Chapter 19

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Harry Styles

"No! Regina, I don't want to talk to her ! I refuse to talk to her ,alright . I'm sorry , please tell Kara I love and miss her and that I'll call her later tonight but don't you ever fucking mention that name again." I yell into the phone

"Harry, you are going to have to talk at some point . The baby is due soon and I'm going to need help and I know you can't come home, you need to trust her." Regina says back to me

"Trust her! You want me to trust her?! You're fucking insane Reggie!" I shout then hang up the phone and throw the phone against the wall. "Fuck!"

"Jesus H, it's 3 am. Cat and I are sleeping , you're lucky she's a heavy sleeper ." Louis says

I turn around and he can see the tears streaming down my face,"Fuck Harry, what happened ? Is Thea alright?" Oh god Thea, I was supposed to meet her an hour ago but I got caught on the phone with Regina about , that. "Thea's fine." I say and he lets go of a breath and goes to sit down on the couch , "Good because I would have to tell Cat that something was wrong and she is never nice when her sleep is interrupted ."

"Sorry Lou." I go to sit down next to him and grab the beer I left there a chug the rest if it

"So, if it's not Thea then it's-" I cut Louis off,"Yep"

" I don't know how I'm gonna tell her , Thea already has enough shit going on she doesn't need mine added on top of it." I state in worry

"Harry, Thea cares about you more than words can describe . She does have a lot of shit going on with her aunt, her ex and her dad but she worries about you just as much as you worry about her. I said this before and I will say it again, the longer you wait to tell her the worse the outcome will be . She is a smart girl , she's gonna notice something is off with you."

I look down at my hands and tears are streaming my face again, I've never cried in front of anyone before . Thea is going to hate me once I tell her.

"Yeah, I know . It's just she's the best thing in my life and I can't fuck it up Lou, I really care about her . I don't know what to do because I've never felt this way about anyone before and I know that if I loose her its game over for me." I say the truth because if I loose her I'm ruined . She is everything and more, she showed me that I can be happy here and that my life doesn't have to be painful.

"Dude." Lou says and I look at him and he is staring at the door . I look over at the door and it's Thea with chocolate chip cookies and milk. She looks really pale, fuck did she hear me.

She puts the cookies and milk on the coffee table and kneels down in front of me Louis pats my back and goes back to his room. She puts her hands on my knees and looks up at me,"I thought you fell asleep so I thought I would come up here instead of you coming down to my room." she whispers softly

''I'm sorry , I got a call from Regina and got distracted with Kara." I lie, fuck Harry all you do is lie . Just tell her, tell her !

"Oh okay. Want some milk and cookies?" she asks with a smile on her face. I nod and she reaches for them on the coffee table . She stands up to go sit down next to me but I pull her onto my lap and she lets out a little squeal and I laugh instead of cry. "Harry!" she whisper shouts. She puts the milk and cookies next to my hip and reaches in the bag for one then shoves it in my mouth and she starts hysterical laughing , I finish chewing the cookie that was forced into my mouth and she hands me the milk. "Sorry green eyes, you deserve it for teasing me all day."

"I was not teasing you all day." I was teasing her all day, she was really cute when she was all pent up like that. We still haven't had sex yet, I'm really happy the way things are now though but we're taking things slow and slow is good maybe slowing fucking her. Fuck , Harry. Stop, not yet.

I put my hands on her hips and she takes a cookie and slowly eats it, lord what that mouth could do..."You sure you just want to have cookies tonight ?" she smiles and nods . Thea slowly starts to roll her hips and I groan and throw my head back, "Theaaaaaaaaa" I whine

"Harryyyyyyy." she mimics and continues her movements . I grip her hips hard and she seems like she's enjoying that.

''Thea, don't play this game if you don't want my outcome." she laughs and rolls her head back while gripping the edges of my hair."You said come." she says while continues to laugh .

"What are you ,a child?" she's acting very forward which is not like her at all.

"Noooo, children don't smoke pot." she leans her head down to meet my eye line

"You smoked pot?" I question, I knew she smokes but I didn't think she was the type of person to get high.

"Well normally no, Juliet's friend or girlfriend or fuck buddy . I don't know what the fuck she is but her name is Amy ,came to the dorm with some right after you said you were going to come downstairs but you got distracted on the phone with Kara and I got bored so I had some. Can I tell you a secret ?" she asks then brigs her mouth to my ear and nibbles at it slightly . I nod at her question and she brings her face back to mine and with wide eyes says, "Pot makes me horny ."

"Thea Elizabeth Hayden, you mean to tell me that you are sexually attracted to me ? I don't know how I feel about that , I think I feel a bit violated." I kid and her face falls , "Aww, baby you look upset. I'm messing with you , I'm always attracted to you and I'm honored that you are attracted to me." I cup her cheeks and kiss her softly .

Louis was out of his room and glares at us ,"There will be no fucking of any kind while I am under the same roof, got it?" . He stomps back into his room like a child and slams the door shut


Thea slept over last night. We did not have sex last night even though Thea very much wanted too, I didn't want our fist time together have her being high. We only slept for a couple of hours because we had class this morning and we ended up fishing the cookies. I'm waiting for her to get out of her literature class and I keep getting looks from people. Probably because I don't do this for anyone , they can judge all they fucking want because this fucker is happy. I start to see people walk out of her class and she is the last one out of course. "Harry?" she questions while looking confused.

"Yes baby, Harry.'' I walk up to her and peck her lips and take her hand and we start to walk to the dining hall , I'm really fucking hungry. "Why were you outside my class?"

She's cute when she's nervous, "I was outside your class because we didn't have breakfast, most important meal of that day you know." she blushes and kisses my cheek and we keep walking.

We get into the dining hall and go to the buffet, Thea grabs a muffin and some cereal and I decided grab some eggs and pancakes. We sit down and start eating, it's pretty quiet between us, it's not like we're avoiding anything we're just hungry. But I am lying to myself ,I'm avoiding the one important conversation I need to have with her. I never had to think about this before her, I was never in any relationships but now with her... I need to tell her or I'll loose her. I can't loose her , she's become everything to me in a matter of 4 weeks.

"Hey, you okay? " she asks and puts her hand over mine and I smile , she's warm. Everything about her is warmth , like I said she's everything and more.

"All good, princess. You excited for your birthday tomorrow ?" I state in excitement because she has no idea what Lou, Niall , Liam , Jules, Sloan and I are up to.

"Should I be excited or scared ,green eyes?"

Scared, she should definetley be scared.

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