Chapter 2

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Thea Hayden

"Thea ! C'mon you gotta look good if you wanna get any tonight ." Juliet said for the 100th time tonight . I have no intention of having sex tonight but I'll entertain her because that's all she's been saying for the past hour .
"Jules , I still don't think I should go. What if something happens with my aunt or my siblings ?" I say worrying myself even more .
"T, then Logan or his boyfriend Johnathan or even Isabelle will call you okay? You have been worrying like crazy! You need to act like a sophomore in college once in a while ." Sloan said with sympathy in her voice .

So I gave in , their not wrong I worry way too much hence the anxiety meds .

I put on my blue jeans , black turtleneck, my nirvana t shirt over that and my back docs . I'm one of those people that actually listens to the music that's on their shirt , not trying to sound like a bitch or anything . I think my favorite nirvana song is "smells like teen spirt" it's a really good fucking song , my brother and I always jam out to it .

Thankfully ,Juliet liked my outfit and didn't make me put on anything too reveling .

I called Logan again and he told me to go because I never get to enjoy myself . I guess he's not wrong but I need to take care of my family .

Logan sounded really excited to hang out with his boyfriend Johnathan tonight . I'm really happy for him . I mean it doesn't make me feel good that my brother that is a sophomore in high school is in a stable relationship and I being a sophomore in college haven't been in a relationship since high school but it's fine I have my family to worry about not myself.

When we got to the party I felt a giant pit in my stomach .

I really didn't want to do this but I'm in college and this is what college girls do right ?

"Okay T, let's have some fun!" Juliet said with way too much excitement.

"Yo! You guys want drinks?" Sloan asks

" I'm good Sloan , thanks though." I declined , I don't want to risk anything for all I know I might have to leave in 20 minutes .

"Ugh no fun, more for me." Juliet says with no hesitation

I stay with them for the better part of an hour . While the same three songs kept playing . "Therefore I am" by Billie Ellish, "in the party" by Flo milli and "Bad things" by machine gun Kelly. Now don't get me wrong all love all those songs but hearing them play over and over for hours on end can get infuriating.

Juliet had 5 drinks within the first 30 minutes of being here and threw up already while crying .

Sloan only had a couple of drinks so she's fine just a little tipsy. I haven't had anything to drink I seriously think I'm the only sober one here .

I really had to pee so I decided to go fine the bathroom in the place .

As I'm walking I bump into a guy, that turns out to be very fucking attractive.

"Watch where you're stepping darling." That guy said with an English accent that caught me off guard . I looked straight into his eyes as he was looking down at me . I discovered his eyes were a piercing green, they kinda looked like mine ....

"U-uh ,yeah sorry." I said with no confidence in my voice at all .

I finally found the bathroom and let go of a breath I didn't realize I was I was holding .

I felt my face heat up and I looked in the mirror above the sink and I noticed my cheeks were bright red .

"Oh my god" I whisper to myself

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