Christmas Series: Miguel

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"I'm not so sure I could do this." I say while looking at the ice skating rink that was right in front of me.

"Oh don't worry, I'll help you." Miguel says as he reaches for my hand.

I take it graciously and the two of us step onto the rink hand in hand as I try to get my balance.

God I'm going to make a fool out of myself, I kept thinking to myself as me and Miguel went aroud.

"See I told you that you would do fine." Miguel said while smiling at me cutely.

I smile at him warmly as the two of us glide swiftly.

We were having so much fun and I was doing pretty good until all of a sudden I could feel myself loosing balance.

As I was falling down a felt a pair of arms catch me bridal style.

I looked up and saw Miguel's beautiful eyes above me.

At the skating rink that we were at, there was a absolutely giant Christmas tree that I was able to see perfectly in Miguel's dark yet warm eyes.

I wish someone would have taken a picture of this moment, it would have looked so pretty with all the Christmas decoration in the background and Miguel and I standing right there in the middle of it.

Anway Miguel lifted me up to my feet and even though I have dated him for so long and we were super comfortable together the only thing that I could say was "Thank you." with a smile on my face.

"No problem." He says and he grabs my hand again skating to the other side of the rink before he asks me "Would you like to get some hot chocolate."

I smile at him and say "Yeah that sounds really nice."

We both make our way off the ice and over to a booth that was loaded to the max with a bunch of free hot chocolate that anyone could take.

Grabbing the hot chocolate both of went and sat down on a bench that was on the side of the rink.

"So what's your favorite part about Christmas?" I ask Miguel as I took a sip of hot chocolate that was way too hot.

"Well, my favorite part about Christmas is sitting around the fireplace and watching Christmas movies." Miguel said as he looked out at the people skating on the rink.

"Ooo, that's a good one." I say while intertwining my hand with his.

The both of us kind of just sat there for a second taking in the surroundings before we both turned and looked at eachother.

Miguel slightly bit his lip for a second before he quickly leaned in towards me and kissed me square on the lips.

I was shocked for a second but then kissed back as soon as I could.

"Sorry I should have asked first." Miguel said looking at the ground.

"Don't worry I liked it." I respond trying to make sure that Miguel didn't feel awkward.

We both finished our drinks and then made our way back to the skating rink again.

It was even more fun skating for the second time because I really had the hang of it this time so me and Miguel goofed around.

I knew that I was going to remember this night for the rest of my life, it was too perfect to forget.

Karate Kid/Cobra Kai Imagines and PreferancesOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora