Chapter 23

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Harry Styles

5 days, it's been 5 days of Thea not saying any full sentences .A simple response was all I would get. I never seen her this... broken before . I've seen her in pain, yes but I've never seen her completely shattered . Her siblings stop by everyday after school as do Catherine , Louis,Niall and Liam. I assume I am of permanent residence here now because she only sleeps when I'm with her . I'm really worried about her . I miss my happy girl, the girl that would get excited when I played Elton John in the car just for her, the girl that would smoke my whole pack of cigarettes but then by me a pack after because she felt bad even though 90% of the time she will steal that pack and the girl that would get so excited when she started a new book. .

I haven't been sleeping at all , which is fine with me. She has only had one other nightmare and I did the same thing and started talking about a good memory that we share . I felt so helpless that I couldn't help her but I am thankful that she let me in her room and that she can lean on me now. I can't even comprehend what was going through her head for the two days that she was completely and utterly alone.  Sometimes when she can't fall asleep I sing to her to calm her and she falls in a sleep within seconds , during that time I usually get my assignments done and hers. I couldn't bear it if she just flunked out and I could've stopped it so that's what I've been doing , both of our class assignments.

I noticed that when she sleeps she has a frown, it's a very cute frown. She hasn't showered in a few days ... I should wake her up so she can get into a fresh set of clothes and get a full nights sleep and maybe she'll start to heal. Thankfully, her father hasn't called, text or stopped by but apparently Nathan went to the loft and wanted to see Thea. Apparently , he thought that he was doing the right thing by calling her father and that she would come running to back to him thanking him from saving her from me apparently and the fact that her 'life was going down the drain'.  Well , up until the prick called her father and he showed up Thea and I had worked through our problems and we were finally allowing ourselves to give in to each other and be happy.

I finally give in and decide to wake her up for a shower or a bath , I think I should give her a bath. Yeah, I'll give her a bath it's more calm, right? It's about 5 am and she's been out cold for 10 hours,"Princess. Time for a bath." I stroke her cheek and move the hair out of her face as he groans . "C'mon love." I slowly start to sit her up so she can regain conciseness . She rubs her eyes and slowly starts to open them and turns her head to face me and she light smiles . "There's that beautiful smile I've missed." I say and cup her cheek and remove myself from the covers and and in front of the bed and gesture for her to reach out and she does. I grab her hands and lift her up to her feet and snake one hand around her waist and grab her hand with another, I don't think she's left the bed since the last time she took a shower which was three days ago .

We get into the bathroom and I sit her down on the toilet and take off the shower curtain so she can take a bath. I start to draw the bath and I go to kneel in front of her , "So, I've been meaning to ask you something ." I look in her eyes and wait for a response that I know I'll never get. "I think we should have another oceans marathon , maybe watch some futureama?" she surprisingly nods and I take that as a holy fucking grail and give her my best fake smile and start to tear up but wipe them them up quickly and notice that the bath is full and stop the water . She lifts her arms up so I can undress her, I take my white shirt off her , she's only been wearing my shirts and I love it.  I grab the band of her sweats and take them off along with her underwear , I help her stand up and walk to the bath. I know I'm acting like she's terminally ill but mental sickness hurts just as much as physical. I help her step into the bath and she winces at the hot water a little bit settles in smoothly , I take the hair tie that has been in her hair for days and see that grease all through out her hair .

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