Chapter 37

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Rosalind’s POV

We were currently trudging through the large stretch of woodland behind James who was explaining unimportant things I didn’t give a shit about. In my group was Jake (The guy who threw sweets at me on the bus.) Joe (who heard me in the shower) And of Couse Daniel. Lilly was in the other group with, Sam (Joe's best friend.) Tom (Jake's friend) and Luke (Wink wink.)
I was currently walking with Joe, Dan and Jake were behind, giving each other dirty looks for an odd reason.After about A minutes conversation with Joe, I found out he was a fellow nerd. Liking to read, watch anime and hibernate in a room in his free time! Yey. We were just discussing the latest book I had read, which was ‘Throne of glasses (A very good set of books I highly recommend.) When James told us all to stop.

I looked at my surroundings. Crap. I don’t mind heights but man, that’s high.

There, were two huge trees that had climbing things on them. Once you reached that, there looked like a type wire thing. Then finally a huge zip wire that I admitted looked really fun...

“So people gather round. This is the zip wire, let me introduce Fred.” He pointed to a man who had us come out of a small hut off to the side. “He will be helping with this activity today and is a member of staff here. Now as you can see, this activity is high, so it’s a good chance to concur your fear heights.” He looked at Joe who was actually pale.

“Joe you ok?”

“It’s too high.”

“You will be fine.” I gave him my encouraging smile, it probably scared him even more to be honest…Oh well.

“We will first give you a practice run in you harnesses in the small one, over there.” We all looked to see him pointing at one a meter or so above the ground. “After you are used to it, I will demonstrate what to do on the big one and we will take it from there.”

With that Fred came out of his little hut again with the uncomfortable harnesses. I easily got into mine because I have done this kind of thing before but everyone else struggled.
Me, being the Good Samaritan just sat back and laughed. Until James came over to assess my work, after a quick glace he huffed, satisfied, he walked away.

Once everyone was clipped into their harnesses, we walked up to the practice wire.

If it was even possible Joes face paled even further, so I grabbed his shoulder and made him look at me, like you would with a kid but I tried not to be too patronising.

“It will be ok, it’s not high, I will go first and if you really want just say no.”

“OK, thanks Rose.”

“No problem.”

“So who’s up first?” James inquired.

Not sure why but my hand shot up first and so did Jake’s. Of course James picked Jake Favouritism.

Jake climbed up the small ladder to James, who clipped him in. The ride was short unlike the other wire. One done he was then helped down by Fred.

Daniel was picked to go next. Lucky. Soon enough it was my turn, I climbed the small ladder, feeling very self-conscious, and everyone was watching me. I got clipped in and then swung myself of the ledge. The air moved passed me and a smile spread across my face. It ended too soon and Fred helped me down.

I came back to Joe being clipped into the harness, I sent him a thumbs up and he set off. After his short trip he came walking up to me and sighed.

“That was not too bad, but no way am I getting up there. He pointed to the giant zip wire, that James was not climbing to reach the top. I could see why he was scared, It was monstrous. I can’t wait!

When James was secured in at the very top platform, Fred explained to us what we were going to do.

“One at a time you will each have a go at the zip wire, you will attach your harness to the rope and the three other people on the ground will also be attached to that rope keeping it tight. I will be here to assist then after the person has completed their run, they will be helped down by me and the person who is next up. The task it’s self is not too hard, you just need to keep your wits about you at the top, If you run into any difficulties. Either myself or James will come and help you. Any questions? Nope good, so who’s first?”

And of Couse, I put my hand up again, however, this time I was the only one to do so.

“Ok, um what’s your name?”

“Rose.” I answered Fred.

Everyone turned to look at me with a shocked expression. I just shrugged it off and walked up to the rope to be helped attached, by Fred.

“Are you sure you’re ok to do this?” The deep voice belonged to Dan, surprisingly.

“Yeah? Why not?”

“I just don’t want you getting hurt…” Wow, is he felling ill?

“Haha, I’m not going to, you should know more than anyone I will be ok.”

“You’re not indestructible.”

“Nope, I’m not but that doesn’t stop me, Stop chickening out.”

“I’m no chicken Sugar lump, ii just do not think you should go first.”

“Well I am doing. I will be fine, stop panicking and just make sure everyone on the ground does their job and holds the rope tight enough. “

“I will do, don’t worry.” He smiled at me and walked over to everyone else who was clipping onto the rope to keep it tight.

Once everyone was clipped in, the two instructors gave a thumbs up and I was good to go. I looked up at the rather big height and the wire I would have to cross off at the top. Have I bitten off more than I can chew? Well there is no going back now. With that, I climbed the first hold in the tree.


Hello again readers! So new chapter, it’s a bit boring but it leads on nicely to the next chapter (hope to post it by the end of the weekend)

So as always, Thank you so much for reading, nearly at 15k so wowowowow! Please vote or comment if you enjoyed!

Bella xx

The Nerd Knows Karate?Dove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora