Robby Request By @MiaEvansxoxo

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You walk into the grocery store trying to shop for your family that was currently at work.

Being the only one home most of the time, it meant that you basically had to run the whole entire household by yourself most days.

Walking down the countless aisles in the store you scanned the items trying to find what you need.

Right as you went to grab the food item that you needed, someone ran right by you followed by a couple different workers from the store.

Before he had the chance to escape, one of the employees shoved him to the ground hard.

You watched the scene unfold in front of you and you noticed when he fell, some food fell out of his jacket.

Normally you didn't like people that stole stuff but you understood that sometimes you gotta do what you gotta do.

"Come on I don't have any money but I'm starving!" the boy yelled back at the workers who obviously were trying to take the food away for him since he couldn't pay for it.

Something told you that you should go and help him because you knew that if you were in that situation, you would want someone to help you.

"Wait a minute." you said before the workers completely walked away with the boys food.

They looked at you with a confused look on their face as to which you responded "I'll take the food."

"Ok" the workers said while shrugging and handed you the food.

The boy stood up and looked at you unable to comprehend what the heck was happening.

"Here I'll buy your food for you if you hang with me while I shop." you said while smiling at him.

To be honest when you looked at him he was one of the cutest guys that you had ever seen in your life which prompted you to want to get to know him.

"Really?" he asked as he slightly smiled.

"Yeah of course I know what you're going through." you responded as you looked at him in his beautiful green eyes.

The two of you continued to talk as you made your way around the store still collecting the different items that you needed.

Both of you hit it off immediently which made you happy because you started to think that you guys might still be friends when you left the store.

It also turned out that his family was never really home meaning that he was home alone most of the time as well.

"Well that's it I just have to check out." you said and Robby nodded at you as the two of you made your way to the self checkout area.

You rung up Robby's items first and then handed him his bag that was filled with the different food items that he needed.

After doing yours too, the two of you made your way to the exit and turned to look at eachother for the possible last time.

"Thank you so much." he said while smiling at you and looking inside his grocery bag.

"It was no problem really. Maybe I'll see you around sometimes." you said as you gently kicked the floor with you foot.

"Yeah how about to make sure that we meet eachother again, I give you my number and I could have yours."

You smiled at him and internally jumped up and down filled with excitement over what was just happening.

"That sounds like a plan." you said and the two of you swapped your phones so that you could each type in your numbers.

After passing them back to eachother the two of you said your goodbyes and walked away in seperate directions.

You had only met this guy about thirty minutes ago but you couldn't deny the fact that you were already crushing on him.

Karate Kid/Cobra Kai Imagines and PreferancesWhere stories live. Discover now