How He Would Act When You Are On Your Period Request For @Mirelle1002

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Johnny: I feel like Johnny wouldn't be the type of person to acknowledge it that much, he might occassionally ask if you are ok or need anything but generally not more than that.

Daniel: Daniel would be the type of person to go and run to the store for you to get anything that you craved or wanted no matter what time it was.

Miguel: He would totally baby you the whole day when you were struggling on your period, he would make you food constantly and bombard you with questions about how you were feeling to the point that you had to tell him nicely to cut it out.

Robby: Robby and you were always an adventurous couple so when you were on your period, so that you didn't have to walk around constantly in pain, you would go on drives together around town just taking in the fresh air.

Hawk: Surprisingly, Hawk would actually be really nice to you when you are on your period, he would set up pillow forts and play movies so that the two of you could just be lazy.

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