Request By @_Nyx_Queen

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I walked down the hallway with my two bestfriends Hawk and Miguel by my side.

Ever since we all joined Cobra Kai, we had gotten very close but lately, there seems to be tension between the two whenever I am around which kind of scares me because it leads me to believe that I have done something wrong.

"So Miguel are we still going to the mall later today?" I ask trying to figure what the plans were for this chilly friday.

"Yeah for sure I'll have Johnny come and pick the three of us up from my house and then we could all get ride in his car." Miguel said answering my question.

"Ok sounds like a plan." I say as we turn to walk down the street that leads to my house so that I could change into something different for tonight.

I open the door to my house which was currently empty due to the fact that both of my parents were at work all day.

Knowing this, Hawk and Miguel burst into my house sprinting as fast as possible up the stairs that led to my bedroom.

"Guys wait up!" I jokingly yell as a series of laughs start to form as I struggle to catch up to them.

I finally got up to my room and walked straight to my closet so that I could grab some clothes to change into that would like nice.

I pulled down a tight fitted crop top off of the hangar and then reached down to grab a pair of jeans that were more loose fitting.

"Guys can you get out for two seconds while I change?" I ask turning to Hawk and Miguel that were currently sitting and laying on my bed.

"Yeah sure!" they both said at the same time causing Hawk to playfully punch Miguel in the shoulder.

When they both stepped out of the room, I quickly pulled on the shirt and the pants and brushed my hair super quickly so that I didn't make the boys wait too long.

I pushed my bedroom door open and asked the two guys "What do you think?"

The two guys looked me up and down causing me to get a wave of anxiousness flow through my body which was funny because I normally never felt anything like that in front of the guys before.

"You look beautiful." Miguel muttered as he smirked at me with his classic Miguel smile.

"You look hot." Miguel said in a softened tone that he normally didn't use.

I could not believe myself at that moment I actually was full on blushing, like cheeks completely pink in pigment.

"Well we better get going then." I say grabbing both of the guys arms playfully while dragging them out my house.

The three of us made our way down the street to Miguel's house so that Johnny could drive us to the mall.

Luckily, the walk from my house to his wasn't too far since we lived just a couple blocks away from eachother.

When we finally made it to the appartment complex, Miguel walked over to a door that was right across from his.

I knew that this was Johnny's door so I waited patiently as Miguel talked to him.

Me and Hawk moved to the side and continued to have conversation without Miguel.

When Miguel disappeared into Johnny's appartment Hawk pulled me to the side but this time the look on his face was different from that of when we have a normal conversation.

"Y/n I have to tell you something reallly important and you have to promise to not get upset." Hawk said with a look of nervousness plastered onto his face.

Karate Kid/Cobra Kai Imagines and PreferancesWhere stories live. Discover now