29. Drama

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Christopher watched as Anne smiled. It was strange to him. It scared him. Shouldn't she feel angry, shouldn't she be crying?

It was what he had expected; now, he didn't know what to expect, especially when it came to the next time when the two of them were alone.

"Excellent, then, " Ailsa said, turning back to Christopher, and smirked. "Shall we return to our game? I do believe that I'm winning."

Christopher took a glance at Anne, finding that she returned to her book. She was quiet, quieter than she was before. He knew something was going to come later. But he didn't want Ailsa to have the glory in witnessing it now. He turned back to her.

"Yes, " he said. "I believe you are."


The rest of the day got spent either in the parlor or somewhere around the manor. Everyone went their separate ways, and Christopher tried to avoid Anne as much as possible, afraid that a scolding or the feeling of guilt might come if he talked to her.

It was nerve-racking, but it lasted until dinner, where everyone had to meet again.

Sitting down, Christopher glanced at Anne across from him. She was picking at her plate. Should he say something? Should he start a conversation?

He glanced over at Ailsa, finding her smirking like the devil as she nibbled on her food. Damn her. How dare she even show her face at dinner.

Christopher gripped his knife and fork in hand. My God, how he wished her gone.

He would ask, no; he would command her gone before she caused any more trouble. He didn't need this. She was dangerous.

But then again, so was he.

From the corner of his eye, he caught Sofia eying him. He thinned his lips, ignoring her and continued working on his dinner.

About halfway through the meal, Anne stood up, putting her napkin on the table. "Excuse me, " she said and left the table, disappearing into another room.

Christopher watched her go and then turned his head to Sofia, who was still watching him. She rose a bold brow at him, not saying anything. Sofia was daring him. She must know something was wrong, just as Christopher did.

Christopher glanced at Ailsa, who was still happily eating, savoring every piece of food she put in her mouth. She didn't sense anything wrong.

Deciding upon himself, Christopher sighed and rose from his chair, placing his napkin on the table. "Please excuse me, ladies, " he said, leaving the table.

Ailsa furrowed her brows, angry and confused, but Christopher left in search of Anne before she could even get a word out.

He looked all around, spotting her mounting the stairs. He jogged to her, calling her name. She turned her head, confused.

"Anne, wait."

She waited. Christopher climbed the steps until he was face to face with her. He sighed.

"Where are you going?"

She looked him straight in the eyes. "To my room. I'm tired."

"Does this have anything to do with me? Are you angry?

Anne sighed, placing a hand on her hip. "No, I'm not. I get it; you have a past with her. It's alright."

Christopher wasn't so sure about this answer. And he wasn't sure if he liked it.

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