28. The Pirate's Secret Revealed

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I got out of bed that morning and wrapped my arms around myself as I walked to the window.

There was little light outside, and I watched as the snow came down. We were going to stay inside today, that much was clear.

Freezing, I ran back to bed, but just as I climbed in, my spot was already cold. I covered the blankets to my chin in a desperate attempt to keep me warm. I waited until my body heat would warm under the covers, but it only did so much. And I was impatient.

Sighing, I got up and went to the jointing door connecting Christopher's room to mine and opened it up a little. I peeked inside.

I couldn't see Christopher's face, but I knew he was asleep on his side, hearing him snore and seeing the shape of him in the sheets. I smiled to myself and crept inside.

I walked to the other side of the bed and slid in, moving over to Christopher. Instantly, his always seemingly warm body welcomed me as I rolled myself in a ball beside him.

I closed my eyes and breathed in the wild scent of him, reminding me that this was the man I was courting, that this was the man that had the same dream as I did.

It wasn't five minutes later when Christopher rolled onto his back, and his arm accidentally bumped me, waking him up.

He made an awakening groan. "Anne?" He said, wrapping his arm around me. I snuggled closer, resting my head on his chest. He welcomed it.

"I'm cold, " I whispered, my eyes still closed. Christopher gave a soft chuckle.

"I know, your feet are freezing."

He pulled me closer. It was like standing close to a furnace with Christopher. I couldn't have been warmer in a million layers of clothing than I was in his arms.

"When did you wake up?" He asked, kissing my head. I looked up at him.

"Just now. It's snowing outside."

He smirked. "Excellent. That means we get to stay inside, " he said and pressed a hot kiss to my lips. I shifted, so I was lying on my stomach. I pushed myself up with my elbows and recaptured his lips.

I felt him smirk against me, wrapping an arm around my waist and pulling me to him. I ran my finger through his hair, making him chuckle. I pulled back.

"Why are you laughing?"

He smirked. "Can a man not be happy when he has a beautiful woman in his arms?"

I smirked. "Is this what you say to every woman that's in bed with you?"

He rose a brow. "Is it working?"

I mirrored his expression. "Weren't you sleeping a while ago?"

"Weren't you?"

"I was cold."

"Well, let me warm you up, " he said and pressed his lips to me. I didn't argue and kissed him back.

Suddenly, there was a knock on the outer door. "Breakfast is ready, " a butler said and disappeared down the corridor.

Christopher groaned, pulling back. "Would it be so bad if we missed breakfast?" He said.

I thinned my lips. "I don't want people wondering where we might be, " I said in reply, thinking about Lord Taylor's men watching. And Tristan, which was worse enough that he teased, to begin with, it all.

Christopher sighed. "You're probably right. Ailsa would come after me if I didn't show up for breakfast."

"It's settled then, " I said and gave one last peck on Christopher's lips.

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