How You Met

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Young Johnny Lawrence: You were walking down the street and passed a karate dojo called Cobra Kai. You were immediently interested in what was going on inside so you opened the doors and walked inside. You were amazed by the sheer strength that was being expressed as they practiced their different kicks and punches. As you were watching them practice with the other onlookers, you locked eyes with one of the most attractive people that you had ever seen. He had shiny blonde hair with eyes as blue as the ocean and carried himself with lots of confidence that made him stand out in the crowd of guys. As you were looking at him the two of you accidently locked eyes. You looked away quickly trying not to show that you were looking but as you looked up again to see if he was still looking at you he winked at you while giving you a little smirk. Your cheeks quickly turned to a reddish pink color as you smiled back at him. After the practice was over, Johnny made his way over to you and the two of you talked for a while and exchanged numbers.

Young Daniel Larusso: You were hanging out with your friends at Golf and Stuff while playing different games in the arcade section. Your friend had turned to you and told you that she saw someone looking at you from across the room. You turned around and looked in the direction that she was pointing and when you did, you were pleasantly surprised at due to the fact that the guy looking at you was actually pretty cute. The lights in the arcade caused the boys hair to be a midnight blue color and you could see the lights were being reflected in his glossy black eyes. He got up and started to walk towards and he asked you if you would like to play a game with him. Your friends nodded at you letting you go play a game with him. Once you played one game, both of you decided that you wanted to play more and more together. When the night got old you told Daniel that you hoped to see him around sometime.

Miguel Diaz: You were sitting by yourself in the middle of your high school's cafeteria when a tall guy walked up to you and asked if any of the seats were taken. You shook your head no and the two of you introduced yourselves to eachother. Before long, the two of you were talking and talking about anything and everything. Both of you were happy that you had made a friend because both of you were new to school and didn't know anyone. You exchanged your class schedules and found out that you also had a couple of classes together which you both were happy about because you knew that you would have someone to sit next to in class. After school was over you met up with eachother and exchanged phone numbers which led to you to texting non-stop for the rest of that day.

Robby Keene: You had gotten yourself a detention for being late to class too many times. The clock was ticking by slowly causing you to be extremely bored within the first couple of minutes that detention had started. The door of the classroom swung open and a pretty hot guy walked in with an angry expression on his face. He planted himself down in the desk right next to you. The two of you didn't talk for the first ten minutes that he was there but after that he looked to you and asked if you wanted to bust out of detention with him. You told him that you would absolutely break out of this hell hole with him. When the teacher stepped out of the classroom for a couple of minutes the two of you decided that it was time to go. You both got up and speedily walked out of the classroom making sure that no teachers were in sight. You ran out the doors of the school and when you got about a block away you had asked him what his name was. He responded by not only giving you his name but also giving you his number as well; telling you to call him when you had the chance. You waved to him as he ran away towards wherever he was going.

Hawk: You had walked through the doors of the new Cobra Kai dojo excited to join karate. When you walked a boy about your age stepped up to you and asked what you were doing there. You sassily responded that you were here to join the dojo and he smirked saying that he liked you already. You both started talking and Hawk wasted no time flirting with you. You were very flustered by the way he was acting because you had never had been flirted with like that by anyone. You accepted it though because you did find him hot in a badass kind of way. When the practice started he volunteered to be your partner and he would smile every time that you would beat him. When practice was over you said your goodbyes and walked out of the door with him as you said that you would see him tomorrow at practice.

Karate Kid/Cobra Kai Imagines and PreferancesWhere stories live. Discover now