Chapter 31

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'So baby packed up all she had
Promised to never come back
She left me alone and without
Skin I can study about
Tiles get colder to touch
Wood splinters, metal will rust
But baby, she had all my trust
And I guess that was never enough'

Baby come home ~the neighborhood

Kara Styles
(Kara is Harrys little cousin if you don't remember )

I see my moms car and race up to it , I plop myself in the seat with a giant grin on my face. "Hi, mum!" I buckle my seatbelt and look up to see that it's not my mum , it's the girl Genevieve that's staying with us . "Oh, hi Genny." I slouch back in my seat .

Mum said I could go to her doctors appointment so I could see my baby sister on the screen , guess not. "Hey honey , how are you ." She smiles , I don't like when she calls me that , she's not my mum.

"I'm good ."

The drive home wasn't that long I rushed inside to see my mum and dad sitting down on the couch talking to someone on the phone .

"I don't know why I'm going to tell her ." I recognize that the person on the phone is Harry, I miss him so much . "Harry , you'll drive her away if you d- " I cut my dad off .
"Harry!" I jump onto the couch in front of the phone .

"Hey bugs ." He uses my nickname , "How's school?" He asks. I squeeze myself I between my mum and dad and take the phone so my face is the only one in the screen . "It's boring , we're learning about numbers , ew!" I complain .

"Some people like numbers you know ." He glares at me , "People are crazy if they like numbers ." I state the truth . "So are you calling me crazy , Kara?" He questions

"Yes , yes I am ." He is crazy , numbers are awful . "Harry , I have a question ."

"Yes , bugs ." I contemplate on asking him . "Why do I have your last name and not Mums and Dads ?" I ask and his eyes widen at the question . "Um , uh." He stutters.

"I got it , Haz." My mum says and he nods , "Well you were born before dad and I were married and I used to be a Styles so we thought you should be one ." She explains and Harry looks confused. "Why are you asking ?" Mum asks.

"Well , other kids at school were talking about their parents and their last names because we are doing a family tree project in social studies and I realized that my last name is Styles and not Brown ." I explain

"Okay , hun." She smiles lightly , "Harry . How's Thea?" I ask , I really like Harry's girlfriend she's really sweet and is the definition of a princess and you can tell how much Harry loves her .

"She's great , stressed about work and her siblings though so I haven't seen her much this week ."  He tells me .

"Well when you are that pretty and smart you must be stressed a lot ." I state which makes Harry smile , I miss him a lot .

"Wanna know something ?" I nod eagerly and he laughs . "I think over the summer I'm gonna bring her home to England to meet you guys . But don't say anything !"

"Harry that's really sweet ." Mum says as dad gets up off the couch and heads into the kitchen . "She's made you soft ." I say which makes my mum burst into laughter . "She has not !" He exclaims .

"Yes she has , you've always been nice to me because I'm adorable but your being nice to others now too , it's wired ."

"I guess your right ,bugs." He shrugs and walks outside somewhere . "I'm always right ." I grin .


I overheard my someone downstairs talking so I decided to listen , I know  I shouldn't because it's really late and I have school tomorrow but no one ever tells me what goes on around here .

"Genny, I'm sorry . Once Harry comes home I've the summer with Thea and most likely her siblings you'll have to leave ." Mum states .

I don't really like Genny but that's kind of mean to say . But I really want Harry to come home with Thea .

"Regina . C'mon ."she sounds upset , "Genevieve , I've done all I can for you but family comes first ." She says .

"So what am I ?" She asks . I sit down against the wall near the stairs with the teddy bear Harry sent for my birthday a few moths ago , I named it ,H because Harry wrote love ,H on the card so thats what I named it .

"Genevieve . In my eyes your still that fifteen old girl I saw my cousin yelling at outside the diner ." My mum sighs after her sentence.

"You need to understand , you have no place here . I gave you a chance because you had no where else to go but you lost it ." She continues .

"How did I loose it ?!" She shouts , " I saw you try and contact Harry when he asked you not too."

"That was six years ago when he asked me." Genny states . "Doesn't matter ." Mum doesn't back down . "So , what . I'm nothing . He gets a new girl and I'm left out on the street ." I hear the chair scrap the floor .

"Genevieve . You left . We offered you a bed and roof over your head when your brother kicked you out and you left ."

"Fuck this ." Genevieve curses and walks out of the house and slams the door .

I hear my mum take the house phone and dial someone . "Hey , Harry." She says into the phone .

"I told Genevieve that she's gonna have to leave soon...... she thinks she deserves to know Kara."

What do I have to do with this ?

"Yeah, I know . Harry...... I think she's gonna find out ."

What's going on ?

"Your daughter ."

~~okay , I know . It was hella short and a cliffhanger so please don't kill me I will try to have the next one posted as soon as I can but I gotta quiz tomorrow so I should study .

Love you guys ❤️ vote and comment !!

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