50. One Piggy Went To The Market And The Other Ate Another

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"The ball will take place next week, but for now, please, explore our island. You are welcome to stay here for as long as you tend to stay. Jack will inform you of our island's history and show you around, and again, welcome."

Breakfast was delicious. There was fresh fruit, fresh meat, fresh pastries, fresh everything. Finally, a meal that I could enjoy! I would be lying if I said I had only a plate because I had like three. I just couldn't help myself, and it would seem neither could anyone else. Yes, that's right, I saw my boss sneak two or three pieces of bacon and stuff them in his mouth greedily. It was that good.

There was some conversation at the table. The king discussing something with Diane, Jack and Tristan laughing over another thing, and the queen listening patiently as her daughter blabbed over whatever it was little eight years old blab about. That left me and Captain.

That left me and my boss.

It was awkward. We didn't even look at each other. I glanced at him a few times, but he was always face down looking at his plate, pushing food here and there, and then into his mouth. He never once looked at me. At least, I don't think he did.

We mostly kept to ourselves. When Diane tried to get her son into a conversation, Captain would give a quick answer and then end the conversation with her. Same went for me and Tristan and Jack. I didn't do it to hurt them or be mean, but I just didn't feel like talking.

Maybe that was what Captain was feeling. Perhaps he didn't have anything to say to anyone. I mean, of course he had a lot on his mind. I knew that. His mother being alive, finding out she's been here this whole time while her son was growing up, I understand, and if I wasn't angry, and if I could look at him without feeling a pain in my stomach then maybe I would even say something, but if I did, would that even matter?

Didn't we agree that we were no more? That this was strictly a professional relationship? I couldn't just tell him what I thought without making it seem I stepped out of line. I could lose my job if Captain thought differently to how I spoke to him, and wouldn't I be going against what I said?

I shouldn't care. I should only care if it affected me, and it didn't. What Captain was feeling was his problem. He's the one that wanted to come here, he's the one that chose to face his mother, just as he was the one who chose Ailsa over me. I was out of the picture, so why was I even thinking about it?

It wasn't until halfway through the meal when the laughter of someone filled everyone's ears. A young man came waltzing into the room, his arm wrapped tightly around a woman's waist as he whispered and tickled her ear with his lips. The woman laughed, and playfully slapped him, as if what he was saying to her was generally funny.

"Hector!" The king said, standing from his position at the table. The man said something real quick to the woman, kissed her ear, then watched as the woman left the room, glancing behind her with a little smile. Once she was gone, he turned to the king.

"Morning, Father," he said, then turned his attention to the table. "Who are they?"

The king slowly lowered himself back into his chair. "The guests that arrived last night. If you weren't fooling around last night perhaps you would have known that."

Hector snickered. "Sorry, I was occupied last night."

"Sit down, boy," his father grumbled.

"Of course," Hector said, and rounded the table, taking a seat beside me. He glanced around the table. "Ah, Diane, Jack, hello again, and who are our guests?" He looked at Captain and Tristan and then me, smiling a bright, cocky smile as he looked me up and down mischievously.

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