Chapter 6

967 20 10

Thea Hayden

Today is October 1st and it's going to be a good day today .

I haven't seen Harry since my hormones decided to go on auto pilot and kiss him .

What the fuck was I thinking ?

But I can't forget the way his hands went from my jaw to my hips then gripping them as I felt his cold lip ring against my mouth.... wait . Thea, stop thinking about that he obviously has a revolving door of people fucking him .

Anyways today it's been a year since ... that happened and I'm not going to think about it .

I only had a few shifts this week because I had a boatload of assignments . But I do enjoy my classes so that's good .

Today I'm going to visit my cousins Noelle and Caroline at Columbia university . They offered to hang out today because they are the only ones that know what happened but they played dumb about it saying that they just missed me and wanted to hang out .


When I got to their campus we decided to go to lunch which was good until I didn't have enough money for my portion of the bill . But they said it was their treat since their asked to hang out with me today , doesn't mean I feel an less shitty about it.

We stated to walk around the campus , it's really beautiful here.

Noelle said that her friend has a football game today and said we should go . So that's where I am right now in the freezing fall air. I have a blue heavy sweater with my leggings and black docs . Leggings provide no fucking warmth it's so fucking annoying because jeans are so much work so I'm freezing either way .

I feel so out of place here , guess it's just not me .

We decided to get waters down at the booth when I spotted a set of green eyes with curly hair and dimples .

Shit .

Please , not today any other day but today .

Great he saw me .

Fuck !

"Princess that you ?" He questions while walking over in black skinny jeans and a white shirt see through enough to see his tattoos, lord he's hot.

Nope , no he's not . Yeah he is, my conscious adds. Okay ,I should say something he's going to be here in three seconds.

"Uh- yeah, guess so." Jesus have no confidence around this man.

"Why are you here?" he asks while looking down at me with those beautiful fucking eyes. Wait those are my eyes.. my eyes are that pretty?? Oh my god say something you've been mute this whole time.

"Cousins go here." I say pointing to them and now there getting me a pretzel.


"Yep" I say with no emotion in my voice wanting to get of this situation as fast as possible because I don't think I can handle him today.

"Thea,popcorn?" Noelle asks

"No I'm good." I say as I see her get it anyways.

"Your cousin, you look a lot like her . Besides the eyes you have green just like mine , but I think they look better on you." he says while pointing at Noelle then putting his hands behind his back and scrunching up his nose.

"Yeah, I know." I say , I just wanted to sit in my dorm and do nothing but cry today but no the universe has other plans for me today.

"You okay? You seem off."he says

"Mmm fine"

Why can't he leave me alone I don't want be to at this fucking game but I'm here because my cousins think I'm gonna have a fucking breakdown if I'm alone today. Which I was planning to do but I understand that there worried about me.

"Is this about me kissing you?Is that why you are being short with me? You kissed me back you know." he asks staring to get irritated.

"No Harry! Sorry to break it to you but the world doesn't fucking revolve around you and your fucking green eyes!" I shout

His eyebrows shoot up and he looks pissed.

"Well you know what princess I-" he get's cut off by my cousin Caroline.

"Hey,who do we got here?" she says obviously saving me and handing me the popcorn I didn't want.

"No one"I say

"I'm Harry, but I'm sure Thea here wants to call me many other things." he says while smirking at me while I'm mentally ripping out his fucking green eyes.

"Oh,Okay, would you like to join us Harry?" Caroline asks

What no, no ,no, no ,fuck no.

"Excuse me?" I say

"Yeah I'd love to join, my friends were just leaving ." he says while Noelle comes up to us and we start walking back to our seats.

And as soon as we sit down it's half time. Of course now I am going to have to speak to this ass. Thank you so fucking much universe.

My phone buzzes again and Noelle notices.

"Nathan again?" she asks

"Who else would it be." I add

He can't just leave me alone today can he.

Harry looks at me with a confused expression but drops it and say,"So princess, how are you?"

"Fan-fucking-tastic, thanks for asking ,baby." I fire back and I didn't even realize I called him baby, but he did.

"Um Thea did you take your anxiety meds today?" Noelle asks whispering with sympathy in her voice.

"No actually, thanks for reminding me." I say

I go in my bag and pop my meds while Harry gives me a strange look.

"Period cramps." I say, not many people know I have anxiety and I would like to keep it that way .

"Oh, that time of the month huh? That why you're acting all psycho today?"he states as I turn my head at him and give him the bitchest look I can think of and say. "Fuck You,Harry!"

"I would love that darling , all you gotta do is ask." he retaliates, " With your body my love,any day."

That's it I'm done ,I pretended enough for today. I get up and start walking down the bleachers . I get down to the ground and I go run to get a cab so Noelle and Caroline don't catch up the me.


I get back to my dorm where Jules,Sloan and the fucking man of the hour are standing in the common room. Two people walk out of my room , Noelle and Caroline.

"Thea , Caroline and I know how hard today is for you. Please just sit and we can talk or watch futureama and eat cookie dough like we did in high school." Noelle says while obviously walking on eggshells around me.

" Nothing to talk about." I say while going to the mini fridge and getting leftover cheese form this charity that Juliet worked this weekend. Maybe I am actually getting my period I've been eating like crazy and my emotions are all over the place like he said but today's different today is today.

"Wait T, what's wrong ?" Jules asks looking concerned.


Why can'y everyone just leave me alone for one fucking day! I think they'll survive.

I decided to throw the container of cheese on the arm chair and grand my wallet and head back out the door.

"Thea , where are you going." Harry says, he never actually says my name he mostly calls me princess amongst other things.

"I'm going to the fucking wizard of oz , baby."

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