20. Ailsa's Letter

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Oh, no, no, no. Why? After four years and two months? How could it happen?

Christopher thought the whole thing would blow over, that the past would stay in the past, but things didn't turn out like that.

No, Ailsa just had to send him that letter telling Christopher she would be there the next day. Noon exactly, she said. Ailsa would be there at noon.

Rumors. Those damn rumors. Who spread them? Christopher wanted to find out immediately, but it was no use. Word was out, and soon Christopher would face hell like there was no tomorrow.

It was not a good day for him.

"Why, what happened?" Anne asked, placing her tea down and standing up.

Christopher looked up, gripping the paper in hand. Should he tell her? He had to; he needed to. Anne needed to know.

But what if she didn't? Anne didn't have to know if no one told her.

"I have an old friend coming. I grew up with her, and she's going to be here at noon tomorrow, " Christopher said, trying to keep his face straight, free from worry.

Anne gave an understanding smile. "Are you scared I might be jealous? It's okay, you know. I had Daniel, remember?"

Christopher closed the gap between them and kissed Anne's forehead, making her smirk.

"You're a wonderful man. Did you know that? It's just...you don't seem like the pirate type. You're not bad and malicious as you try to make yourself out to be."

Christopher stroked her cheek.

"Thanks, doll. But a man has to have a reputation. Can't live without one, " he said, feeling confident.

Christopher was a clever man. He could figure out his problem, just like he did with every single one he had.

Yes, Christopher could do it; he just had to be creative. And being out on sea had taught him that.

Anne rolled her eyes, a thing he found attractive about her and cupped her cheek, pressing his lips to hers.


That night, when Anne went to bed (and he made sure she did, checking constantly), Christopher paced the room thinking of what to do about the next day.

Ailsa would come. She would meet Anne and likely say something about it - about Anne. God, why did she have to come?

Christopher's problems already laid with his father. Ailsa didn't need to add to the mix. Oh, what trouble she'll bring!

He just needed to keep things calm between them for at least a little while, at least. Alisa did say she was just going to be visiting for only three days. That's seventy-two hours.

Christopher reread the letter to himself, quietly whispering it to himself.

"Dear sweet Christopher. God, this woman, " he sighed to himself and rolled his eyes. "There has been word that you are back in the home where we met. I am so delighted! You took me by surprise when you left, and I was angry, there is no point in denying that, my love, but I understand!"

Christopher had to stop to make sure Anne was still asleep. Thank Heavens she was!

He continued. "I know why you left me, and I forgive you for it! I love you, and I know you love me! I am sending this letter to you now. I have my finest men take great care into delivering. I will arrive at noon exactly tomorrow. I know you will be waiting, my love, Ailsa."

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