Chapter 45

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I can't even pick specific lyrics just the whole song because ,ouch .

I pretty much listened to this song on repeat for the chapter so by all means leave it on repeat while reading lol, have fun loves ❤️

Fine line -Harry Styles

No perspective

Thea stormed out of the dorm building with tears blurring her vision and her hands shaking . She didn't know where to go or who to go to . The one person she would go running to is the one that lied .

Harry stood in the middle of his dorm frozen in his spot . He had just watch his whole entire world run away from him and that utterly broke him . He knew that after she found out that it would all be over .

Even though he was playing the long game of not telling her , he hoped and prayed that somehow it would all be alright . Things ended the way he expected , that doesn't mean it hurt any less .

He had realized that she was right , she told him everything . Every fucking detail of her life , details that she rarely shared with everyone but she told him . She opened herself for him and he couldn't tell her one simple thing .

Thea found herself wandering the streets of late night New York . Mascara that she had put on for today had stained her cheeks from her crying. She had picked up a pack of cigarettes at a consignment shop on a corner and was now half way threw the pack .

She hasn't bought a pack in a little over four months because Harry always had a set on him and they always shared . 'How could she not see it' she wondered . She knew that they had looked alike and had matching eyes to her own .

They seemed like cousins , they acted like cousins . At the same time Kara didn't know that Harry was her dad and she had just found out .

Louis tried to get Harry's attention . He had even called Niall and Liam because he was getting really worried about him . Niall had to fill Liam in on the way to the boys dorm about Kara , he was also one that didn't know but he also a didn't take it as hard as Thea .

Louis had also called Cat, Juliet and Sloan to inform them of what happened . They were shocked when they had found out but said they would deal with Harry later and would find Thea first .

The girls were separated all over the city . Sloan had taken a subway to Brooklyn and started searching there along with her siblings and their partners . Sammy and John said that they would help as soon as they found out because the Hayden siblings were worried sick about their sister who is wandering New York somewhere .

Juliet had called Amy to help her evaluate the campus . The college was relatively big so they could be searching for hours but Juliet didn't mind if that meant she could find her best friend and she was okay . Amy was trying her best to calm down her girlfriend who she loved dearly but was scared herself about Thea .

Thea was always nice to Amy and she had appreciated that a lot . Not many people have accepted her and Thea was ecstatic when she had found out that Amy and Juliet were together and that meant a lot to Amy .

Cat had decided to go to the diner and other places that Thea hangs out at. Cat is trying not to let anything get to her . She was putting on up a front for Thea because if she found her and she was crying that would just make matters worse .

"Harry, mate." Niall wove his hand in front of Harry's face trying to get his attention . They all had taken into account Harry's heavy breathing and his shocked and truly broken appearance . 

Louis had called Regina and she had answered speaking about the whole situation . She was really concerned about Harry and gave Louis some information about him that truly broke his heart .

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