Chapter 55

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'Don't let it fool you
Don't let it fool you down
Dancing around, folds in the gown'

~Roslyn~ Bon Iver and St. Vincent 

Thea Hayden

My alarm went off at five in the morning making me shoot up in my bed and smack my hand down on my alarm clock to cease the blaring noise ringing in my ears.

I brought the heels of my palms up to my eyes once it stopped and yawned due to the hour I haven't been used to getting up to. I slumped and dropped my hands from my face to look outside my window. 

The city looked calm at this hour. The moment right when you wake up and you don't know any conflict in your life or any happiness of it really. Reality isn't what your focused on just trying to to wake your mind up and keep your eyes open. 

Things are fuzzy and the world is quiet. New York is rarely every quit though but looking out my window sitting in my bed in yet another early morning it looked peaceful and quiet. 

The sun wasn't up yet and the darkness still blanketed over the sleepless city. Some lights flickered on in the buildings , people waking up to go to work like I was and head out for the day.

I sighed and grabbed my phone that was being charged off of my dresser and looked down at my notifications. I've yet to change my lock screen from the picture from the birthday , I'm sentimental. 

I wiped the sleep from my eye and tried to read the notification but I needed my glasses that were sitting on my nightstand and slid them onto my face. 

I saw that some of my friends have texted me saying that there was a party this weekend that they wanted me to go to but I declined because I needed the extra shifts this week. I also noticed that Harry has not tried to contact me still.

I know I should maybe try but I want him to mend his relationship with Kara before I intrude. I'm curious to know if she did call him or not, I hope she did. Harry deserves to have a good relationship with his daughter. 

The way he spoke about her was so admirable and refreshing. I saw I had a missed call from a number I didn't recognize. I know that it's early but I clicked on it anyway to see if someone would answer. 

And if they didn't then I would get their voicemail and conclude who it was from there. The line clicked as I ran my fingers through my hair. "Kellman's mortuary." a woman answered throwing me off guard. 

I took my phone away from my ear and read the number but it was the one that called me. "Um, Hi. I had a missed call from you and I was wondering what it was about." I said in my morning voice yawning still sitting in bed. 

"And you are?" she asked in a polite tone. "Thea Hayden." I answered her as I heard her rifling through papers trying to find my name possibly. "Yes, Thea. Roslyn Hayden's ashes had been payed for in full and there will be a ceremony for her and our cemetery on the twenty first of March which is in three days." she explained to me throwing me off guard.

"I'm sorry-wh-um- who paid for her ashes and I don't remember booking a ceremony ." I said becoming frantic because I don't have the money to pay for a ceremony or a headstone no matter how badly I want to do that for her.

"They said that they would like to remain anonymous but they were the ones who arranged this, ma'am." she said to me as I brought my hand up to my forehead to rack my brain and to who the fuck would do this. 

"Oh-okay. Thank you." I said through the phone. "No problem ma'am. See you in three days." she said and hung up the phone. I brought the phone away from my ear and looked down at it with a creased brow. 

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