13. Pirates And Memories

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Freshly dressed and shaven, Christopher stepped off of the boat, Anne right beside him.

Two weeks have passed, and finally, they were at their destination: Scottland.

With the cold winter air around him, Christopher pulled his coat closer to him and told Anne to do the same, knowing that the weather would only get worse.

That's why when they docked their ship, Christopher and Anne's first mission was to set out for better clothing.

Christopher knew it was no use to get all dressed up. His father already knew what a pirate wore, but in the winters of Scotland, Christopher wanted to look like he was at least prepared.

And warm coats were part of it.

"Now is an excellent time to stock up on supplies, gentlemen. I suggest you do so and as for the cold weather, be sure to find a way to keep yourself warm. If you need me, I- well, I believe you can figure it out for yourselves. It's no secret where I will be, " Christopher said to his crew.

Christopher knew his crew would be fine. He didn't hire a bunch of pansies.

"Are they going to be alright? I mean, it's winter and all, and from the sky, it looks like it's going to snow soon, " Anne said, frowning.

"Darling, it's alright. My men know how to care for themselves, and besides, they can come and find me if they need to. It's not that hard to find the house of one of the most powerful men in this area."

"How many powerful men are there in this area?" Anne asked, giggling.

"Two, " Christopher said, leading Anne into town.

"It sure is getting to be a long winter here, " Anne said to Christopher as he tried to hail a cab.

"It'll only get worse. I used to come here as a boy during our winter stay, and believe me, snow in England is nothing compared to Scotland."

"I thought you were-"

"Scottish? Nah. I have a winter manor here, but my birthplace is in London. My father has his work in the city. And even if I were Scottish, I probably would have had a Scottish accent, " Christopher said, smirking.

Finally, a cab came and pulled up next to the two.

Christopher opened the door.

"After you, darling, " he said, grateful that his manners had come in handy.

Anne smiled and climbed into the carriage. Christopher followed in afterward, hitting the top of the roof and telling the driver where he needed to be.

Once the cab took off, Christopher watched as Anne's eyes flew to the window excitedly, looking at the passing scenery that was all new to her.

Christopher smiled at the girl's reaction, happy that he was the one not only to show her a part of the world but a part of his world.

For so long, Christopher wanted to show someone what he was dreaming of since he was a boy. He wanted to show them his adventures, places he went to, and places he wanted to see.

Christopher wanted to share experiences and adventures; he wanted someone to understand him and want the things he wanted, now he had them with Anne.

"How do you feel?" He asked her after a couple of minutes watching her.

Anne turned her head, her face lit up and eyes wide.

"I- I love it! God, finally, I can see what so many are talking about!"

Christopher chuckled. "Well, it'll get better, you'll see. The countryside is quite beautiful."

"I hope so, or else I'd have to call you a liar."

"Who said I wasn't already? And would I lie about what a wonderful place I vacationed?"


Christopher smirked. "Fair point. I would lie about that. But, I can assure you I'm not lying now. Taylor Manor is not what I lie about."

Anne rolled her eyes in a way that made Christopher's heart soar, and that often happened since he met her and her sarcastic ways.

"Taylor Manor? What a dumb name, " she said.

"I know, I just came up with it."

Again, she rolled her eyes, and again, Christopher's heart wanted to take off.

Soon enough, the carriage stopped, and the two got out. Christopher paid the driver (a bit to much since the man was surviving with a hole in his coat), and they went on their way to the tailor's shop.

"Now, don't get carried away, darling, " he said to Anne as they walked in. "We're only here for a coat."

Anne punched his arm lightly.

"I don't get carried away, Topher. I'm not that much of a lady. I am wearing trousers right now. Thank you very much."

Feeling bold, Christopher decided to push a little further.

"Which is why we need to get you in a dress as soon as possible, " he said, knowing the look Anne was going to give him.

"For your information, pirate, I quite enjoy these trousers, and I think I intend to keep them on when I meet your family, " she said, pulling her lips into a smug smile. "I think I'll also look at the men's coats while I'm at it."

"I bet you will."

"I intend to."

"Welcome, I- Christopher?" Said the clerk walking up to them. He was a short man with long white hair and round glasses on his face. He smiled at Christopher.

"Finn!" Christopher smiled back and greeted the man with a handshake. "How have ye been?"

Instead of shaking Christopher's hand, Finn held it up to his face, observing the roughness of the surface with a curious look.

"Aye, boy, ye got sailor's hands!"

"That's right."

"My God, and ye grew into one hell of a man!" Finn said, looking up at Christopher with widened eyes.

Had he changed that much? Christopher hadn't realized it since the first year of coming on board a ship, but Finn was right.

No more neatly combed hair, no more cleanly shaven face, Christopher was a man and not the boy that once had everything handed to him.

"I guess, I have!" Christopher exclaimed. "Ha, and I can say the same to ye, old friend."

Finn winked. "Like ye know it. Now tell me you're going to introduce me to this lovely lady in, oh? Trousers?"

Christopher flashed a smile at Anne, who rose a playful brow. 'What are you going to say to that?' He knew she was saying.

"Finn, this is Anne, the woman I am courting, " Christopher said, wrapping an arm around his precious Anne.

She smiled. "Hello, it's a pleasure of meeting an old friend of Topher's. "

"Topher? Why Christopher, I believe you found yourself a girl to hang on to, eh?" Finn laughed, slapping Christopher on the shoulder.

Christopher squeezed Anne closer to him. "I believe I have."

Finn smiled, looking at such a playful couple. The man in front of him was not the same boy Finn knew who would have his father after his case. This man was the one with a history of stealing and a pretty girl at his side.

A lot had changed over the years, and both Finn and Christopher knew it.

"So what can I do for you two? Or did you come to pay a visit to this old man?" Finn asked.

"You can say that, " Christopher said with a smirk. "Actually, we came here to pay a visit to my old man. So, how's the bugger doing anyway?"

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