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You saw your boyfriend in the hall and ran to him flustered with tears filling your eyes.

"Hawk." you said as you swallowed hard trying to fight the tears that were almost falling from your eyes.

He looked at you for a second confused because it wasn't like you to be like this.

"What's wrong baby?" he asked as you stood there looking at him with a sad yet emotionless look on your face.

"He kissed me." you said slightly choking on the words that came out of your mouth.

"Who kissed you?" Hawk said as he looked at you with anger in his eyes.

He wasn't mad at you, he was mad at the fact that someone messed with the one thing in his life that he loved more than anything else.

You responded to his question by saying "Robby."

Hawk slammed his locker shut and then grabbed your hand furiously walking through the hallway to find the punk that had kissed you without your consent.

You held on to Hawk's hand the whole entire time because you didn't want to let go of him because you were afraid that if you did you would start breaking down and crying which you didn't want to do.

All of a sudden Hawk's eyes met Robby's and he gave him one fo the most menacing death stares that you had ever seen in your life.

Hawk gently let go of your hand and said "Stay right here this will only take a second."

You stood there and watched as Hawk walked right up to Robby and yelled "Now why the hell would you do that to my girlfriend?!?"

"Because I felt like it!" Robby hissed back causing Hawk to actually lose control.

He punched Robby right square in the face causing him to fall down on his butt with a thud.

"If you ever get near Y/n again I will personally make sure that you will never be able to move again!" Hawk retorted with an expression on his face that meant business.

He turned around and walked away from the jerk that had kissed you and walked right up to you.

"I think I handled that idiot don't ya think?" you nodded still in shock from this whole situation that had just taken place.

"Thank you Eli." you said and as you did he pulled you into a hug.

Yes you just called him Eli, but he didn't care when you called him that because he knew that you would never use it to make fun of him like others did.

At this point a couple tears fell from your face but he quickly wiped them away and asked "Do you want to get some ice cream?"

You looked at him and slightly smiled while saying "Yeah that sounds really good."

He grabbed your hand again and said "Then lets ditch this place and go get some."

You smiled back at him because you couldn't help but smile when he would smirk at you.

The two of you walked out of the school and went to get the ice cream that Hawk had offered.

You couldn't help but admit that the ice cream did make you feel better not just because it tasted good, but because you knew that by Hawk offering to take you it showed you that someone cared about you.

I thought that this was kind of wholesome so I hope that you thought it was too!

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