36. A Pirate Who Just Got Told

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"Excuse me. What? You want what?" Christopher said, widening his eyes.

"I said I want a paying-"

"I heard what you said; it's just...you want a job? On my ship?"

I looked at him head-on. I wasn't backing down; I made my mind up.

"I do, " I said, and watched him and his hungover self trying to process this information. He rubbed his head again. He probably had a horrible headache.

After watching him for a few moments, I continued. "I can't do manual labor, but I can cook, and I can clean. I can run tasks for you. And maybe in the future, I can learn how to help run the ship. Of course, I ask for a raise if I'm going to do both unless you want the crew-"

"Hold on a moment. Are you telling me you want to be my cabin boy? What is this? Anne. Explain. Slowly, please, my head wants to kill me right now, " Christopher said, keeping his hand on his head and massaging it. He gritted his teeth as he did so.

I sighed. Christopher was hungover, and he didn't remember. The least I could do was explain myself.

"I...I don't want to court you anymore. You messed up, bad, and I can't forgive you for it."

You're like every slime ball of a man that ever existed. You lying, cheating bastard!

Christopher dropped his hand, a frown spreading across his lips. "Darling, " he said tenderly. "My love, what did I do? Was it because I was drinking? Ailsa handed a glass to me, and we were talking awhile until-"

The realization came over him. He froze, his features scrunching up. If I weren't so pissed off and sad, I would have laughed at how he looked.

"She was on your lap, " I said, finishing his sentence. Christopher looked over my head, past me to somewhere else. It was like he was in a new world, discovering it for the first time. He looked so lost.


He didn't finish the sentence. He just kept looking past me. I wanted to turn around, thinking that maybe there was something behind me, but I couldn't stop looking at his face and into his eyes.

I couldn't believe I was in love with him. I ran away with this man, and this is where it got me. I was a fool.

But I didn't want to go back to my parents, not yet. If I was going back to them, I wanted to experience something first. If they were going to marry me off, I could at least know that I saw the world and made a living for myself before I would spend the rest of my life keeping house and raising children. At least I could keep that with me.

Looking at Christopher right then, I couldn't help but see my future, my life slowly slipping away, and I wanted to cry all over again. So, clearing my throat, I drew back Christopher's attention. He looked at me blankly; something was running through his head, I could tell, but he didn't know what to say, so I spoke for him.

"So, " I pushed. "Can I have a job?"

Christopher thinned his lips, and for a moment, that's all he could do, and then: "Yes."

That was enough for me. Once Christopher said that, I walked past him and into the dining room, taking my seat back at the table once again. Sofia glanced at me from over her plate, but I ignored her, only focusing on my breakfast and my new position on Christopher's ship.


I didn't know what to do for the rest of the day. I didn't want to be around Christopher or anyone else. I didn't want to see their faces. I didn't want Sofia questioning or judging me, and I didn't want the servants wondering why I was frowning. And I most certainly didn't want to hear the awaited apologies Christopher was going to say.

I just wanted to be alone, and so, that's how I spent my time. I spent it alone in the library, pouring over stories with happy endings, over things that weren't my life.

I sat huddled in a small corner on the second floor of the library, a book in my lap and my knees drawn to my chest. Tears were streaming down my face as I read about Joan of Arc, how brave she was, how fearless and powerful everyone believed her to be, and then they killed her, they burned her on a stake, and she was my age.

They accused her of believing in something that they didn't, for dressing up as a man, for witchcraft. Her prediction about England invading France was right, she led an army, and they still killed her, all for not being like them.

What did that mean for me? Was I going to be killed for my opinions? For my lifestyle? So what if Joan did believe in heresy? Even if she did, that wasn't anyone else's business.

I was tired of my society, tired of my life. I was born only to marry, keep house, and raise children. Nothing more. What value was I to this world if I was only here to serve men?

"Anne? Are ye in here?" A voice said. It was Tristan's voice.

I quickly wiped my tears, sniffling back a sob, and closed my book. I wasn't sure if I wanted to show myself, so I stayed huddled in my little corner.

Tristan continued. "I hope you're in here. Chrissy announced that you two are leaving today, and Lord Taylor wishes to speak to both of you before you go."

So Lord Taylor knew. What eyes spied on us, what servants told him, did Tristan know? Was he the one that told Lord Taylor?

It didn't matter. The Lord of the same manor I was staying in wished to see me, and I had to do as he ordered. I had no choice, so I wiped my face one last time and stood up, dusting myself off and coming to the railing where Tristan could see me.

He stood at the entrance of the library, looking around until he spotted me. He squared his shoulders and thinned his lips. He looked unsure of what to do and how to act.

"There ye are, " he said in his Scottish accent. "Come, we must leave."

I nodded and came down the stairs, meeting him at the entrance. He smiled faintly, and I smiled back, though I wasn't in the mood.

"What does the Lord wish to speak about with Christopher and me?" I asked as we made our way to what I assumed was Lord Taylor's office.

"I'm not entirely sure. The Lord wished me to find ye, and here I am. Why were ye up there? I could have kept ye company, " Tristan said, glancing at me, concerned.

I was up there because your snake of a best friend is nothing more than a womanizer who couldn't help himself.

"I wanted to be alone, " I simply said and looked in front of where I was going. I felt Tristan's eyes still on me, but I ignored him. I didn't care to be worried about, I was fine. It was a new day, which meant a new me.


When we arrived at Lord Taylor's office, Tristan opened the door for me, and there, I found Christopher and Lord Taylor waiting. Christopher was standing up, staring at his feet, and Lord Taylor was writing something down. Both turned their heads when I came into the room.

Tristan shut the door behind me, and I made my way to stand by Christopher, trying my hardest not to look at him even though I knew he was looking at me.

Lord Taylor put down his pen and clasped his hands together. He looked stern. Maybe it was from his work, or perhaps it was the awkward tension in the room, I don't know.

"Thank you both for coming, " he said in a business voice like we were the people he worked with, "First off, I'd like to say that I just sent my men out with some needed supplies you might need on your journey. They are being delivered now to your ship."

"You don't know what my ship looks like, " Christopher challenged with a glare.

Lord Taylor turned to look at his son, his eyes just as sharp, if not sharper.

"It is not hard to find men running around in dirty clothing, son. Please do let me continue."

"You sent a letter, Father, calling me back here. I have been turning it over in my head for a while. How could you have done that? Tell me, how did you know where I was?"

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