Chapter 12

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Rosalind's P.O.V

Soon after that news about Daniel staying over this weekend, He left as pissed off as me. Let me tell you that was pissed.

I had a shower and got changed into my pyjamas. This basically consisted of an over top that was my Dads and some knickers. What? It was comfy...

I switched on my phone that I eventually managed to get back. Lilly had left me some texts.

Hey you ok? - Lilly

You still ok for tomorrow? - Lilly

Wow. You're bad at replying. - Lilly

Calllmeeeeee. - Lilly

Seriously Rosy. - Lilly

Can I call you that? - Lilly

Well I am going to. - Lilly

Rude. - Lilly

Ugh. I better call her back. So I did.

She picked up after the third ring.

“Hey girl. You need to answer your phone more...”

"Sorry Daniel had it...”

"What! Give us the gossip then!"

So I did. I told her about how he came over and saw me, I explained how he knows about everything. I told her about the fight. Which she laughed an awful lot attn. also mentioned about knowing a younger Daniel...I trusted Lucy even though I just met her, it felt like I had known her forever.

"Whoa. That is a lot to take in." Lilly said after I had finished.

“Yeah I know it sucks. I can't change it so I just have to live worth it God help me. Anyway you still ok for tomorrow?"

"Yeah! Was going to ask you the same question."

“That’s great! I can't wait. ."

"Reek! Me either. Anyway Rose- oh can I call you that?"

“Whatever floats your boat? Most people do anyway. "

“Good, as I was saying, I'm going to go to sleep now it's 10 past 11."

“Ok. Well I have a book to finish. Then I will. Night"


I got off the phone with Lilly and noticed a text from an unknown number.

Hey Mrs.Nerdy sugar lump - Unknown

How the hell did he get my number?

Daniel. - Me

Moments later he replied.

Your detective skills are superb. - Dan

No offense but Fu** off.  - Me

No can do chicken. - Dan

I can partially see the smirk on his sexy face. Wait not sexy, just no. Not sexy.  I must be tired.

Well I'm going to read now so leave me be. - Me

Bye, bye my annoying nerdy friend. - Daniel

I'm. Not. Your. Friend. - Me

Sure Rosy Posey. Dan

That was it. I turned my phone off and threw it against the wall.

Reading time! Woo!

I eventually finished my book at 3am, I would say it was worth 3 hours of sleep but then again it would be a lie. The ending was awful. Man I hate awful endings.

I drifted off to sleep thinking what an eventful Tuesday this has been. Ugh 3 more days till Saturday. Kill me.


I just want to thank you readers for sticking with me this far. It means loads when people vote or comment!

Will be updating again soon because that was a short chapter, Sorry...

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