Request For @dumbassbishh

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Me and Robby walked down the street hand in hand, taking in some of the so-called "fresh" Southern California air.

We were almost to my house when Robby asked me "Did you hear that?" In a sort of hushed way. I shook my head indicating no and asked him "What did you hear babe?" In a genuine way. Robby spun his head around to look at the different surroundings that were around us and as he did so he locked eyes with some of the different members of Cobra Kai.

Robby pushed me behind him gently trying to make sure that I wouldn't get hurt since I literally don't know how to fight. "Look what we have here." Tory says looking the two of us up and down. "What do you think that you are doing walking so close to the Cobra Kai dojo?" she asked with a sinister smirk on her lips.

To be honest I was completely freaking out inside, not only did I not want to get hurt, but I also didn't want Robby to get hurt in any way either. Hawk just sat there and smirked as well as he watched Robby get upset.

Before I knew what hit me, Tory lunged at me hitting and kicking me repeatedly over and over again as Hawk held back Robby so that he could watch the beating. Robby was screaming and trying his hardest to break free from his grip, but every single time that he did scream, Hawk would hit him harder and harder.

I couldn't fight back, I knew that I should have tried but for some reason my body refused to do so no matter how much I pushed myself. Tory was absolutely and utterly kicking my ass to say the least and I knew that I was definately going to be sore tomorrow.

Eventually, Tory and Hawk stopped leaving me laying on the ground and Robby sitting on his knees in defeat. My vision was blurry but it still hurt my heart to see Robby looking so defeated.

He stood up thought the second that he saw me and he made his way to my side. "Are you okay?" I asked Robby shakely, my throat hurting when I spoke. Robby smiled at little bit at me before nodding and saying "I love you so much, you are abslutely the strongest person that I know." I could my cheeks blushing a little bit flattered by the words that were coming out of his mouth. "I love you too, but I literally didn't do anything I just laid on the ground." I said trying to laugh a bit but then being struck with a sharp pain in my chest.

"What do you mean, after literally getting beat up by someone the first thing that you did before even checking yourself out, was making sure that I was okay." Robby said looking at me with sympathetic eyes. I smiled at him before he said "We should probably get you home." as he gently picked my body up from the hard sidewalk.

"What did I do to deserve you?" I choked out looking up at the handsome guy above me. "I should be asking you the same question." Robby responded smiling at me.

When the two of us got back to my house Robby very sweetly treated the different wounds that I had aquired after our run in with the different members of Cobra Kai. He was so gentle and would make sure that nothing that he did would hurt me in any way because he didn't want to see me in any more pain than I was already in. To be honest though, I didn't really feel anything due to the fact that I was too focused on staring at Robby and the way that his eyes would gleam in the light that was coming in from the window. God I loved him more than anything and I don't know what I would do if he wasn't in my life.

Karate Kid/Cobra Kai Imagines and PreferancesWhere stories live. Discover now