What They Would Do If You Were Sick Request By @Mirelle1002

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Johnny: Johnny would lay down and cuddle with you all day long in bed while watching movies.

Johnny slowly walks into your room quietly to see if you are awake,

"Come here..." You say in a whiny voice while lifting up the side of your blanket to let him crawl in.

"Ok baby, but first how about I find a movie?" Johnny asks you causing you to smile even though you weren't feeling good.

The rest of the day you laid in bed with him, your head resting on his chest.

Daniel: He would be too afraid to get near you because he didn't want to get sick.

"I'm leaving your food by the door." Daniel yells to you causing you to roll your eyes.

"Can't you just bring it in here?" you ask while laughing a little bit.

"Fine gimme a second." Daniel says and when comes back he is decked out in a full body hazmat suit and mask.

"Bruh I only have a cold." You tell him while looking at his ridiculous attire.

"One most always be prepared." Daniel says while raising a singular finger.

Miguel: He would be the type of person to get you anything you need.

"Do you need soup, or another blanket, or chocolate-" Miguel asks and you cut him off mid season.

"Miguel honey, I've got everything I need." you say while smiling at Miguel.

"Ok but if you do need anything just tell me." Miguel says and you nod while grabbing onto his hand.

Hawk: Hawk would be the type of person to question if you are really sick in the first place.

"Are you sure your sick?" Hawk asks looking directly into your eyes.

"Yup." You say and cough a little bit.

"You don't look sick." Hawk says examining you more.

You just raised your eyebrow at him causing him to finally say "Ok I believe you."

I know I didn't add Robby but I couldn't think of anything for him.

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