Request By @duh_its_jem

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"I went to walk into class to meet up with him in class," you start as you could feel the tears start to well up in your eyes. "Uh-huh."

Tory and Aisha responded listening to every word that you said.

"And right there in front of everyone he was locking lips with Yasmine." you mutter out as you start to cry into your pillow.

"What an asshole!" Tory exclaimed as he wrapped you into a hug trying to make you feel better.

Aisha looked at you with sympathy in her eyes as she told you "Trust me if he chooses Yasmine over you, he is seriously messed up in the brain."

You laugh a little bit at that one as you lift your head up revealing the mascara that was running down your face.

"Thank you guys," you softly say as you look at both of them with a slight smile on your face.

"How about tomorrow before school me and Aisha help you get ready and give you a full blown new look!" Tory says as she softly punches your shoulder.

"Then," Aisha chimed in "You could come with us after school and join Cobra Kai."

You smiled at them and asked "You guys will really help me with all of that?"

"Of course we would!" Tory and Aisha said as the three of you sat on the floor of your bedroom.

The rest of the night you guys watched movies together to try and get your mind off of everything that had happened that day.

As the suns shone through your window signifying morning you were awakened by both of your friends saying "Come on! We have to get you all dressed up!"

You pull your blanket back over your head but your friends quickly grabbed it and ripped it off of you so that you would get up.

"Ok ok." you muttered with sleep still on your mind.

As you sat there on your bed trying to wake up, Aisha and Tory ran straight into your closet and tried to find different things that they could fix to make you look like a total badass.

When they walked out Tory held in her hand a red shirt while saying "If we crop this and then you put on those jeans that Aisha has, there is no way that you wouldn't be the baddest bitch in school."

You laughed and said "Do what you need to do." and Tory grabbed a pair of scissors to crop the shirt.

After about five minutes she tosses you the finished product and you smile while grabbing the pair of jeans that Aisha had.

You walked into your bathroom and slipped on the shirt and jeans already feeling like you were a new person.

You then curled your hair and did your makeup in a way that you normally didn't do it so that you could look different than you were before.

When you were done with that you stepped out of the bathroom and made your way to your room where Tory and Aisha were waiting for you.

As you walked through the door Aisha and Tory's jaws dropped.

"Damn." they both said in unison as they looked you up and down admiring their work.

"I think this is just what you need." Tory said as you jumped up and down in excitement.

When you finally made your way to school with both of your friends by your side you couldn't help but notice all the eyes that were fixated on you.

You tried to not acknowledge them staring at you so that it made you seem more cool.

You felt full of confidence until all of a sudden you noticed your stupid boyfriend walking down the hall towards you.

You didn't loose your confidence when you saw him, rather you felt yourself fill up with more and more anger as time went on.

He walked right up to you and tried to put an arm around your shoulder like he used to do

. "Get your arm off of me." you said trying not to start anything.

You could see a look of surprise on your boyfriends face before he said "You look so good today I'm so glad that I am dating such a pretty girl."

You rolled your eyes and ripped his arm off of you while doing so.

"I am not your girlfriend!" you fired back at him as you watched the anger grow in his eyes.

"You're not still mad about yesterday right?" he asked finally starting to understand that you wanted nothing to do with him.

"Um yeah I am mad and I already told you I'm breaking up with you." you hissed back at him now furious with the situation that was unfolding.

Your friends stood by the side watching the scene unfold because they knew that you were a strong person that could handle yourself.

"Now why would you do something as stupid as that just over one kiss?" He asked raising an eyebrow at you seething with anger.

"I shouldn't have to explain why!" you yelled back at him questioning his intelligence.

He just stared at you this time but before you could even do anything about it, he raised his hand and punched you right in the face.

You fell on to the floor in shock at what had just happened.

You had never been hit by a guy before so you didn't know what to do.

But apparently, Aisha and Tory knew what to do because the second that he hit you, they both jumped up and kicked his ass while making him look like an idiot.

You were happy that your friends had your back but you also were in a ton of pain because when you reached to touch where your boyfriend had hit you on the cheekbone, you saw crimson red blood on your hand.

"Shit" you whispered to yourself.

After he hit you in the face and your friends were done beating him up, they walked over to you and told you "Screw school, we are going straight to the dojo instead." while helping you up off the ground.

"Thank you guys for helping me." you said as you smiled at both of them.

"It was no problem, I can't believe that your stupid boyfriend had the audicity to hit you in the face."

You nodded trying not to think about what had just happened.

"If it makes you feel better, when you learn how to do karate at Cobra Kai, you will be able to personally beat his ass for laying his hands on you."

You smiled and said "Oh yeah, I can't wait for that day."

Both Aisha and Tory laughed at your comment.

When you finally made it to the dojo Aisha pushed open the door revealing the interior of it.

You thought that it looked pretty cool inside compared to how the outside looked.

After the three of you walked in the door, you could hear a voice coming from one of the offices in the back.

"Who is it?" a man asked causing Aisha and Tory to quickly respond "It's just me, Aisha, and one of our friends that wants to join Cobra Kai."

The man walked out of the office and looked at the three of you standing there.

He immediantly noticed the wound on your face and asked you "So I'm guessing you want to learn how to kick ass?"

You smiled and said "Yeah more than anything."

He smirked a little bit and said "I'll get some paper for your to fill out so you could join."

You nodded and filled out the papers when you were given the chance.

"Thanks guys for helping me with all of this." you say pulling both of your friends into a tight hug.

They both smiled at you and said "Don't worry about it, it was the least that we could do."

Let's just say this was going to be the start of a very good time of your life.

Karate Kid/Cobra Kai Imagines and PreferancesWhere stories live. Discover now