Robby/Johnny/Hawk Request By @duh_its_jem

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Your P.O.V.

One day as you were walking home from school you had a feeling as if someone was following you. Even though you had this feeling, you tried to ignore it because you thought that your mind was just playing tricks on you. But you should have listened to your gut feeling because all of a sudden you felt someones hand cover your mouth and drag you to their car. You were freaking out and you tried to punch and kick away but you were unable to do so. You desperately wished that your brother Robby was there with you because he would have been able to help you, but you had to insist to him that you were able to walk home by yourself. While you were in shock, the man shoved you into the back seat of the car. He didn't talk once and he also wore a mask that covered the majority of his face but after getting a clear look at him you were able to tell exactly who it was by looking in his eyes.

Everyone Elses P.O.V.

"Hey dad?" Robby said to his dad Johnny who was sitting on the couch watching TV. "What?" Johnny responded as he flipped through the different TV channels. "Y/n was supposed to be home like thirty minutes ago." Johnny stopped watching the TV and asked Robby "Did she text you that she was going to a friends house or something?" Robby grabbed his phone real quick and scanned his notifications to see if there was a text from you but when there wasn't he turned to his dad and said "No she didn't text or anything." "Huh that's odd," Johnny said as he tried to think where you could have been. They waited for a couple of hours hoping that you would just come home from a friends house or something but when you didn't they really started to freak out. The next day at the Cobra Kai dojo, Johnny made an announcement to the students that if they saw you or heard from you in any way to tell him immediantly. When practice ended everyone started to search for you in hopes that they would find you safe and not harmed in any way. When the day ended and nobody had found anything everyone was truly worried that you were gone especially Johnny and Robby. They were unable to sleep at night because their heads were filled with worried thoughts that they couldn't escape.

The next morning both Robby and Johnny suddenly woke up to the sound of knocking on their door. They ran to it and quickly and swung it open to find Hawk standing there with an anxious look on his face. "I think I know where Y/n is." Hawk said as he looked at your sleep deprived family. "Where?" Robby said hurriedly wanting to know this valuable information. Hawk whispered everything that he knew to Robby and Johnny and then your family said their thanks before they grabbed the keys to Johnny's car. "I'm going to kill him!" Johnny angrily said as Robby and him got into the car and sped out of the driveway.

When Johnny and Robby pulled up to the mansion both of them were about to go actually insane. Who you might ask is involved in the kidnapping? It was none other than the infamous Daniel Larusso. He apparently wanted to get Johnny back for opening Cobra Kai and causing so much drama in his and his daughters lives. Johnny knocked angrily on the door and when the door swung open Daniel was standing right there. Johnny and Robby shoved past him and started to search the house. As they were doing so Daniel kept yelling at them and asking what they were doing the whole entire time. After not being able to find you inside the house, they made their way to the pool house that was outside. They looked inside and saw you tied up on a chair in the middle of Daniel's make-shift dojo and gasped at the sight. Robby grabbed the piece of duck-tape off of your mouth as Johnny untied the ropes that were connecting you to the chair.

Your P.O.V

You were beyond excited when your family came to help you. "I'm so glad to see you guys!" you exclaim as you jump up and wrap the two guys in your arms. "Trust me we are too!" Robby said as he smiled largely at you. But before you guys had ended your reunion, Daniel walked through the door with a mad look in his eyes that was met with even more anger by your dad Johnny. "I'm going to kill you for this!" Johnny hissed at Daniel ready to fight him. "What did you think was going to happen? You can't just ruin my life and not expect me to ruin yours as well!" Daniel snarked back at him also getting ready to fight but before they were able to do so you broke them up. "Let's just go home dad ok?" you said grabbing his arm and walking back to his car that was parked in the front of Daniel's house. Robby followed close behind but as he went to walk away with the two of you he turned to Daniel and kicked him in the stomach causing him to fall on the ground. He smiled and continued to walk with the two of you. "Tomorrow I'm going to make sure that you start to practice karate at Cobra Kai because I don't feel comfortable with you being alone anymore without any defense." You nodded and said "Ok I'll look forward to it." as the two of you made your way back to your house.

I hope that you liked this even though I was having some trouble writing it! Please continue to request though, I love using your ideas!

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