4. A Demesticated Pirate

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I woke up with a blanket over me and a pillow under me. I was still in the bathtub, but I was warm and cozy.

I sat up and looked over the tub, and there, lying on the floor, was Christopher. He was fast asleep.

His clothes looked damp, even under the blanket over him, but he still looked cold, so I grabbed my blanket and tossed it onto him.

He didn't wake up from that, Thank God, but he did pull the extra blanket closer.

I smiled at that and stood up, getting out of the tub.

I tiptoed back into his bedroom, then, ever so quickly, I dug into his dresser of clothes, pulling out and an old tunic and trousers before sneaking away to my room.

There, I changed and threw my clothes into a corner. I usually washed everyone's clothes every week in Christopher's bathtub.

I brought up this idea to Christopher since I realized that the men probably didn't want to be wearing dirty clothes all the time.

Christopher smiled at the idea, and that was how that went.

I pulled on Christopher's old boots and then made my way up the deck and into the gallery, wanting to get started on breakfast.

The crew was already up, adjusting the sails and mopping the deck clean, so the least I could do was probably make breakfast.

I don't remember much what I made that day, only that I cooked a lot—three different foods worth.

And by the time I finished, Christopher walked into the room in newly changed clothes and bags under his eyes.

I wondered how long he'd been out there.

"Good morning, " he said tiredly and kissed my cheek, then walked to a chair and sat down.

To cheer him up, I grabbed a clean plate and piled food onto it, setting it down before him.

I kissed his forehead. "When did you come to bed?" I asked, worried I might know the answer.

He took a bite of something that I made. "Very very late, " he said.

I was afraid of that.

I walked over to the stove where I a kettle was brewing and grabbed a glass, filling it up with tea before setting it down in down in front of Christopher.

"It's black tea, " I said. "It has caffeine in it."

He took a sip and smiled before drowning the rest and finishing up his plate.

I wanted him to eat first before managing the wheel because the crew member at the wheel now can't eat before everyone else ate.

Someone has to manage the wheel at all times; I just feel sorry for the man that's doing it then.

"Thank you, " Christopher said, taking his last bite.

"Don't you think you should get more sleep?" I asked him.

He shook his head. "I'm the captain. What kind of captain would I be if I didn't lead my crew?"

He had a point.

I sighed, defeated. "Well, at least let me help out some. I mean, if you and the crew aren't going to sleep, I can at least work."

He rose a brow, amused. "And what do ye think you'll do?"

"Well, " I said. "I could help with the deck, keep the food coming, maybe even clean your room?"

Christopher smirked. "You want to clean my bed chamber?"

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