30. Eavesdropping And Explaining

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"It's cold out here, " Tristan said, wrapping his arms around the strange man's neck. "Are ye sure we couldn't meet inside where it's, ye know, warm?"

The man laughed. "You know we can't, or else we'll get caught, besides, what's a few animals to keep us company?"

"I'm sure they'll like the show, " Tristan commented and kissed the man again.

Christopher rose a brow. It was strange to see such actions between two men, and it was especially peculiar when one of those men was his best friend.

The man pulled back. "You taste like eggs, " he said, scrunching his face up in disgust. "Did you brush your teeth?"

Tristan smiled. "Nope."

The man wrinkled his nose. "My God, Tristan, do you not bathe? You're disgusting!"

"That never was a problem before, " Tristan smirked.

The man sighed. "So when is Master Christopher leaving so we can use his bed again? I do enjoy spending time in there with you."

Christopher knew what that meant and had to stifle a laugh. My God, what happened when he was gone?

"We can use it now if you'd like. Christopher stays in the guest bedroom, and I doubt he or Anne will go in there again. Why not?" Tristan said.

"Not when they're here, we're not. No, no, no, we can't risk getting caught!" The man touched his face. "Tristan, I can't stop thinking about it! And my wife! God, Mary, will have my head if she finds out. She already doesn't like you, and I doubt she will like it any better when she finds her husband is sleeping with a man!"

The man pulled away from Tristan's arms and used his hand to cover his mouth. He looked at Tristan. "We can't do this. Mary wants a baby. I can't be with you."

Christopher glanced at Tristan, watching as his best friend thinned his lips, not saying a word at his lover's sudden outburst. The man continued.

"We can't do this. Not anymore. Tristan, we have to stop."

Tristan clenched his fists. "How long have ye been thinking about this? Leave 'er. If ye don't want to be with Mary, leave. I'm here. Ye love me, don't ye John? Or was that just a lie?"

John looked back at Tristan, shocked. "Of course, I love you! But I can't risk getting caught; you know that!" John sighed heavily. "I've been thinking about this for a while now, and I think this is goodbye. I'm sorry, Tristan. I am. Please forgive me."

John stepped forward, but Tristan stepped back out of John's reach. "Fine. Leave. See if I care."

"Don't be that way! I love you, alright? I just can't; we can't-"

Suddenly Tristan stepped forward and grabbed the collar of John's uniform, pulling him forward until his lips were just mere inches away from John's.

"Goodbye, " Tristan said and clashed his lips against John's, kissing him passionately. John pulled Tristan closer, deepening the kiss.

Christopher watched his friend's body shake as he let go of his lover and backed away. John walked to the other entrance of the stables and looked back. He smiled weakly. "Goodbye, redhead, " he said and left, closing the door behind him.

Alone, Tristan stood still for a moment, looking at the door, and Christopher watched as his friend slowly broke down. Tristan grabbed his hair and screamed, running to a bucket and kicking it across the room. It made the horses whiny, and Tristan instantly regretted it.

"I'm sorry. I'm sorry, " Tristan said, walking to every stall, making sure each horse was alright. "Sh, I'm sorry. I'm so sorry, " he said.

When he came to the stall closest to Christopher, he stopped short, seeing him. Christopher's throat tightened. Uh, oh.

Tristan furrowed his brows and clenched his fists. "How much did ye see of that? If ye were ever to breathe a word to anyone about this-"

Christopher looked at his friend. "You'll kill me. I know, and I'm sorry. I didn't mean to eavesdrop. Forgive me. I won't tell a soul."

Tristan reached into his trouser pocket and pulled out a knife and pointed it at Christopher. "How can I believe ye?"

Christopher stepped forward and grabbed Tristan's hand, moving it so that the knife's tip pressed against his chest.

"You've never judged me, and I refuse to judge you. I swear on my own life not to tell a soul what I've seen, not even Anne, " Christopher said, looking Tristan dead in the eye.

Tristan sighed and lowered the knife, putting it back in his pocket. Then he spat in his hand and held it out. Christopher looked at it and then at Tristan.

"What are you doing?" He asked, looking at his hand.

"Trying to shake your hand. What, isn't this what your pirates do?"

"Uh, no. Just because I'm a pirate does not mean that I do that. That's disgusting."

"Oh, " Tristan said and wiped his hand on his shirt, holding it out again. Christopher reached into his pocket, pulling out a handkerchief and put it between Tristan and his hand before shaking.

"And I don't mind Anne finding out. I like her, but I'm not sure how you'll tell her, " Tristan said.

Christopher smirked. "Me neither, but we'll cross that bridge when it comes."

Their hands fell to their sides. "So, I hear that my bed is coming in good use nowadays, eh?"

Tristan blushed. "Yeah...well, it wasn't being used, and well, it was right there."

Christopher chuckled. "I'm teasing. I'm just glad it comes in good use now."

Tristan laughed, and the two of them began to walk back outside. "So, what are ye doing out here? Did something happen?" He asked.

Christopher sighed. "Yes. Quite a lot, my friend. Quite a lot."


When Christopher got back to his room, it was late, and he was tired. He dropped his coat and the rest of his clothes on the floor, not caring to pick any of it up, and leaving his shirt on.

He was just about to climb into bed when he looked over at the door opening up into Anne's room. He smiled to himself. She wouldn't mind if he popped in, would she?

He walked into the room and crept to the bed, sliding in. He wrapped his arm around Anne and pulled her close to him. She groaned but eased into his touch. He kissed her head.

"Good night, love," he whispered. Anne moved some more in his arms until she was looking up at him. She tiredly opened her eyes.

"Your hands are cold. Were you outside?"

"Yeah, darling. I was. I needed a walk."

Anne groaned. "Is everything alright? Do you want to talk?"

Christopher sighed. "No, but I do have something to say."

Anne kissed his jaw. "Well, make it quick. I'm fading."

Christopher thinned his lips. Now how was he going to put this? "I don't know how I'm supposed to put this, darling, but I'm going to flat out tell you. Tristan is attracted to men, not women."


I do hope I did okay with this scene. I will admit, I had a hard time writing this. Being gay wasn't easy back then, obviously, and I didn't know how I was going to write Christopher because being gay was such a hush hush thing, you know? In his time, it was looked down upon, but I hope I did okay with the way I made him feel.

PLEASE tell me if I didn't and give me ideas to make it better.

Till next time!


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