Chapter 20

539 10 4

Thea Hayden

Well today is Halloween and my birthday. I woke up to Harry busting into my room and leaving sloppy kisses all over my face then laying on top of me . Accompanied with Sloan and Jules and half naked Niall coming into my room with pancakes and a candle with presents. I thanked them several times and went to class. Logan and Elle  called me and said that we'll do something tomorrow . Harry seems very excited about tonight and so do Sloan and Jules, I would be ,lying if I said I wasn't a little scared of what they had planned especially since it's halloween. I never really made a big deal about my birthday, it just a reminder of how I never got to have a princess fairy party or get bombarded with presents from family members I barely knew. I never really liked getting presents but to my dad it was just another day and went on like my little seven year heart wasn't being crushed.  But I have Harry and my friends , so this will be interesting .

I got back to my dorm where Sloan and Harry are arguing but it comes to a stop when the see me enter the room, "Hey guys." I say and tread lightly because never in a million years would I have thought that Sloan and Harry would be arguing like an old married couple in my common room with Niall on the couch watching every minute of it like he's a six year old about to gets scolded by his parents. "Hey, birthday girl." Harry smiles and walks over to me and pecks my lips and tells me that he is going to see me later because he has to take care of a few things,Niall jumps up and follows him.  Jules comes out of her room looking stressed as fuck. "Alright, so I have many options for what we are wearing tonight for halloween ." She says and walks to the arm chair and plops herself down. "Well what are the options ?" I ask

Three hours later and we are almost done getting ready we decided to be those cute robber girls, I know basic but we look hot and It was the only thing we could agree on.

Three hours later and we are almost done getting ready we decided to be those cute robber girls, I know basic but we look hot and It was the only thing we could agree on

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I am wearing a guess shirt with black jeans and a white belt and my knee high black boots and my pink ski mask of course . Jules is wearing a bra and spandex with her pink ski mask and glasses . Sloan is wearing black and white camouflage wind breaker pants with a black top and and a green ski mask because Niall is wearing something green tonight so they wanted to match , how cute .

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