Chapter 7

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Thea Hayden

Well I've been here for god knows how long. I came to the nearest bar that I knew served minors . Vodka probably doesn't mix well with my meds but no going back now. I've had six no , seven shots of vodka and two glasses of scotch. I don't like scotch but it's strong so it did the trick I also felt like Damon Salvatore while drinking it because that's all her ever drinks.

Everything looks happy.

Uh oh my phones ringing.

"H-hello." I say while hiccuping.


"That's my name, I think. I've been called many things in my lifetime ,good sir."

"Are you drunk?" he asks

"No my names Thea, you just said so yourself silly." I said

hahhaa I'm funny

"Thea, where are you?"

"That's a fantastic question my friend . Where are you?" I say back into the phone

"My dorm ,Thea."

"Ohhhhh,fun times." I say

"Thea,go home."

"Thea, what are you doing here!!" Sloan bursts into the air and shouts as I hang up the phone.

"Heyyyyyyy,girlyyyyy" I slur

"Thea how much have you had to drink? Do you know how many people are worried sick about you?!" Sloan states in worry

"Well shit ,calm the fuck down."

Noelle bursts through the door and yells , "Thea!"

"Can everyone stop yelling.Jesus fucking christ."

They picked me up by my arms and I slung them around their shoulders and giggled. How come I was so stupid, I miss green eyes.

Next thing I knew they were walking into the dorm. I saw some figures but I couldn't identify who they were.

Sloan laid me down on my bed and went to get me water as Noelle sat by my hip.

All of a sudden I could feel everything from today and from my emotions because of the date all come tumbling out of me.

"I-I'm s-sorry." I stutter

"Honey, why are you sorry?"

"B-because I messed up, I didn't want to . I had to do it because of you know."

"You did not mess up ." she states trying to calm me down because my anxiety goes through the fucking roof when I'm upset.

"I had to, I had to..." I state starting to hyperventilate.

"I know,I know." she says while bringing me in for a hug.

Harry styles

I started to hear her hyperventilate.

Somethings really wrong and I don't know why but I fell like I need to fix it.

Her cousin who I think is named Caroline looks like she's about to break down in thirty seconds . But Juliet and Sloan look very confused as to what's happening.

Thea is now sitting up in her bed talking to her other cousin , Noelle I think. She starts sobbing uncontrollably and saying, "I had to." over and over again.

Should I do something?

Should I comfort her?

I'm not good with this shit, I never and I mean never get invested into to any girl or guys emotions . It's way too fucking messy, I usually fuck them then leave. No talking about emotions or what 'we' are , I leave right after.

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