3. Storms And Shaving

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"But how did you know! I did so well! I heard you swear and pace and everything!" I shouted, throwing my hands up in the air in protest.

How was it possible? I did so well!

"Well, for one, " Christopher said, crossing his arms. "You shouldn't have let me in.

Yup, I knew that.

"Two, you were turned around when I came in. It made it in some sort of way obvious."

"What if I didn't want to look at you?"

"True, but I still thought it was strange."

Alright, fine. Maybe I didn't do so well.

"And Three, my shirt is dry. There are no tears. Therefore, there shouldn't be any sobbing without some tears."

Bloody hell.

"But I had you the first time, didn't I?" I said.

Christopher smirked. "That you did, darling. That you did."

Okay, maybe it wasn't a total loss, but still. It annoyed me.

I smiled all the same, though. I was at least proud of how far I came.

"It was fun while it lasted, " I said.

Christopher came closer and wrapped his arms around my waist, clasping and resting his hands behind my back.

"Not on my side it wasn't, " he said.

I wrapped my arms around his neck. "And why not? Didn't it feel great being a little scared? People get a rush through danger, you know, but I guess you should know that of all people, huh, Topher?"

He kissed my forehead. "What can I say, I don't like seeing you upset, " he said, pulling his lips away.

But I wasn't done. I stood on the tips of my toes to kiss Christopher's jaw and then his lips.

He kissed me back, moving one of his hands to my face while the other stayed around my waist.

I enjoyed this moment—every moment of it, except for his unshaven two weeks worth of stubble rubbing against my skin, so I pulled back.

"What? Why'd you stop?"

I touched his face. "Because you haven't shaved since we last saw Daniel, and that was two weeks ago! Shave!"

He made a grumpy face and moved his head to my neck, kissing it and rubbing his beard on it.

I giggled at the tickling feeling but reluctantly pushed away.

"Stop. You need too. It hurts to kiss you, " I argued, hoping that maybe that alone could convince the pirate.

And it did, he growled about it but agreed that tomorrow morning he would shave.

Yay! I win!

"I guess I should get on those dishes, huh?" He said, pulling away.

I crossed my arms. "Please, you're going to make one of your crew do it."

"That was one time!" He protested. "And I had to manage the wheel."

"You had to manage the wheel?"

"Fine. I just didn't feel like doing it. Happy?"

I smirked. "To make you confess something? Yes, very. Now shoo!"

He kissed my forehead and then left, shutting the door behind him.

I breathed a sigh and went to read my book.

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