Request For @nouishoranson9193

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Me and Miguel were walking down the hall of our school together in order to get to our next class.

I had been feeling kind of off for most of the day but I wanted to ignore it due to the fact that I didn't want to get behind in school, or miss the oppurtunity to see my boyfriend Miguel again. "Are you okay babe?" Miguel asked looking at me with sympathetic eyes. "Yeah I think so I'm just a little dizzy." I responded holding my head a little bit. "Oh ok then, if you feel like you're going to pass out just tell me." Miguel said sweetly as he wrapped an arm around my shoulder for support.

Unfortunately, the class that we needed to go to was across the whole entire school meaning that I was about to have the journey of my life. I continuously closed my eyes, trying to steady my vision to the point that I could at least make it to class. Unable to steady my vision at all, I felt as if I was going to pass out. "Miguel I'm going down." I said causing him to set me down gently on a bench that was convienently located near the two of us.

When I passed out, even though my eyes were closed, I was able to hear everything that was going on around me. It broke my heart to hear Miguel so worried. He kept calling for help over and over again, until all of a sudden I heard someone I assumed to be a teacher come. "We have to get her to the school nurse." The teacher said and immediately I could feel Miguel pick up my body and carry me down the halls as different students whispered things about me. I wasn't really embarrassed though because I was too focused on trying to get out of the weird state that I was in.

I assumed that we made it to the nurses offices, when I was gently set down on a squishy chair thing. "Come on baby, wake up please I'm right here next you." Miguel whispered to me as he grabbed one of my hands. I listened to every word that he said trying to use that as motivation to wake up. I could feel as Miguel's lips placed a delicate kiss on my lips. In the most fairytale way, I was able to open my eyes the second that his lips touched mine. I smiled into the kiss causing Miguel to pull away with a massive smile on his face.

"Oh my gosh, you're finally awake!" Miguel said jumping up and down repeatedly. "I guess so." I said laughing at his cuteness.

Luckily when I woke up, I didn't feel too bad anymore but Miguel insisted that the two of us should go to his place and lay down for the day. I accepted and we spent the rest of the day watching different movies and joking around.

Karate Kid/Cobra Kai Imagines and PreferancesWhere stories live. Discover now