Chapter 29

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'It's like heaven taking place of something evil'
Cherry ~Lana del Ray

Harry Styles

six years ago

"Harry! Wait up!" Genevieve yells from behind me. I stop in my tracks and turn to face her, okay Harry be cool. She's just a girl, you've fucked girls before why are you so stuck up on this one and last time you even fucked her was April. She wasn't even that good and she's really fucking annoying and clingy as fuck."Hey, Genny." I use my nickname for her and her face lights up. "I thought we always walked to school together Harold? You leaving me on my doorstep now?" she questions and shoves my shoulder with her own.

"Sorry, guess I just forgot this morning ." I admit, well not really forgot I more or less didn't want to see her today. "Yeah, yeah. You excited for your birthday?" Why is she talking about my birthday it's not till January 5th and it's late September . "Not much of a birthday person." I deadpan and walk up to the entrance of out school. "Why not?" she asks and follows behind me. "Mum hates them." I look down and her sweatshirt looks a little wired. "Why do you always where sweatshirts? You were even wearing them in August." I ask and her eyes widen and she hitches her breath as we walk into school and head toward my first class.

"Why does your mum hate them?" she deflects my question so I let it go. "I don't really know,Genny." I say as we are in front of the doorway of my class. She huffs and walks away and I go sit down for class.


The end of the day is the worst, its when I have to see mum. Thankfully every morning she's passed out from the night before so I'm not bothered but when I get home she's fucking wide awake.

I walk in the door to beer bottles all over the floor accompanied with syringes that are now empty. Great, her friends are here, that's just what I need . My teachers talked to me about my grades for my tenth year, which are rather good.They even talked about me graduating a year ahead of my class if I wanted...

I would love that, to leave mum . "Harry!" I hear my mum in the kitchen, I make my way there and pick up any garbage I can. When I get there I see my cousin Regina sitting on the counter smoking and talking to my mom. I throw everything in my hands away and sit next to her on the counter and take the cigarette.

"Hey, Reggie ." she pinches my cheek and gives me a smile. "You're getting so big, gonna be sixteen in a few months!" I wave her off and Mum is smiling , well at least her friends left but that means she's high and drunk because that's the only time she smiles.

I continue smoke the cigarette and Regina steals it back, "Alright, it's me and you tonight." she states and shoves my shoulder . I crease my eyebrows and notice my Mum hasn't said any remark about that, she never really liked Regina and I hanging out because my father's side of the family was so conservative and cut us off after he passed. Except for my Aunt MaryLou and Regina then my aunt passed and we had no one so she always assumed Regina would do the same .

Regina and I go into her car and she starts rubbing her temples like she's stressed, when I notice something . "Regina!" I yell and take her hand that had a silver band on it. "Shit." she whisper sunder her breath. "You fucking got married?!" I throw her hand back. "Oh yeah, me and Joey went to a courthouse and did it last week." she sighs and hands me a cigarette and I light it and breathe out some smoke , "Well shit . You're no longer a Styles ,huh?" she shakes her head. "Sorry bud, you're officially the last one . I'm a Brown now."

We start driving mindlessly around our neighborhood until it's dark and in the back of my mind and I can hear my mum yelling at me later about how I was out all night. "I need food." Regina says. "Pull over here." I point to a spot and she does. We get out and head into the diner , I see Genevieve with her older brother and they seem to be arguing . I know he's on top of her with certain things because he adopted her last year so she wouldn't be put in the system after her parents passed.

She see's me with my cousin and her whole domineer shifts, along with her brothers . Regina and I sit down a couple tables down from them. "That's Genny, right?" she questions and we both get water and fries. I nod and glance over at her brother who looks like he wants to kill me. He shoots up and starts leaving the diner when he stops in at my table and yells, "This is all your fault, you fucking selfish prick!" and storms out. Genny comes over to our table and sits down next to me, she looks tired. "I'm sorry, he's been acting out lately." she stretches out her back and looks like she can't get comfortable.

"It's fine Gen, I've been called worse." our fries and waters come and Regina keeps looking at Genevieve. "Sorry, don't think we've properly met . I'm Regina, Harry's cousin. " she shakes Genny's hand and they both smile. "How old are you hun?" she questions, what's up with her. I silently glare at her and wonder why the fuck she's doing this. " 15, birthday is in March." Regina nods and has a silent conversation with herself while eating her fries.

"Harry , can I talk to you outside?" Genevieve asks me out of the blue but I agree and ignore Regina's warning stare.

We walk outside and she let's out a shaky breath. "You good, love?" I question and she shakes her head. "Nope, not at all. But I need to tell you something now or I never will."she looks down at her feet. "Go on with it." I gesture for her to continue

"It's gonna take me a minute to buck up the courage Harry." she snips at me which surprises me. I just stay quiet and wait for her to continue. "You noticed this morning that all I've been wearing is sweatshirts since the summer." she starts which makes me confused, it was just an observation.

"Well there's a reason for that." she explains. "Harry I'm-" I cut her off. "Nope.Fuck no." I spit and shake my head. "H-harry, I'm pregnant-t." she starts to cry and choke on her breath. "Is it mine?" I ask the question.

"Yeah, we had sex all last school year Harry. And I lost it to you, you're the only person I've had it with." she puts her hand on her stomach that's making the sweatshirt bump out. How could I not have noticed that fucking bump under her sweatshirt . "How long." I state and look up at her with tears in my eyes, "How fucking long till I'm a father , Genevieve ?!"I yell and start to loose my shit . She jumps and answers , "t-two months, I think."


"I've been having complications and the doctors said I might have to deliver sometime with in the next two weeks." she admits

"Gen-I, What the fuck!" I start crying and pulling at my hair

"It's a girl." she says and lifts up her sweatshirt and there it is, she's pregnant and with my kid. She brings it back down and wipes her cheeks and crosses her arms .

"Well then, that changes everything right?" I start laughing . "Harry, why are you laughing ?"

"Cause it's funny, do you think the fact I know it's a girl I'll want it now." I gesture at her and she winces at my words.

"Harry I just thought I should tell you, you had the right to kn-" I cut her off, "I had the right to know you were pregnant when the fucking test said pregnant not seven fucking months in !"

"Harry!" I hear Regina yell from behind me. "She may have fucked up but now it's both your responsibility, at least she told you." she stands next to me

"Thank y-" Regina cuts her off. "Don't thank me, he is right but there's no point in fighting about it . You two need to get your shit together and act like adults for that kid and Harry you already know what your Mum is gonna think so I suggest not going home tonight and stay with me and Joey."

I nod and she got to the car, "Can we still walk to school tomorrow ?"

"Sure, Genny. I just need to wrap my head around this, you've had seven months I've had seven minutes."

She sniffles and I turn around and stop in my tracks, "Do you need a ride?" I ask and I hear her walk up behind me, "Yeah, I do. Thanks Haz."


Later that night on Regina's couch I couldn't stop my mind from replaying today's events and how they all went south so fast.

"I'm going to be a father ." I say to myself and feel tears pick up again

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