51. Dress To Impress Is Not Expressed

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If there was anything that Christopher learned from being out at sea and in the world, it was that he had to be open and optimistic about new things, but looking around, it was hard for Christopher to remember that. These people, this kingdom, this island is what she left him for. How could he feel anything but hate for it all?

"I know the best place to find the most wonderful fabric!" His mother exclaimed, parading them around the marketplace, her smile bright, and her eyes sparkling with excitement.

They had been weaving between the busy people for five minutes now, and Christopher was already starting to get annoyed with trying not to get hit. He wasn't sure how much longer it would take before he exploded into a fitting rage.

His mother led the group into a little shop packed with colors and patterns, fabrics and cloths, feeling and texture, all of it hung and strung around the shop on display. Christopher looked around him, taking note of everything.

Yup, the wonders of a new place.

"Mrs. Taylor!" The shopkeeper said. She was an old woman with dark skin and a gap between her front teeth. She smiled as everyone walked in who was still admiring the shop.

His mother walked up to the counter. "Good morning, Louize; how are you today?"

"Very well, Miss. Not many customers yet, but eat is still de mornin'. What brings ye in today?"

"Actually, I came to show my son and his friends the island. Christopher, dear, come here a second. We were also hoping that maybe we can get inspired by the clothing style and materials here for the upcoming ball."

Christopher came up to the counter. Immediately, the shopkeeper took in the sight of him, then looked back at his mother. "A handsome boy ye got there, Miss. Nice to meet you, Christopher. I'm Louize," she said, smiling.

Christopher didn't smile back. "Pleasure. A nifty little shop you've got here," he said, directing the focus to elsewhere as he looked around the shop.

"Mmm, yes, ye can say that. Is there anything, in particular, you are looking for, dear? Perhaps a hat for that pretty woman over there." She gestured behind him, making Christopher turn around. At that moment, Anne turned her head at the sound of her name.

Christopher looked back, a small smile curving up the corner of his lips. "That would be lovely. Miss Rachels, come here, won't you?" Anne came up beside him. He glanced at her, then back at the shopkeeper. "Are you able to make her a gown?"

The shopkeeper glanced at Anne and stared a while as if making notes of things in her head. She turned back to Christopher. "Yes, of course." She rounded the counter, walking to Anne. She lifted Anne's arms and rounded her, looking at every inch of her body, placing her wrinkled hands on Anne's hips and feeling about them, then did the same to the rest of her. All while, Anne looked more embarrassed than he's seen since the incident with the horse. It made him smile a little more.

"Yes, I can work with this," the old woman said. "I need to take some measurements. She has to stay here as I do so."

"Perfect. Anne will stay here then. How much for the gown then?" Christopher said, digging into his pocket, pulling out his purse. The shopkeeper took one look at the purse and smiled.

"That's enough, dear," she said and snatched the purse right from Christopher's hand. She poured the money in her hand and started counting. "Yes, this shall do perfectly."




Bloody heat. Bloody Christopher. Bloody, bloody me.

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