.

"Well, Yes I was driving and saw her walking down the street. We were already late so I offered her a ride!" Yoongi lied and Tae nodded.

"Oh! Okay..." He said and they felt relieved that he actually believed it. "What are you doing here though? Shouldn't you be in class?" Mia asked and the boy tucked his hands inside his pockets.

"Well, I was late as well so I decided to skip the first hour... Until now!"

"What changed now?" Mia asked and Taehyung smiled. "You came!" He said and something intense was all over the atmosphere. 

"Lets Go Mia!" He grabbed her hand trying to pull her away from the teacher and go to class. Yoongi automatically grabbed her other hand and stopped them. They both turned around to look at the agitated music teacher.

"Mr. Min what are you doing?" Mia asked instead of Tae. "I-I... You forgot your cell phone... in my car!"

"But It's right here!" Tae looked at her hand which happened to be holding the device Yoongi was referring to.


"Then... We should leave!"

He hinted that he should take his hand away from her and the man slowly did. "Yeah... Go to class... Mia... Your jacket!" He gave her the jacket hinting she should hide her legs and secretely winked. The girl nodded and went to Taehyung. 

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