Request For @MrsPretzelll

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-What they would do when one of their friends makes fun of you

Johnny- Johnny would not take any of that crap from his friends, he probably wouldn't fight them physically, but he would definately yell at them for messing with you because no one messes with his girl.

Daniel: To be honest Daniel would probably start a physical fight about it, but he most likely wouldn't be able to win because he always seems to get beat up when it comes to a girl.

Miguel: Miguel would probably wouldn't want to start anything so he would just roll his eyes, but deep down inside he wished that he could punch his friend for it.

Robby:  Most likely Robby would give the guy who made fun of you a real good punch in the jaw because he wouldn't accept that crap from no one.

Hawk: Hawk would one-hundred and ten percent beat the guy up for talking bad about you.

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