Chapter 19

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Rosalind's POV

I looked at the clock. 10:30pm. it was still early but I was shattered. It felt like it has been really long day today...

I finished drying my hair and stood up. I opened my wardrobe and reached down my spare bedding. I put clean sheets on my bed for Daniel and I grabbed some pillows and bedding and arranged them in a neat bed thing on the floor...

Just as I finished, Daniel strolled into my room in black jeans and a hoodie. He made his way over to my bed and sat down and looked out the window, the rain was still going and the wind was getting up.

I checked my phone weather, it said 'thunder storms likely'.


I dislike thunder. It's so, so loud! And well a little um scary?

The house was warm but my room was cold. I bet it's the icy lump in the corner. Yep.

I got up and grabbed my blanket from the end of the bed and basically turned myself into a walking cocoon. C'mon everyone has done that...

Daniel was just lounged on my bed on his phone. Probably to his girlfriend. That thought upset me. It felt like my heart was sinking to the bottom of the sea like the titanic.

I got up in my blanket and went downstairs, passing the 'merry' adults, probably as a result of too much alcohol. I walked into one of the rooms with my big comfy sofa and settled down.

It was very comfy and I was just starting to drift off.

Until I was rudely awoken by a large crash of thunder. Oh no, no, no, no! Damn it. I grabbed my ears and curled into a ball and shut my eyes until it was gone.

I don't know how long I was there, the thunder was still going on but I felt a hand be placed on my shoulder. It was Daniel. I suddenly felt very inferior and silly. I removed my hand and straightened up.

“Um, sorry."



“It’s ok to be afraid of something, especially thunder and lightning."

“Phew, I'm not afraid of such a silly thing.”

Just the huge flash of lightning saw threw the sky and soon after a roll of thunder. I ducked back under my knees and my hands instinctively wrapped around my small ears.

“Sure princess, you’re obviously not afraid.” He chuckled and continued in a softer voice.

“But you will regret it if you fall asleep like that.”

“I-if won't its ok. It will stop soon. "

“Keep telling yourself that.”

Out of nowhere if felt a pair of arms snake under my knees and another support my back he lifted me up.

“What are you do-doing?”

“Put your hands over your ears again sugar-lump. We wouldn't want the thunder to make you scared now would you? "

I felt the mockery in his voice but I did so anyway to protect myself from the horror...

A little while later I felt my self be placed on the floor next to my makeshift bed, the thunder was still loud as ever and my ears were beginning to hurt because I was clutching them so that they were protected. Daniel sat opposite and tried to pry my hands away.

“You need to let go. The thunder is not going to hurt you. "

“I know that, it's just so loud.”

Daniel huffed and gave up but he picked me up and gently wrested me on his legs. I tried to worm free but to be honest I'm pretty useless with no arms. In the end I just gave up.

Suddenly, the lighting struck the ground and my head ducked and rested on Daniel's chest for protection, I think? Away from the light. I could feel Daniel's chuckle on his chest and his arms wrap around me. It was like and awkward side hug as much as I hate to admit it. The awkward hug calmed me and took my mind of things. That's when I felt sleep hit me like a brick wall. Soon I was fast asleep still in Daniel's arms...

Daniel's POV ******

I looked down at Rosalind sleeping soundly in my arms. I must admit I would not normally have done that, she just looked so frail. I felt like I needed to be there for her, she probably would forget it in the morning and I don't intend on bringing it up again. I wanted to sleep now. I was about to let go of her and leave for my bed but I felt bad. I had just taken her bed.


Nope I'm over it. I gently place her down under make shift covers. I put her in a comfy position or I know tomorrow she will moan like nothing and I would pay for it.

I carefully got into Rosalind's clean comfy bed and fell asleep instantly...

When I woke in the morning I sat up to look at Roses bed and find it empty. There was no sign her, just freshly completed homework and a book. I slid out of the bed and to her desk.

She had already completed the project?! When? All the research was completed and the word essay. She did all the work? I wrote like a line. Well I got out of that one easy. I grabbed my phone to see 1 new message.

Guess whose back in the country?!- Luke.


Short but sweet :) will update again later this week. Like or comment please: D

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