Chapter 13

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Thea Hayden

We walked into Harry's dorm soaked because as we decided to not get a cab for some reason and walk back to the campus. The universe decided to wasn't having a shitty enough day so the sky decided to cry along with me, a lot .

We step into the living room and I'm shivering. "Hey, love are you cold."


He walks over to me and his me tightly , it's not really helping because he is also soaked but it's really sweet."Thanks"

"You want a warm shower?" Harry asks


We walk over to the bathroom and he goes to close the door but I stop him. "W-wait could you stay, I don't want to be alone with my thoughts right now. My mind is a very scary place." I choke on my words

"Of course my princess."


I take off my sweatshirt and forgot I wasn't wearing a bra because I just threw it in my sweatshirt pocket, fuck. He sucks a sharp breath and looks at the ceiling. I laugh and look at him,"sorry"

"No don't apologize I just know that this isn't the time to look at your , you know."

"Thanks Harry , for everything." he looks into my eyes and smiles.

"Anything for you princess."

Why does he always call me princess?

I smile and take off my leggings . Harry opens the shower and starts it. I check to see if it's warm and I look back at him and ask,"Could you uh- come in with me?" I ask

Why did I ask that? The words just came out of my mouth, I just don't have a filter around this man. And he most likely won't want to look at my body, it's gross.

"Are you sure?" he asks

"I'm sorry , I shouldn't have asked." I say and step into the shower and close the curtain behind me.

Harry opens the curtain and looks as if I have three heads.

"Thea, I just didn't know you wanted to , you had just had a bombed dropped on you today. I didn't think that you wanted me naked with you in a shower."

"I'm sorry Harry, it's fine. You don't have to if you don't want to, I was just asking ."

"Okay , number one stop apologizing . Number two, I would more than love to take a shower with you princess . "

There he goes with the princess again, what the fuck...

"Should I keep these on?" he asks

"Harry, I don't want you to have soaked boxers. Its fine, take them off." I state while looking down at his hands as he takes off his boxers. I suck in a breath as I see his uh , yeah . Jeez Thea , you can't even say it in your head. Just say it , I can see his dick. Yeah nope, didn't like that. But shit, his dick is big. Hahahah , funny. Okay stop starring .

I looked back up at him and he noticed I was starring at him but he didn't say anything , he probably would have if I weren't a fucking ball of emotions right now.

He steps into the shower and closes the curtain , he steps in front of me and looks down at my face and puts a piece of my hair behind my ear. "I like this." I say while pointing to his lip ring.

"Yeah." he says with a smirk as I tug at the ring a little with my pinky.

"Didn't think you liked the whole bad boy tattoo look."

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