Chapter 37

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'Can't see when I'm fallin', losing myself

But then I hear you callingThere you are, there you are
You're there with open arms
There you are, there you are
And I run'

~There you are ~Zayn

September 28th 2015 ,six years ago

Harry Styles 

I was mindlessly flipping through channels though Reggie's t.v.. Her and Joey had been letting me stay here since I found out about Genny, my mum found out though one of her 'friends' and she went ballistic apparently . She was saying how I'm going to end up just like her , a druggie with a kid. 

I got home from school about an hour ago and Genny hasn't spoken to me, which I'm grateful for. I only found out a few days ago and I still have no clue how to react really. This must be karma for taking her virginity or something. I'm fifteen , I should be worried about college not a fucking child that I barely have any knowledge off. If she would have told me when she found out I would've told her to get a fucking abortion , we're fifteen. I don't want to be tethered to the bitch for life and since she's having my kid , Genevieve Rowland is not leaving my life any time soon. 

I don't even know what I'm gonna do. Will I take care of it, will I give it up for adoption? I have no fucking clue. My thoughts were interrupted my a loud knocking at the door, "Reggie!" I yelled from my spot on the couch. "Reggie!" I yelled again. I came to the conclusion that she wasn't hearing me. I huffed from my spot on the couch and I got up to go the door. 

I opened it to find a very pregnant Genny with a look of distraught on her face. "Genny?" I question as she looks panicked. "Harry, Harry. I d-don't know what's wrong." she stammers while holding a grip on her stomach which begins to worry me. "Are you in pain?" I ask worryingly. 

"Y-yeah, it really hurts for a bit then calms down for a couple of minutes." she explains to me. "Should you go to a hospital or something?" I ask her not knowing what to do. She nods frantically as her answer, I guess it really hurts. "Fuck,alright." I look into the house and yell, "Reggie!" once more and get no answer. "Regina!" I yell again and I see her coming down the stairs. "What! What the fuck is wrong?!" she questions me.

"Genny's in pain and we need to go to the hospital." I inform her as she widens her eyes and comes into the doorway. "Alright then, lets go." she stated before she gestured for us to go to her car. Genny sat in the front as Regina drove and I sat in the back. 

"Fuck!" she yelled loudly. "You're alright, love?" Regina asks in motherly tone. "Hurts like a bitch!" she responds angrily. "Is it like period cramps.?" Regina asks her. "Yeah, on steroids." she answers. Regina speed down every shortcut to the hospital and made it there in record time. I got out of the car abruptly and go to open Genny's door. I take her hand and help her out of the car and she continues to grasp her stomach. 

We all walk into the emergency room as I keep my hand in Genny's and Regina remains calm and collected. "Hi,excuse me." Regina goes up to a nurse it looks like. "Hi, how can I help you?" she questions. "My cousins friend is pregnant and is pain." she gets straight to the point. "Oh, okay. Come with me dear." the nurse walks over to Genny and I and takes Genny's hand from mine. 

The nurse directs us to an open bed in the ER , she lays her down and closes the curtain as I sit in a chair next to it and Reggie stands beside me. The nurse comes back with a female doctor that looks relatively friendly. "Hi, what do we have here?" she asks with a smile on her face that could brighten up anyones day. 

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