16. When Pirates Have Friends

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The inside was better. It was way better than I even imagined.

Tall walls, expensive and detailed paintings, clean floors, the manor had the whole shebang.

You could imagine my reaction to it all.

"Darling? Uh, darling? Hello?"

"Yeah?" I said, still looking around hungrily.

"You, uh, how could I say this?" Christopher said, pausing for a moment, and then lowering his mouth to my ear.

"You're drooling, love. You might want to close your mouth."

Immediately, I wiped my face with the back of my hand and shut my mouth, looking around to see if anyone saw anything.

Only a dozen servants.

"Sorry, " I mumbled.

Christopher chuckled, and with his mouth still near my ear, he said, "Funny, this takes me back to the time you saw me shirtless. Ah, memories."

I swatted him away. "Shut it. And I did not drool, " I argued.

"Oh, yes, you did."

"Can we go? I want to go."

With that, I tugged Christopher to the staircase, where we found Neal whispering anxiously to another servant who was staring right at us.

Oh, no.

"Gentlemen, hello, yes, I believe that I might be the topic of discussion, and yes, I am Christopher Taylor; hello, now can you point in the direction of Tristan perhaps?" Christopher greeted the two.

I stayed silent and wondered who this 'Tristan' person was as well as 'Ailsa' and curious if she was around.

Neal stayed silent and turned to his companion, who too was silent before saying, "Tristan? He's upstairs guarding your- I mean, Lord Taylor's door. Would you like me to get him?"

"No need. Thank you, though, " Christopher said and smiled at me.

"Shall we?"


Without regarding my answer, Christopher led me up the stairs - the long, big, and endless stairs!

Damn things.

"Why." Huff. "Are." Huff. "There so many." Big huff. "Stairs!"

"Because my father enjoys exercise? I have no idea. I usually ride the dogs to get up here, " Christopher joked without breaking a sweat. "I should warn you, though, there is another flight to get to his office."


Suddenly, eyes preyed upon me, judging me.


Or not.

"You mean there is another flight of stairs! How the bloody hell does your father get up these God awful steps!"

Christopher, who was in total shock of my reaction, lowered his voice.

"I'm going to have to say yes, there are unfortunately more steps to this. But you know, I could carry you."

"No! I mean, no. It's alright. I'm fine."

No, I wasn't, but I could deal with it, right?

It was only a few more steps and then another flight of stairs, and Christopher did offer to carry me.





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