Chapter 51

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'I feel a little nauseous and my hands are shaking
I guess that means you're close by
My throat is getting dry and my heart is racing
I haven't been by your side
In a minute, but I think about it sometimes
Even though I know it's not so distant
Oh, no, I still wanna reminisce it'

~what a time ~Julia Micheals

No perspective

Thea was being rushed into emergency surgery as Harry stood at the end of the hallway watching her be rushed away. The last time she was in surgery was because of the car crash, caused by Harry and now because of his crazy ex.

Harry was riddled with guilt that he always is the one causing her pain , even if it's not directly. The boys were fanned out behind him , Niall had put his hand on Harry shoulder to give him some sort of comfort.

The doctors kicked the doors open as pushed her through as Harry felt the a tether in him being stretched farther and farther away from him. As weird as it sounded the moment in the car had felt the most normal anything had been to him in a while.

He had wished the circumstances were different but it was like they turned back time. His hatred toward Genevieve was at an all time high now. He wanted so bad to go find her and just do something , something to relive the fright coursing in his veins.

He would never physically hurt her but he needed to get his anger out somehow.

Thea was still halfway conscious , going in and out of a trance as the doctors were doing all sorts of tests on her because they knew she wasn't in a state to answer. She felt her clothes being cut off from her .

"This , is. Juliet-t's dress." she tried to get out not wanting to ruin her friends dress that she let her borrow. The doctors didn't answer as needles were being put into her and blankets being laid on her to respect her privacy.

A nurse came over to her and sat down on the chair next to her while she was setting up the heart monitor. "Hi, honey. I'm going to put this mask on your face and I'll need you to count down from ten for me ,alright?  Could you nod for me?" The nurse asked as Thea nodded in response finding the calm tone in her voice to be soothing.

"Ten." Thea started feeling the mask on her face and the piece of elastic on the back of her head. "Nine." she continued. "Eight." she started feeling sleepy, her eyes became even heavier than they were. "Seven."

"She's-" the nurse said but Thea had fallen asleep before she could hear what she was saying . She assumed she was talking to a colleague.

Logan and Elle were going to visit their aunt when they saw Harry and the boys standing there in the hallway just looking at the emptiness of it.

"Hey ,guys." Isabelle said with a grin because they had gotten Indian food tonight and Indian food was her favorite . No one answered , they just looked at the white painted hallway and the doors that Thea was on the other side of.

"Whatcha doing?" She asked they boys as Louis finally came out of his trance and looked over at her and composed himself. "Hey, Elle, sorry." he apologized as Logan looked at him warily.

"Is Thea still out?" She asked him wondering where her sister was because she had texted her a few minutes ago to meet her here to visit their aunt. "No, no. She's here." he answered not knowing how to tell her little sister that she's in surgery.

"She with Aunt Roslyn already?" she pointed towards the ceiling meaning upstairs. "No, she's not."

"I need O neg!" the doctor yelled as he set up another round of blood because Thea was loosing a lot. "Here doctor." the nurse handed him a bag as he hung it and continued to try his best to fix whatever was wrong with her.

HEARTLESS //HSजहाँ कहानियाँ रहती हैं। अभी खोजें